Al-Qaida video: ‘Shi’ites betraying, helping US’

Sounds like Muslim paranoia is stronger then the cult and brotherly love. We will save you from having to watch the propaganda. What is important is they feel the need to justify their high combat loses with claims the Americans have help-Islamic help. In reality Sunni and Shia Muslims are helping the US forces in an attempt to take back the streets from murdering thugs using Islam as an excuse to attack the innocent. Stick that in your hookah al Qaida.


Apr. 28, 2007 (AP)
A purported al-Qaida commander has accused Shi’ite Muslims of fighting alongside American forces in Iraq and claimed that mujahedeen would crush foreign troops in Afghanistan.
A video issued Friday by al-Qaida’s media wing, al-Sahab, shows an interview with a bearded man with a white turban identified as Abu Laith al-Libi and describes him as an al-Qaida leader in Khorasan, or Afghanistan.
Pakistani counterterrorism officials say al-Libi is Libyan and has served as an al-Qaida spokesman and commander in eastern Afghanistan but have no information on his current whereabouts, which are not disclosed in the 45-minute video.

Update:  More info HERE

Explore posts in the same categories: Al-Qaeda, Iran, Iraq, Radical Islam

3 Comments on “Al-Qaida video: ‘Shi’ites betraying, helping US’”


    More reason to step aside and let the crazies kill each other. Let them provide amusement for us infidels.

  2. Blackdog Says:

    Yeah I have a hard time seeing the downside of letting them downward spiral into a massive blood feud.

    But – doesn’t this guy look like Chris North (Law and Order C.I, Men In Black (alien))

  3. Blackdog Says:

    And that name, al-Libi …
    You think he knows Scooter?

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