Financing FLOTUS’s Fascist Food Flimflammery

You know, Hitler was big on reducing “gluttony” and controlling everyone else’s diet, too. — CLICK HERE for more info.

"Support the assistance program for mothers and children."



First lady’s school lunch plan will cost $4.5 billion
The question is — be honest — where will the money come from?


Government is chock-full of programs many people view as worthwhile — until the cost is added up. Then, many taxpayers decide priorities need to be set.

That is why liberals in government have become adept at concealing the cost of social programs. One example is currently in the news.

First lady Michelle Obama insists that healthier foods should be served in public school lunches. That will require a new $4.5 billion program, say the program’s proponents. The federally funded school-lunch program feeds 31 million low-income American children a year and provides many with the bulk of the calories they consume each day.

Obama’s plan is a comprehensive approach to dealing with the obesity problem. So she proposes commitments from the food industry to reduce the amount of fat, sugar and salt in the products they supply. But upping the number of fruits and vegetables on kids’ lunch trays is an expensive proposition, since these products have reportedly increased 50 percent faster than other foods over the last 20 years.

Some members of the House of Representatives have balked at the first lady’s plan, already approved by the Senate. The complaint is that some of the money for it, about $2.2 billion, is to be taken from the government’s food-stamp program.

This week, opponents of that approach signaled they may be ready to change their minds and approve the spending.

That came after President Obama promised he will help restore money taken from the food-stamp program.

Much of the controversy was for show, we suspect. Of course no one in Washington would slash $2.2 billion from the food-stamp program, particularly during times such as these. That should never have been in doubt.

But claiming the $2.2 billion would be taken from one program to pay for a new one allowed liberals to maintain at least part of the school lunch initiative was “paid for.”

That strategy, used often in Washington, is blatantly dishonest — and the liberals know it. It is one reason our national debt has topped $13.7 trillion.

We trust newly elected conservative lawmakers will demand more honesty about government spending.

What?  Have they already blown that $1.75 billion  they supposedly “saved” by canceling the F-22 Raptors?  — CLICK HERE for a quick flashback (Warning: Obamaboarding in full force).

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Economics, Education, Family, Indoctrination, Insanity, Leftists, Money, Obama Sucks, Parenting, politics

5 Comments on “Financing FLOTUS’s Fascist Food Flimflammery”

  1. tgusa Says:

    the problem is not food, the problem, such as it is, is that we have too many retards in our society today. Due to liberal politically correct multi cultural indoctrination and all the restrictions that go along with it, we are literally bursting at the seams with numbskulls. We paid billions for a union education, and all we got was a bunch of retards for it.

  2. tgusa Says:

    I was somewhere where people were watching the movie Mr. Hollands opus, which I had never seen. The movie tracks through time and it appears that the schools started to fall apart in the late 70’s accelerating in the 80’s and then going all out in the 90’s. This led to cancellations in all extra curricular programs, first. That’s what happens when libtards educate, you end up with dummies and no fun, to boot. Of course Dreyfus, being a libtard, probably fails to grasp his own message? Retarded?

  3. Big Frank Says:

    Not to correct the author of this report, however I always refer to these so-called programs as socialist rather then social programs. My main objection to these numerous programs they never stop and seem to go on for ever without any kind of evaluation or study. Many are useless wastes of money and just keep growing year after year. I’m still waiting for politicians to express the real need for thrift and austerity. Well I can at least dream.

  4. Leatherneck Says:

    It reads like you will be a Mormon, or elce! I mean BLT Nazi.

  5. tgusa Says:

    She can give them strawberries for lunch but she better have someone make sure they don’t have more than one serving!

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