Cross-dressing Muslim in BURKHA robs jewelry store.


No doubt, this is daily wear of the cross-dresser and his band of “merry men” but it is also apparently work attire. By CHARLOTTE GILL, 21 March, 2008, The Daily Mail

There was something not quite right about the figure in a burka buzzing for entry at the jeweller’s door.
Her towering 6ft 6in height, for one thing.

The fact that she was pushing a pram, however, persuaded staff to release the lock and let her in.

At that point, four men armed with hammers burst into the shop and smashed open the glass display cabinets.

They shovelled £200,000 of 24-carat gold jewellery into bags before fleeing with their (male) accomplice in two getaway cars.
-You just can’t make up stuff like this.

Owner Raj Kumar offered a £5,000 reward to catch the gang who raided Friends Jewellers in Smethwick, West Midlands.

He said it was his mother who first spotted the tall figure in the burka just after 1pm on Wednesday. “We have buzzer entry and he was trying to get my mum to let him in.

“She thought he looked too tall to be a woman but he had this pushchair with him.

“When she opened the door these men ran in from behind and used hammers to smash through the next door. It took them about five goes to get through the glass.”

The raiders, all believed to be Asian, attacked Mr Kumar, his brother Ash and their two security guards with pepper spray before raiding the cabinets.
-Asian is code for “MUSLIM”

“They got us all in the face,” added Mr Kumar. “One of them threw a claw hammer at me and they hit my brother’s arm – he’s got a big cut down it.

“We think this gang have raided other jewellery shops so we tried to prepare for something like this, but when it happened we just froze. We thought they had guns.”

Keith Davies, a member of the local police authority, said: “This calls up a lot of questions about how we deal with crime. I would hate to think there could be challenges on women walking round the streets in burkas.”
-Strip search them; just remember the flea spray.

The men made off on foot to a nearby street where there were two cars waiting. The offenders are all believed to be Asian.

Councillor Keith Davies expressed concern about robbers impersonating women in burkhas.

Mr Davies, who is also a member of the police authority, said: “I am a member of the police authority and I will be asking if this kind if think has happened before.

“It’s the first time I have heard of anything like this.

“It calls up a lot of questions about how we deal with crime. I would hate to think there could be challenges on women walking round the streets in burkhas. It is really unusual.”

Councillor Mohammed Rouf added: “I am really shocked. It seems they are trying to come up with new ideas to rob people.

“This is bad for the community and I am shocked that they would go this far just to steal.”
West Midlands Police are appealing for witnesses.

A force spokesman said: “Five men, with their faces covered, entered the store.

“Once inside, the men, armed with hammers, smashed display cabinets and sprayed four members of staff with an unknown substance.

“The men made off on foot with a quantity of jewellery across the road to waiting vehicles

“The waiting cars are believed to be an Audi A4 or RS 4 model and a silver mini with a black roof.

“The offenders are all believed to be Asian, dressed in dark clothing with their faces covered.

“One offender was thought to be wearing a full-length burkha garment. He entered the store with an empty pushchair and was described as ‘pretending’ to be female.
-I bet the other four men treat him like a woman when they get home.

“There were six members of staff in the store at the time of the incident. The four members who were sprayed with the substance suffered a small amount of redness to skin.”

Explore posts in the same categories: British Muslims, criminal activity, Great Britain

2 Comments on “Cross-dressing Muslim in BURKHA robs jewelry store.”

  1. Blackdog Says:

    Now we know why it covers so much body! So they can all be a bunch of cross-dressing goobers.

  2. Warner Says:

    How the above holdup would be justified in the minds of the perpetrators.

    Muslims are at war with the infidels.
    A state of war condones, nay makes obligatory, the siezure of booty (anfal) from the ‘enemy’
    Welfare payments are seen by Muslims as their rightful due as a form of jizya tax.

    Fjordman writes in the Brussels Journal of their attitude in Malmo, Sweden.

    “When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes.” ….This argument was repeated several times….
    “Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.”

    The boys explain, laughingly, that “there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you’re robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you’ve succeeded, it simply feels good.” “It’s so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.

    ” “We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.” The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: “The Swedes don’t do anything, they just give us the stuff. They’re so wimpy.”

    The young robbers do not plan their crimes: “No, we just see some Swedes that look rich or have nice mobile phones and then we rob them.”

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