Obama’s Commie Book of the Month Club

Here’s one of the books Obama took with him to read while hiding from all those “angry mobs:”

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

Yup, that’s right…it’s a Marxist, Tree-Hugging, Anthropogenic Glow-Bulls#@! Warming*,  piece of Commie crap!

Here are the mini “Cliff-Notes” for your edification—just so you know what Our Dark Overlord will be absorbing:

*A nod of the head to Gramfan’s wordplay.

This is the complete summary of the Book, Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L Friedman.

Yup, he is the same guy who wrote that the world is flat a few years back that highlighted how the internet and global supply chains is flattening the world. Now he is on to his next book that is highlighting Hot= Climate Change and Global Warming, Flat = Globalisation and Crowded = the growing middle class.

Part 1: Where we are

1. Where birds don’t fly

American has gotten distracted by its war on terror and has become more insulated and loss its path from global leadership. Friedman argues that green is a new national strategy to take its economic to its new heights.

2. Today’s Date 1E.C.E

The trends of Hot, Flat and crowded are converging.

1. Hot= Global Warming

2. Flat= Globalisation of marketplaces

3. Crowded= Growing competition for resources

The convergence of these 3 trends increase the magnitude of problems: energy supply and demand, petrodicatorship, climate change, energy poverty and biodiversity loss

We have to do something about these 5 problems as they determine peace, security, economic growth and human rights.

Part 2: How we got there

3. Our carbon copies

This chapter focuses on energy supply and demand.

The American lifestyle is wasteful and being emulated in developing countries. If all of them reach American standards, the demand will be so high the Earth will not be able to provide the current level of resources to all. There will be intense competition for resources which will lead to conflict.

Thus a more sustainable growth model is required. The US needs to take leadership as it is the country using most of the resources right now.

4. Fill em up with dictators

This chapter focuses on petrodicatorship which is a political development in oil producing country.

As energy demand exceeds supply, oil prices rises which then gives oil producing countries a lot of money. The influx of Oil money influences politics in countries and turns it less democratic and more anti American. It also fuels terrorism and armies.

First Law of Petro Politics: As oil prices does up, the less freedom in petrolist countries

Thus reduction of oil use is necessary.

5. Global Weirding

This chapter focuses on climate change.

Climate change is real and proven. We are not sure if they will happen even faster than previous predictions. We are not sure of the changes that might happen because we have not accurately modelled the complexity of the climate.

We need to increase national awareness of climate change.

6. The Age of Noah

This chapter focuses on biodiversity loss.

Rapid climate change and human development destroys biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity directly affects human life quality. Degrading the environment means that we have to do more that the climate used to do for us.

Later is too late and we have to stop biodiversity loss now.

7. Energy Poverty

This chapter focuses on energy poverty in developing countries.

1.6 Billion people do not have access to electricity grid. Without energy, almost all aspect of life is affected. The poorest are the ones most affected by climate change.

Without electricity, one has no access to machines and communication necessary for making a living in this flat world.

This keeps the poor poorer.

With communication and electricity, we can move to a more sustainable work life style

8. Green is the new red white and blue

We have passed the point where we cannot put off dealing with the 5 problems.

The true costs of the problems are becoming clear in a transparent flat world which demands accountability.

America must take the lead because if it does not it will lose its global competitive edge. America can because it still has innovation, research and capitalist funding that is still leading edge in the world.

Plan A (There is no Plan B)

Code Green: Friedman proposes a Code Green Plan and highlights the need for a whole new system to power the economy. Need to replace the entire input of the system (dirty fuel)

The components of the Plan are Clean Electrons, Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Clean Electrons: We need to simulate innovation to find a source of electrons that is abundant, clean, reliable and cheap.

Energy Efficiency and Resource Productivity: In the short term, we must reduce the demand because Clean Energy will not be here soon.

Ethic of Conservation: Responsibility for the earth. Changing our lifestyle to something that has less effect on the earth

What We Need: A system of government policies, regulations, research funding and tax incentives that would stimulate a system for innovating, generating gland deploying clean electrons, energy efficient and resource productivity along with an ethic of conservation

On the next summary, I will cover the remaining portions of the books.

Part 3: How We Move Forward

9. 205 Easy Ways to Save the Earth

In this chapter, Friedman lists how many parties are jumping on the green bandwagon regardless of if they are really going green. He argues that the media is positioning green as the next big thing and mis-leading people into thinking that it will be easy to achieve.

He goes on to show how it is really hard to go green. He shows examples of the rapidly increasing demand on energy, the amount of investment we need to make into alternative energy and the amount of time to start these sources of energy and how hard it will be to achieve all these three. The second example he shows is that to stop the doubling of CO2 by 2050, we would have to make several major changes to the current life style all of which are also hard to achieve.
10. The Energy Internet: When IT Meets ET

The energy internet is the convergence of information technology and energy technology. This and the next 3 chapters describe a system of clean power, energy efficiency and conservation. The current power grid is built patchwork and dumb. Major regions are not interconnected and prices are set by regulation instead of market forces. The system was setup without the total cost of ownership in mind.

A scenario is painted 20 years into the future where the grid is connected to your home appliances and dynamic energy load balancing is done based on the instantaneous price of electricity. The utilities are now incentized to help your save energy and even give you loans and rebates to make your house and your appliances more efficient.

11. The Stone Age Didn’t End Because We Ran Out Of Stones

Clean energy is going to be the next global industry. We need a clean energy input to power the grid described in the previous chapter. However we have had no exponential breakthroughs yet and Friedman says that this is because of both the barrier of innovation and more importantly that we haven’t really tried. We need to create a market of clean energy. Current energy markets are dominated by the interest of oil, coal and gas companies and we need to level the playing field so the market can adopt clean energy.

A price signal is required to make sure investors will invest in the creation of clean tech companies and their products. A stable price signal will stimulate demand and confidence and pull our R&D efforts up the learning curve.

Price signals should show the true cost of burning fossil fuels. There are several ways that it could be implemented such as Carbon Taxes or Cap-and-trade schemes. Friedman concludes it doesn’t matter as much which system is implemented but the speed of the implementation.

12. If It Isn’t Boring, It Isn’t Green

We need to nurture all the cost-effective energy efficiency because it is cheaper than generating electricity. This chapter focus on how standards and regulations can optimise and lead to efficient energy usage.

Friedman uses the case of GE’s Transportation EVO Train of how tighter environmental regulation and standards drive innovation which leads to more efficient products that command a higher market premium. He also brings examples from the auto industry and air conditioning products.

Green building design can also cut operating cost even though construction cost might be higher.

The current utility incentive system has to be redesigned. Instead of aligning profits with the consumption of energy, states should reward utilities from helping to make energy use more efficient.

Transportation has to be electrified as we can then directly control the emissions from transportation. A smart grid can use the off peak power and even out loads throughout the day by exchanging power between parked cars and the grid.

13. A Million Noahs, A Million Arks

We need to develop a system for preservation of our natural assets because the degradation of these assets directly affects the quality of life. Each preservation system will need to be different depending on the local environment. There are 6 components.

1) National government policies to set aside areas for conservation and other areas for development

2) Economic opportunities for the local community to thrive without harming the local biodiversity

3) Investors with an interest in keeping the biodiversity intact and make profits

4) Local government who is able and willing to preserve and protect the areas

5) Experts with the ability to do biodiversity assessment to assess which areas should be protected

6) Education programs for the people so it is less necessary to plunder the natural world around the

14. Out Greening Al-Qaeda (Or Buy 1 Get Four Free)

Out greening is a competitive issue (economically and military). When you adopt a competitive greening strategy, you get more than 1 advantage. Being cheapest also means greenest. We need to change the current mindset of carbon neutral to pro green. Carbon neutral means a cost to the companies. But if you get the green strategy right, you can use it as a competitive tool to outcompete your competition.

Part 4 China

15: Can Red China Become Green China

China has a pollution problem because of the waste and pollution of its industry. China cannot do take the same path of dirty industrialization as the west has done because it would mean serve health problem to its citizens.

The government has realised this and has been taking small steps to go green while still keeping the economy red hot. Executing a green plan however is not easy because of the large inertia and the lack of control over local governments. Transparency in the ground is requiring for citizens to police polluters by using media outlets and civil rights movements. This is possible with the government endorsing this movement.

China is having an emergence of a clean tech industry. Buildings play a large part in the environmental policy of China mainly because of the number of buildings erected.

The US needs to take the moral ground in leading clean energy because China will follow us as it has no choice but to follow the world standard.

Part 5 America

16. China for a Day (But Not For Two)

America has been discussing greening for too long with too little action. Decisions carry too much divergent priorities. The difference between the China and US is that it takes the US takes too long to decide but measures are implemented while China can mandate in an instant but the plan might not be correctly implemented.

Decision making is being impacted by traditional energy companies that oppose any incentive to clean energy. They use advertising to mislead voters.

Congress is also negligent is letting funding go to the wrong projects instead of science and development. Government need to be funding basic research so as to seed the breakthroughs required to solve the green problem.

There is too much red tape involved in construction of a power plant. It took 11 years to connect a wind farm 275 Miles to Los Angeles. This is too slow compared to the speed at which China is building power plants of one every 2 weeks.

17. A Democratic China or a banana republic

Change will be painfully disruptive and everyone needs to be involved in bringing attention to the issue. The benefit is not immediate but it has to be done for our children.

We need a strategy to move the general public.

The energy climate era represents a new set of dangers and opportunities. We need leaders to solve this multi generational multi faceted multi trillion dollar problem.

Explore posts in the same categories: Global Warming, Leftists, Liberals, Obama Sucks, politics

9 Comments on “Obama’s Commie Book of the Month Club”

  1. CavMom Says:

    He does not try very hard to hide his true intentions, does he?

  2. Gramfan Says:

    Wasn’t Obama reading “A Post-American World” (something like that) before he was elected?

    He was right when he said “change”. People just put their own interpretation on what it meant.

    But back to “climate change”.
    A radio anchor here explained it all rather well from an Australian perspective:

    “Imagine 1 kilometre of atmosphere that we want to rid of human carbon pollution. We’ll have a walk along it.

    The first 770 metres are Nitrogen.

    The next 210 metres are Oxygen.

    That’s 980 metres of the 1 kilometre. 20 metres to go.

    The next 10 metres are water vapour. 10 metres left.

    9 metres are argon. Just 1 more metre.

    A few gases make up the first bit of that last metre.

    The last 38 centimetres of the kilometre that’s carbon dioxide.

    A bit over one foot.

    97% of that is produced by Mother Nature. It’s natural.

    Out of our journey of one kilometre, there are just 12 millimetres left. About half an inch. Just over a centimetre.

    That’s the amount of carbon dioxide that global human activity puts into the atmosphere.

    And of those 12 millimetres Australia puts in .18 of a millimetre.

    Less than the thickness of a hair. Out of a kilometre.”

    (I emailed it to you a while ago, Doc)

    Also, we have one really sane politician here:Barnaby Joyce.

    He is trying so hard to stop our acceptance of a carbon tax. He says:

    “This is just another tax. It is a tax that is going to come to you from the power points. Every electrical appliance in your house will have a tax on it. The ironing will be taxed, the vacuuming will be taxed, watching footy on a Sunday will be taxed, turning the lights on will be taxed. Who will they be taxing, working families. Then you’ll want to go shopping and what will happen? All your food will be taxed. If you are sick of it and want go on a plane and go away for the weekend, it’s on aviation fuel, you’ll be taxed.

    Everything in this new world under Kevin Rudd is taxed. Kevin in the shopping trolley, Kevin at the ironing board, Kevin in the kitchen, Kevin on the plane in the plane, too much Kevin makes me feel very sick.(loved this part!)

    And what is he going to do this for? Because Kevin is going to change the climate. It is amazing, he is going to make that out there different. He told us so, it must be true. The reality is the ETS is not going to change the climate one iota.

    Not one thing will change in the climate because of this new tax. Metaphorically speaking, the difference Australia will make is the equivalent of a the breadth of a hair on the length of about a one kilometre bridge.”

    It is sickening, and also sickening because people believe everything they hear on the 6 o’clock news!

    In that piece he also talks about how much money the banks will make from it.I’m just sorry he is not in my electorate.


    • tgusa Says:

      If these leftists believe they can change the weather I have a challenge for them, turn some Desert into Savannah. That should be easy compared to changing the Earths weather.

      Here is a good one. Leftist media and FTC decry loss of control of the message, ask, what happens to the Horse now that the Car has arrived? The Horse was an industry unto itself. People probably thought that the Horse was too big to fail but here we are and there they are. I have no beef with the Horse but they should understand their place in modern society.

      • Gramfan Says:

        I would like to see them produce rain here. We are short of water and no dams have been built for over 20 years.

        We have water restrictions and I am sure one of the ‘green jobs” – what a joke – will be water police coming around to make sure you don’t spend more than 3 minutes in the shower.

        Everyone in my state has been set a target of 155 litres per day.

        My neighbor showers every second day: I’m not going to do that, ever.

        I will not compromise health and hygiene.

        Having said that I am pretty careful with water usage, and have been for years.
        We no longer water the garden and haven’t for ages. Sadly each year we lose a few plants 😦

    • Yes, that 1 kilometer walk really puts it all in perspective. Your Radio anchor correctly used the water vapor model of the atmosphere. Some AGW proponents ignore that water vapor percentage (~0.4 percent over the full range of the atmosphere and 1 to 4 percent at low altitudes) and prefer to go with a “dry atmosphere” composition in order to boost the ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Whenever you hear someone use parts per million, that works out to 1/1000000 = 0.000001 which would be 0.0001%. So, when AGW idiots are talking of dangerous levels of C02 at about 385 ppm, they are only talking about 0.0385% of the atmosphere, or 38.5 centimeters (~15 inches) of that 1 kilometer of atmosphere.

      Truth be told, H20 has more to do with global warming than CO2 could ever manage to do. But, I don’t see any politicians banning hydrogen power (which gives off heat and H20 as byproducts) in an effort to curb global warming.


      • Gramfan Says:

        Quite right, Doc.

        Sometimes I have told ‘greenies’ to commit suicide if they are so keen to eliminate CO2!

        They could ‘save the planet’ and save us having to deal with them.

        WUWT has an interesting piece. I just wish it would happen.

        US Chamber of commerce wants trial on global warming issue

        US Chamber of commerce wants trial on global warming issue. Reader poll inside

        • PB-in-AL Says:

          @Gramfan – “Sometimes I have told ‘greenies’ to commit suicide if they are so keen to eliminate CO2!” Indeed! That would kill 2 birds with one stone, reduce CO2 and population at the same time.

          By way of ridiculous extension, I ask folks if they’ll tax joggers at a higher rate than couch potatoes. The joggers exhale a whole lot more. I’ve just gotten stupid looks as answer.

          • Gramfan Says:

            The next response from me is to tell them to cut themselves off the power-grid and get rid of all their appliances!

            There was a story a while ago where some loony greenie had herself sterilized so she would not ever create another ‘burden’ on the planet.
            That’s a good idea also.

            It helps the gene pool,lol!

          • 1389AD Says:

            I sometimes mention putting an air pollution tax on those vegans who eat beans all the time!

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