Founder of Anti-Kremlin Website Shot in Head by Police

It’s worth noting that the media in Russia is saying he died of “accidental” injuries to the head…  Yeah, right…

Anti-Kremlin website founder dies in police ‘incident’

A vocal critic of the Kremlin’s policies in the Caucasus was fatally shot on Sunday while in police custody.

By Our Foreign Staff

Magomed Yevloyev, owner of the site, was a prominent opponent of the volatile region of Ingushetia’s president, Murat Zyazikov.

Mr Yevloyev was shot in the head after police met him at Ingushetia’s airport and put him in a car to take him for questioning, said his deputy, Ruslan Khautiyev.

Police met Mr Yevloyev at the steps of the aircraft after he flew in to Ingushetia’s airport, put him in a Volga saloon car and drove him away, said a lawyer for the website, which survived repeated official attempts to close it down.

“As they drove he was shot in the temple… They threw him out of the car near the hospital,” lawyer Kaloi Akhilgov told reporters.

“He was discovered there and they quickly put him on the operating table, which is where he died.” Mr Akhilgov added.

Mr Akhilgov said Mr Yevloyev, who was in his thirties, flew from Moscow to Nazran on the same flight as the Kremlin-backed local leader Murat Zyazikov.

A spokesman for Zyazikov could not be reached for comment.

A police spokesman said Yevloyev was detained and died in an “incident” while being taken for interrogation.

Mr Yevloyev is the most prominent anti-Kremlin journalist to be killed since Anna Politkovskaya was shot dead in the lift of her apartment block in October 2006.

Paris-based media-rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said they were “profoundly shocked,” at the news of Mr Yevloyev’s death.

“It is essential that the international community, and especially the European Union, demands an explanation for what really happened,” it said in a statement.

A Moscow-based spokeswoman for Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that Mr Yevloyev’s death, “in such suspicious circumstances, can only raise questions.”

Russia is considered to be one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists.

Asides Politkovskya and Yevloyev, high-profile journalists such as Paul Klebnikov, Ivan Safranov and Yuri Shchekochikhin have all died in mysterious circumstances since 2003.

No-one has been prosecuted for any of the deaths.

Explore posts in the same categories: Cold War II, politics, Russian Connection

6 Comments on “Founder of Anti-Kremlin Website Shot in Head by Police”

  1. Ronin Says:

    It is so nice to have the soviets back. They are as evil as the muslims but occasionally show some class.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    A majority of their women are beautiful too. Don’t forget that.

    Agent 69, calling agent 69. I will tell you anything. Are you wearing something red?


  3. Ronin Says:

    Lol, Leatherneck had a flashback and thought he was on a true confessions blog.

  4. yonason Says:


    If you listen, then close to the end (around 14 minutes, I think) is the kicker. The USA has agreed to take about 10,000 Turks for humanitarian reasons. And why isn’t Turkey giving her own nationals assylum instead of foisting them on us? Bad Russia, Stoopid America!

  5. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    Hmm, I may have to move to Russia if they ever decide to tackle Islamania. Brutal methods for a brutal scourge. As Leatherneck says the women are out of sight-nice fringe benefit!

  6. Ronin Says:

    Re-think that one my friend, much of the Russian military are muslim. I agree with you on the girls but I’ll wait for Velvet

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