Ahmadinejad Requests to Visit Ground Zero

Yup, this is sure to be a political Holocaust for the Bush administration if Ahmadinejad is allowed to visit Ground Zero. Does the hypocrisy ever sink in to the bureaucrats? You know, stuff like; the Iranian government sponsoring the killing of our men and women in Iraq, inciting chants of, “death to America,” aiding and abetting those who made 9/11 possible, and the list goes on and on, but I digress… At least Senator Thompson agrees with me…

UPDATE:  NYPD has denied Ahmadinejad entry into Ground Zero.


U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero
Talks Underway After Iranian Requests a Visit
Staff Reporter of the NYSun
September 19, 2007

In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.

The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, who will jointly oversee security during the president’s two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against Iran for its uranium enrichment program.

Mr. Kelly said the NYPD and Secret Service were in discussions with the Iranian mission about the logistics for the possible visit, and whether it will take place at all. He said Mr. Ahmadinejad would not be allowed to descend into the pit for safety reasons related to ongoing construction there.

“There has been some interest expressed in his visiting the area,” Mr. Kelly said. “It’s something that we are prepared to handle if in fact it does happen.”

Mr. Kelly said that Mr. Ahmadinejad had not indicated why he wants to visit the site of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

A spokeswoman for the Senator Thomspon quickly condemned the proposed visit.

“It is an insult to the memories of those who died on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists, and those who have fought terrorism for years, to allow the president of the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism to step foot at ground zero,” the spokeswoman, Karen Hanretty, said. “Iran is responsible for supplying weapons and supporting extremist who are killing US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to this very day.”

A major American Jewish leader, Malcolm Hoenlein, said a visit by Mr. Ahmadinejad “would violate the sanctity of the sacred place and the memory of those who perished there.”

Mr. Hoenlein, the vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, is a leading figure in organizing a protest against the Iranian leader Monday in front of the U.N.

He told The New York Sun that the Iranian president should be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the U.N. and should not be permitted to travel the full extent of the 25-mile radius that is normally allowed for foreign dignitaries attending meetings at the world body.

Iran has been called the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism” by the U.S. State Department.

Explore posts in the same categories: Insanity, Iran, politics, Stupidity, United Nations, United States

9 Comments on “Ahmadinejad Requests to Visit Ground Zero”

  1. BuckeyeTom Says:

    I have a feeling that Mahmoud doesn’t have to plan to visit Ground Zero. It may soon visit him.

  2. cavmom Says:

    Offer him an escort to Ground Zero. I can think of no place better to bury him.

    Sorry, I am a tad bit snarky today.

    Doc ~ How is Princess C?

  3. Leatherneck Says:

    Iran- IED’s that kill Americans in Iraq, supports, and trains terror groups to fight American forces, and is in a proxy war with the United States.

    It is not just Bloomberg that is a Gobalist pussie, it is the State Department for allowing him into this country.

    Put me in charge.

  4. Leatherneck Says:

    I just shot off an e-mail to Bloomberg.


    All the more reason the UN needs to be moved out. The fact that the government would even consider allowing this pig to visit that site is an absolute disgrace.

  6. Cavmom,

    She’s doing great. Thank you for asking.


  7. velvethammer Says:

    Monkey man should not even be allowed to slither onto American soil.

    Screw the UN and to h*ll with Ahmadinejad!

  8. senor doeboy Says:

    The UN claims it needs a new building… Bagdad sounds like an excellent place for it.

  9. velvethammer Says:

    To bad, so sad. Bagdad is to good for them. lol I say kick them out on the street and let them fend for themselves.

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