USA trades Kosovo for votes. Khalilzad takes up new U.N. post.

Dr. Zalmay KhalilzadIs this him the real live “moderate Muslim”? Or more likely a Sunni Muslim wedge in the heart of the UN. Iran must really love this one. Khalilzad has already stated he will help with Iraq, Kosovo and other areas troubled by that pesky ol Islam.

For political reasons he is a good choice, PC Dems pushing for the independent and Muslim state of Kosovo can’t justify non support and it shows the world our beloved President honors his Sunni friends in Saudi Arabia.

For practical reasons this is a bad idea. It will help push radical Islam, they will see this as a form of surrender. This will encourage Sunni radicals worldwide and be seen as a US to Saudi Arabia bribe. The USA will be seen as having picked Sunni Islam over all others and pushing the Shia further away.  It is a nice bribe too. We have traded Kosovo for help in the UN against Iran.

Once we took a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind. This is more of a downhill all out sprint toward global war. Muslim propagandists will use this to prove Allah works in mysterious ways.  No good will come of this.

By Patrick Worsnip | April 23, 2007

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Zalmay Khalilzad, will seek greater U.N. involvement in Iraq and put a priority on addressing other Middle East flash points as well as Sudan and Kosovo, his spokesman said on Monday.
Khalilzad, formerly U.S. ambassador to Iraq, took up his post on Monday in succession to John Bolton, who left last December. Bolton had failed to win Senate approval for his nomination after serving a 16-month tenure in which he aggressively pursued U.S. interests but clashed with fellow ambassadors on his tactics.
Khalilzad will travel immediately, joining a U.N. mission that departs New York late on Tuesday for Serbia’s independence-seeking province of Kosovo. His participation was encouraged by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, U.S. officials said.
“Ambassador Khalilzad was saying today that his priorities … for the first couple of months are obviously Iran, Lebanon, Sudan and U.N. reform,” spokesman Richard Grenell said.
“I think obviously Kosovo is another priority, which is why he’s going on the trip,” Grenell said. “Obviously I should say the number one priority for all of the U.S. is Iraq, and him being one of the experts on Iraq … A very big priority for him is to get the United Nations more involved.”
U.N. activity in Iraq has been limited since the world body’s office in Baghdad was blown up in August 2003, killing 22 people including mission chief Sergio Vieira de Mello.
Iran has been the subject of two U.N. Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment as part of its nuclear program. The deadline for Tehran to comply with the latest demands expires in late May.
In Lebanon, the U.N. is trying to set up a tribunal to try suspects in the killing of former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri but has had trouble getting formal Lebanese approval because of opposition from pro-Syrian politicians. Syria has denied allegations that it was involved in the killing.
The United Nations has drawn up a plan that comes close to granting full independence to majority-ethnic Albanian Kosovo, but has run into fierce opposition from Serbia, which is backed by Russia.
And in Sudan, the world body is trying to convince Khartoum to accept a peacekeeping force of more than 20,000 to protect civilians in a four-year conflict in Darfur.
Most U.N. diplomats declined comment on the appointment of Khalilzad, a 56-year-old Sunni Muslim born in Afghanistan. But South Africa’s outspoken ambassador, Dumisani Kumalo, told reporters with a laugh: “He can’t be worse than Bolton was.”
Bolton appeared frequently with developing nations, in part
by trying to hold up the U.N. budget until certain reforms were enacted.
Britain’s U.N. Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry, this month’s Security Council president, who sometimes had rocky relations with Bolton, said he was looking forward to Khalilzad’s term.
“I make it a rule not to comment on any of my colleagues but I am looking forward to working with him,” he said.
Since Bolton’s departure, the U.S. embassy has been headed by its deputy chief of mission, Ambassador Alejandro Wolff, a career foreign service officer. The United States has veto power on the 15-nation Security Council

Explore posts in the same categories: dhimmitude, Insanity, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Stupidity, United Nations

One Comment on “USA trades Kosovo for votes. Khalilzad takes up new U.N. post.”


    Great, another nation (Kosovo) ready to join the ummah. When it happens, it will be yet another king sized headache to deal with.

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