Obama’s Meddling With Internet Puts It Squarely In the Hands of Muzzie Censorship Nazis

I’m betting that one of the first shots fired by this new international consortium will be aimed at Robert Spencer’s “Jihad Watch” website.  Just a hunch.

Then, if they succeed, the rest of us will be summarily lined up and shot for daring to criticize their murderous, pedophile profligate:

Internet Divided
J. E. Dyer – 01.04.2011 – Commentary Magazine

Americans paid little attention in September 2009 when the Obama administration relinquished the traditional U.S. role in supervising policy for the global Internet. The eyes glaze over, after all, at the profusion of acronyms and the allusions to obscure functions in uninteresting federal agencies. When the U.S. Department of Commerce terminated its exclusive policy relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the tech world was aflutter, but the event seemed to have no impact on the average American’s interactions with the Web.

That is going to change. ICANN is now supervised by an international body, the Government Advisory Council, in which the U.S. has no veto or even any institutionalized leadership role. We have voting representation in the body today, and some unique legacy influence, but there is no guarantee we will always have that. In the planned restructuring of ICANN’s governing board, the U.S. faces being relegated to a defined region of the globe in which we will be one of dozens of European and North American nations vying for the region’s five voting slots. Meanwhile, another newly defined “Arab States” region will bestow five voting slots on a bloc whose membership is, in effect, the Arab League.

The Arab League has already achieved policy triumphs in ICANN deliberations, as summarized in December at the Lawfare Project website. The record is unpromising: if Western governments can’t hang tough on some of the very basic concepts they have waffled on, there is reason to doubt their performance in other matters. We can have no doubts, however, about the likelihood of the Arab states arguing for censorship and illiberality in Internet policy.

Their region contains a number of the nations perennially identified by watchdog groups as the most hostile to Internet freedom, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Algeria, and Tunisia. (Reporters without Borders and the Global Integrity Report issue regular assessments.) One concern is the ongoing project of the Islamic nations to criminalize criticism of Islam, a key element of the bloc’s agenda in the Durban conference series sponsored by the UN. But blogger Daniel Greenfield also points out that domain names like JihadWatch.org and TheReligionofPeace.com could well be prohibited under Arab-state rules, along with their website content. Indeed, Israel’s national “top level domain” — .il — could be eliminated entirely by a voting bloc on the ICANN board.

I do not believe American citizens and others who prize freedom of expression will watch passively as such clamps are applied to the Internet. But in a practical sense, it may be much easier to start an alternative Internet — or a set of them — than to reclaim the U.S. leadership relinquished last year by President Obama. The technology certainly exists to do so. If domain names and Web content are indeed censored by an ICANN voting bloc, the concept of a truly alternative Internet will be increasingly obvious.

The associated national-policy issues are certainly interesting to speculate about. But of greater significance would be the suspension of the global-information idea. That idea always required unified leadership — and to some extent an arbitrary policy posture — if it was to retain any liberal characteristics. Administered instead by a council of coequal voters with conflicting concepts of information and intellectual freedom, the global-information idea cannot remain liberal.

Western flight from a censored Internet might well portend a hardening of global divisions based on incompatible views of reality. The echoes of the Cold War — and, indeed, of the 1930s — are unmistakable. I have no doubt that the citizens of the West can keep an intellectually free Internet available, nor do I doubt that the world’s peoples would prefer access to it over a censored Internet. Ultimately, any Arab-states takeover of ICANN is more likely to discourage current globalization trends than to confer on the Arab League a position of unchallenged informational power. But that unplanned consequence is a silver lining in what promises to be a dark cloud on the Internet’s horizon. There are policy battles ahead that will affect all of us.

Explore posts in the same categories: By Doctor Bulldog, censorship, Computers, Computing, Cyber Jihad, Multiculturalism, muslim Intolerance, Obama Sucks, Orwellian, politics, Programming, Religiocide, Religion

18 Comments on “Obama’s Meddling With Internet Puts It Squarely In the Hands of Muzzie Censorship Nazis”

  1. islams not for me Says:

    Yet more non suprises from the religion of hagarism. First youtube… Next the rest of the internet, media etc.

    All because they cant handle non muslim opinions on thier theocratic system.

  2. Israeli atheist Says:

    When Obama started his way as a president , israelis really hated him . I din’t of course . I always thought he’s just being a good president but i see americans realy despise him today . I don’t really see why . Is it his policy towards his people ? his (supportive) policy towards israel ? Or is it his good contacts and love for the muslim world ?

    • tgusa Says:

      Americans really despise him today That is because he despised us first, he has reiterated that point on numerous occasions and I believe him. Obama is not an American, he spent little time in America and that time was spent in Hawaii or Chicago, both are traditional strongholds of communist influence.

      The average American black knows more about America and Americans than Obama does. Its a shme that they call him the smartest black in America because I would wager there are and have been much smarter American blacks in history. Obama, if it is to be believed, his father was an African, albeit a smart African, still, as narrow minded as just about any other African black I have ever seen or heard. Africans tend to be that way, that’s why Africa is Africa and well Israel is Israel, you don’t have too many Africans there.

      • tgusa Says:

        And really, to understand the relationship of America with international communism, they delcared war on us almost from their beginning, not the other way around. It was not just the cold war, it goes back much further. People site the fact that we were on the same side in WWII, well sort of, we never really did much for the Russian commies, we were fairly content to let them and the Germans grind each other up on the Eastern Front. Russian communists probably know and understand this, there is no love lost as they say. Before the war we knew the threat, there was no problem. during the war the policy was right, there was no problem. It is in the wining and the post war where we began to screw it up, the communist/capitalist batlle going from black and white to sort of gray, there was a problem. Reagan fixed that problem, but the problem still exists.

  3. tgusa Says:

    This is like the despotic dictators bill of rights or something. When are Americans going to say, ya know, we invent or build this stuff and liberals give it away. I’m tired of it.

    You can also see parallels in what liberals have done to American and western business outside of their respective countries. Having driven all westerners out they are now coming to the west to find work. I wonder where they will go if there is no more west?

    IMO, the UN could very well be the anti Christs pal that is talked about in the Bible. I think America will continue to be plagued with crime, intolerance, misery, poverty and general all around disharmony as long as the UN remains on US territory. Just a wild guess.

  4. Leatherneck Says:

    I was banned from Jihad Watch, and Fox News. I didn’t write anything that was not in the History books. The correct History of Islam, not the PC stuff.

    The Anti-Christ will be doing stuff like this in spades, and it will not just be the truth being harmed.

    Like Ronin stated, Islam can’t handle the truth. Also, I am all for an Internet I can write freely on.

    • tgusa Says:

      Jihad watch is too nice to win and that’s why I no longer comment there either. I thought I was banned quite awhile ago but it turned out that I was just messing up my wordpress thing, but now, who cares, we have passed them by. Where we were five years ago is where they are now. We are still ahead of the whole game and the rest are playing ketchup for the rop, religion of pieces.

      • HWP Says:

        It could have been technical problems, but it also could have indicated that you made the site a tad uncomfortable, and therefore they begin to flag and watch your comments, even hold your comments for moderation or send them to comment Siberia. In my experience this was how I knew the site was poised to ban me.

        It happened at Jihad Watch and a couple of local (South Carolina) sites. You hit the comment button and just get a blank screen, with no indication that your comment was sent.

        IT-savvy folks must be making a fortune in this environment. They sell your blog a package that allows them to set up their own little Nazi empire.

        I’m wondering if Weasel Zippers will become similarly PC now that they have their new blog platform. That would be a shame as they have totally become a good site for conservative news. But — alas, yesterday some of my comments were held for moderation.

        • tgusa Says:

          Maybe. I comment at the Big sites, Big Hollywood etc but I don’t really change the things I say or alter my online comment behavior in any way and they never censor me. I make them a tad uncomfortable, well, that goes double for me in the other direction. I’m still not interested in joining a diplomatic mission to nowhere regarding muslims, teeny tiny minorities, moderates, etc. Whats a moderate, IMO, from what I have heard, its a muslim who hasn’t yet started killing people through what is currently described as terrorism.

          I was arguing with a muslim about the similarities between WWII Imperial Japanese and them. After that war we basically had to outlaw Shintoism, moderates and all. One thing that has been forgotten, the last WWII Japanese to surrender, 1974, freaking 1974. This guy was surrenderin when the Vietnam war was just endin. Its possible that there are fewer than ten Americans alive today that know that fact.

          • HWP Says:

            What got me banned at Jihad Watch was my not joining the “diplomatic mission” of HomoNation, USA. Don’t know if you’re “that way” but there has GOT to be an explanation as to why the Homosexual Agenda is being pushed so hard in this country.

            My thinking is that it is only to ultimately aid the Islamists, (including Obama and his merry band of Sharia treasonists).

            They will let it go so far, then bring the whole mess to a screeching halt, reverse course and implement Sharia law to stop the madness.

            Homosexual behavior has become lucrative of late — have you noticed? Need job security? Catch it! But it is just not this prevalent in a normal world. Of course, we are not living in a normal world.

            I gotta hand it to the Muslims though, on that one issue — they don’t veer from the straight and narrow. Let them be flamers, I say, but don’t parade it in front of our children as if it were normal.

            It’s almost like homosexuality has become a religion again, like it was for Hitler and his homonazis.

            A great read:


            When this book first came out, the authors were doing seminars around the country (mostly at Protestant churches), homosexual terrorists pitched violent fits that we never heard about in the media.

            Anyway — thanks Dr. Bulldog and Ronin for letting me speak!

            Ruff ruff!

          • tgusa Says:

            LOL. That’s one thing I’ve never been suspected of. I’m not the sort of guy that needs to go around saying, hi, my name is so and so and oh by the way I like girls!

            I look at things this way, private is private, until the person/persons makes it public. I’m starting to think that they have dragged this stuff into the public so perhaps we need to kick it around a bit. But really, they need to get on the same page, or would they have me believe that smoking is any more dangerous than mano a mano anal sex?

    • HWP Says:

      Jihad Watch has become a micro-managed, politically-correct whine-fest, IMO. I too was banned. Even if for good reason (attacking the new pseudonymed narcissist running amuck, Roland Shirk) — once banned there is plenty for a site that is now a mockery of true freedom.

      The Jihad Watch editor (nazi) worries about whether the term ‘raghead’ will offend CAIR (who cares?!), whether the homofacists/misogynists that have infested the site will be put off by traditional Judeo-Christian stands on homosexuality and abortion, whether the atheists will be made uncomfortable by our faith entirely, whether we should actually be allowed to have a dissenting opinion at all.

      The site has lost sight of its mission, opting to remarket itself as an online soap opera of competing egos and unknown agendas.

      Good riddance to the whole lot of them!

  5. Israeli atheist Says:

    Sometimes I really don’t know who Obama’s more loyal to , his christian religion and his people (who are mainly christians) , or his Islamic roots and the muslim world he tries so hard to please . obama wants christians and muslims in America to live in peace , but it seems to me that he fails to do so , according to the last 9\11 events . Americans try to be an open society , in which every foreigner can fit in , as long as he accepts the american way , and is loyal to the country he lives in . It seems like the muslims have angered even the most tolerant people of all …

  6. Israeli atheist Says:

    I am not saying muslims are bad , ’cause they really aren’t . I don’t believe Islam is a religion of war , and there’s no need to burn the Koraan , since it’s a holy book and should be repected . All I’m saying is , muslims should be a little more respectful , when living in a different country . They have to be more open minded and fit in in America or wherever they live . They must respect and be loyal to the country they live in . Still , no need to hate them .

    • Israeli atheist Says:

      From what I see in America , but also in Europe . Jews are viewed way better than muslims . In America for example , only 12% dislikes jews , but at least 52 % dislikes muslims . Same thing goes on in other countries around the world . What is it that makes jews better than muslims ?

    • PB-in-AL Says:

      Couple of things, first, if you’re an atheist, as your handle claims, the koran is just a book, not holy. Burn it, don’t burn it; shouldn’t matter to you. I notice you don’t make a similar claim to burning the Christian Bible, as has been done often in the middle east.

      Second, while I agree that muslims should appreciate that they came to the US, thus subjecting themselves to our culture, and, thereby, should be more tolerant of it, I take issue with your statement: “What is it that makes jews better than muslims ?” The short answer is that Jews don’t generally blow stuff up or kill people who “offend” their religious personages. muslims do both on a regular and repeated basis. They couldn’t even get more than 30 minutes into the new year before they started blowing stuff and people up.

      That’s why the tolerance for islam is a bit lacking around here.

  7. islams not for me Says:

    Israeli atheist…

    “I don’t believe Islam is a religion of war , and there’s no need to burn the Koraan , since it’s a holy book and should be repected .”

    As I have tried to inform you. islam is a theocratic system not a ‘religion’. I have tried to show you that islam as a Theocratic systems have destroyed or enslaved all religions and non muslims in multiple countries. Since you claim to be Israeli you should recognize that Theocratic systems always screw up the unbeliever.

    IF you were a atheist you should know that any ‘religious’ book doesnt need to be respected except by those that BELIEVE in that book.

    Since I am a Christian I know many (Not all) atheists donot respect the Christian Bible. This includes muslims, mormons, jehovahs witnesses and more donot respect my Bible.

    Does this make me a violent psycho? Of course not. What I do is buy thier religious books and compair them to what I perceive is the truth. Frankly I found out that each organization donot believe as I do and I am informed for the better.

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