Islamaphobic Muslim Convicted of Arson

I would rather have seen him convicted of an anti Muslim hate crime but this still gets him off the street. I would like to know if any of his illgotten gains went to support terrorists, I would be surprised if that were not the case.

2/23/2007 11:06 AM AP/Ummah News Links.
SEATTLE – A Pakistani immigrant accused of burning down his grocery store in Everett and trying to make it look like a hate crime has been convicted of arson.

Mizra Akram, 40, could face as much as five years in prison for the crime. U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman convicted him Wednesday.

Akram owned Continental Spices, a Pakistani and Middle Eastern grocery. Prosecutors said he recruited an acquaintance, Naveed Khan, to help set the July 2004 fire after the store’s finances worsened.

The government alleged that the two tried to remove attention from themselves by spray-painting anti-Muslim graffiti around the store. Khan previously pleaded guilty to arson and testified against Akram.

During the investigation, police also discovered that Akram had used Continental Spices to commit more than $30,000 of food stamp fraud. Akram was already sentenced to 18 months after being convicted on that charge last summer.

“We are particularly pleased with the verdict in this case,” said U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sullivan. “By faking a hate crime, Akram falsely instilled fear in members of his community that they, too, might be subject to similar crimes. No one should have to live with that type of fear.”
Akram is a legal U.S. resident but could be deported following his prison term, federal officials said.

Explore posts in the same categories: Muslims in The USA, Radical Islam

4 Comments on “Islamaphobic Muslim Convicted of Arson”


    That’s some funny crap. I can’t wait to see one of the crazies try to behead himself in order to manufacture a hate crime. I really can see it happening too.

  2. ImNoDhimmi Says:

    There’s an interesting post on Dhimmi Watch about Coptic Christians in Egypt who were attacked by muslims.

    “Police asked them to sign statements that they had attempted to set their own homes on fire to claim that they were being attacked by Muslims and to demand police protection,” one source told Compass.

    Wonder where Akram got the idea ?

  3. Ronin Says:

    I ran that story a few days ago. As you know I was a regular poster at JW/DW before I started helping Dr B over here. I consider Dr Spencer a real expert. Doc and I just have a different idea of how to fight this threat and bring awareness to it. I still stop by Jihadwatch when I get a chance but that is getting to be very rare. We are trying to reach a different audience. That is why we have more graphics and the occasional smart comment (mostly mine). As the blogospire increases the Muslim propaganda machine will find it even harder to fight back.

  4. kaafir Says:

    I used to live on west casino & evergreen way… My family & I would drive past the center his shop was located in.

    The old nieghborhood had alot of migrants from; Mexico, Europe, Asia etc..

    Im just glad it wasnt a ‘racist’ arson.

    In fact its actually humorus to think that he tried so hard to play the vic… when he was actually the perp….

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