Muslims urged to step up political action in U.S.

Now we all know islam directs muslim to be part of the ummah and not recognize nation states so by their own admission CAIR is suggesting U.S. muslims are apostates. What CAIR really wants is obvious-political clout. Although some institutions are kissing up to islam most politicians do not want to be seen as “friendly” to them at least in public.

Well keep selling it cuz we ain’t buying.

By T.J. GREANEY of the Tribune’s staff, March 22, 2008
The Council on American-Islamic Relations wants people to know that Muslims in the United States are deeply patriotic. A large majority of them hoist the American flag outside their homes and businesses, celebrate the Fourth of July and vote.
-You can see those “patriotic muslims” on you tube burning the American flag and cliaming they will rule over us. Reality is muslims are such a small percentage of the U.S. population that our homeless carry more political clout than they do.

“They are decidedly American in their outlook, values and attitude,” said Parvez Ahmed, chairman of the board of CAIR, an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
-Typical muslim bullshit, pious practicing muslims hate us, hate our freedoms and beleave the bullshit spouted by mohammed to be true. While there are non-practicing muslims in the USA they are a very small portion of the minion population. There are many times more ex-muslims in the USA than practicing muslims.

But they’re also worried about racial profiling and a growing anti-Islamic backlash to worldwide terrorism that they believe puts them on the receiving end of suspicious looks and hate crimes. Fifty-eight percent of U.S. Muslims reported being discriminated against or profiled in 2006, according to a CAIR study, a figure the group said has sharply risen in recent years.
-Until someone declares psychotic killers a “race” islam is still just a cult. There is no law against discriminating against cults.

Ahmed spoke to about 50 people Thursday at Tate Hall at the University of Missouri in an event urging the traditionally nonpolitical American Muslim community to tackle problems through political action.

“An organized minority is actually a political majority,” Ahmed said, paraphrasing civil rights leader Jesse Jackson.
-Jesse is hardly a “leader”.

“Organization means the ability to do something and create programs, create a vision. … And remember the famous quote from the Prophet Muhammad that the highest form of jihad” – meaning a struggle to reflect God’s will – “is what? Speaking truth to a tyrant ruler. What is speaking truth? Well, write a petition to your congressman asking him to take a position that is fair.”
-no one really cares about mohammed quotes especially ones taken out of context and CAIR is anything but a civil rights organization. The easiest way to tell if a CAIR spokesman is lying is to watch his mouth move.

Along with being political, the event was unabashedly religious. It began as one audience member sang a portion of the Quran, which was translated by another student. The meeting concluded with remarks by Ahmed Habib of the Islamic Center of Central Missouri, followed by an invitation for men in the gathering to participate in group prayer.

Ahmed sprinkled his speech with comparisons between teachings in the Quran, the life of Muhammad and the principles of democracy. He suggested that Sharia law, traditional Islamic code, is similar to the “principles at the core of the American experiment.”
-Except for sharia being oppressive, intolerant, and dangerous to non-believers it is just like core American values (not). The code muslims call “sharia” has allowed the minions to murder hundreds of millions over an almost 1400 year rampage. There is no “code” sharia is a how to manual of death, imprisonment and outrageous persecution.

He urged the crowd to accentuate commonalities. “If you look at the list of issues that are the top concerns for American Muslims, many of them are also the top concerns for the general American population,” he said. “Look for those allies, look for those opportunities. Do not stay isolated.”
-Issues like-jihad, pedophilia, honor killing-anti Semitism?

Students at the event praised CAIR’s role as an advocate for the nation’s Muslims.
-We busted this myth along time ago without foreign support CAIR would fold, very few US muslims are members.

“They bring light to some of these issues that are affecting justice in America,” said MU student and Mexico, Mo., native Omar Waheed, 23. “They’re bringing light, looking toward solutions not only toward a better mutual understanding, but asking what steps can we take to prevent future hate crimes.”
-The quick way to slow “hate crimes” is to close the mosques. Without imams and mullahs preaching hate most muslims would probably calm down.

CAIR recorded 2,467 instances of religious discrimination in 2006, up by about 1,000 from two years earlier, and also recorded 167 instances of anti-Islamic hate crimes in 2006.
-If I checked those numbers against US statistics from the law enforcement community it would paint an entirely different picture. The biggest difference being the law enforcement numbers would be true.

Hend Elburi, 21, an MU student who wears a hijab, or traditional headscarf, said she is grateful for having experienced more positive than negative reactions to her dress.
-Which by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with the subject. She could dress is a garment of pigskin and that reaction would also have nothing to do with the subject of this article. That entire line was a distraction building into the typical muslims are victim ploy. Watch for it.

“For every one or two dirty looks or obnoxious comments, there’s a handful of people who are so nice, so kind and so understanding, and they want to learn more about Islam,” she said.
-Wham-muslims are victims, Americans are intolerant. How did I know they would work that in?

The last statement is partially true-Americans do want to learn more about islam and our readership numbers show they are doing just that. That will create major problems for the minions, islam can be whitewashed, painted over and hidden but it can not survive scrutiny.

Explore posts in the same categories: CAIR, Indoctrination, Muslim whining, Muslims in The USA

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