Congressman Tom Tancredo Proposes “Anti-Sharia” Legislation

At least someone in D.C. is trying to stop the madness:

Tancredo Proposes Anti-Sharia Measure in Wake of U.K. Certification of Islamic Courts

“Jihad Prevention Act” would deny U.S. visas to advocates of ‘Sharia’ law, expel Islamists already here

( WASHINGTON, DC ) – Amid disturbing revelations that the verdicts of Islamic Sharia courts are now legally binding in civil cases in the United Kingdom, U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) moved quickly today to introduce legislation designed to protect the United States from a similar fate.

According to recent news reports, a new network of Sharia courts in a half-dozen major cities in the U.K. have been empowered under British law to adjudicate a wide variety of legal cases ranging from divorces and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

“This is a case where truth is truly stranger than fiction,” said Tancredo. “Today the British people are learning a hard lesson about the consequences of massive, unrestricted immigration.”

Sharia law, favored by Muslim extremists around the world, often calls for brutal punishment – such as the stoning of women who are accused of adultery or have children out of wedlock, cutting off the hands of petty thieves and lashings for the casual consumption of alcohol. Under Sharia law, a woman is often required to provide numerous witnesses to prove rape allegations against an assailant – a near impossible task.

“When you have an immigration policy that allows for the importation of millions of radical Muslims, you are also importing their radical ideology – an ideology that is fundamentally hostile to the foundations of western democracy – such as gender equality, pluralism, and individual liberty,” said Tancredo. “The best way to safeguard America against the importation of the destructive effects of this poisonous ideology is to prevent its purveyors from coming here in the first place.”

Tancredo’s bill, dubbed the “Jihad Prevention Act,” would bar the entry of foreign nationals who advocate Sharia law. In addition, the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.

Tancredo pointed to the results of a recent poll conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion as evidence that the U.S. should act to prevent the situation in Great Britain from replicating itself here in the United States. The poll found that some 40 percent of Muslim students in the United Kingdom support the introduction of Sharia law there, and 33 percent support the imposition of an Islamic Sharia-based government worldwide.

“We need to send a clear message that the only law we recognize here in America is the U.S. Constitution and the laws passed by our democratically elected representatives,” concluded Tancredo. “If you aren’t comfortable with that concept, you aren’t welcome in the United States.”

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12 Comments on “Congressman Tom Tancredo Proposes “Anti-Sharia” Legislation”

  1. Ronin Says:

    I might have worded it a little stronger but at least we have one American politician who understands the truth about the cult called “islam”.

  2. tgusa Says:

    Way to go Tom this is a start however there are many in politics, the media, the left, that are willing to for all accounts and purposes join the jihadists. It’s becomes crystal clear as we see PDS/CDS infecting many of them that their real enemy is other Americans. At some point the jihadists that have been welcomed in to their circle are going to realize that conservatives are a tough nut to crack we are not easily fooled at that point they will begin to realize that the low hanging fruit is among the leftists. Leftists and leftist cities being extremely gullible sanctuaries will be found as easy targets easy to infiltrate and then kidnap, rape, murder etc. at the jihadists leisure. When that begins to happen the leftists will scream like the dickens just watch. Judging from their behavior I’m going on record right now stating that when this begins to occur the left will blame Christians, conservatives, patriotic Americans, anyone they can to save their pathetic arses. The leftocrats have already played their hand and after 9-11 they doubled down there is no stopping now for them its victory or death or as they seem unable to recognize victory and death. In any case it will be interesting to watch as two death cults collide, I won’t have any sympathy you wont hear me saying, first they came for… and I did nothing. These leftists would come for us in the name of PC/MC/Jihad so in my opinion as the jihadists turn on (it’s a given) and dispatch their so called allies we will become safer, stronger and more secure here at home. There will be no tears from me as I see these media and political types receiving their due. They have sown the wind and they will reap the whirlwind it’s only a matter of time.

  3. tgusa,

    “it’s only a matter of time.”

    Something we are sorely short on…

    i.e. – Nov 4 elections…

    Salami, Komrade!

  4. tgusa Says:

    Yes but I don’t believe what I am hearing, the polls, the pundits, bla bla bla. Think about it, do you believe that these pop culture leftists are in touch with America? Does anyone think that Americans growing up today are going to throw away their cell phones computers video games, etc, etc for the marxist have-not ideology? Where ever I go I see the opposite and I strongly believe that we are being fed a bunch of BS regarding this election. The silent majority is called the silent majority for a reason they won’t ever become loud. However, the primary difference between now and the last leftist uprising of a few decades ago is that back then the silent majority sat on the sidelines. You and I both know that that is no longer the case. Silent as always but not sitting still this time. The media and the lefts cluelessness since 9-11 has increased month by month year by year. Meanwhile Americans, in spite of the non stop propaganda are not buying in to it that’s exactly why we see the panic, the derangement on the left that we are witnessing right now. Regarding the end of the Bush years and the choices to be made going forward now is a good time to invoke the great John Paul Jones, I have not yet begun to fight, or Churchill, this is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, it is however the end of the beginning.

  5. kaafir Says:

    I think tgusa needs to start blogging! 🙂

    I’d join his or her e-mailing list!

  6. tgusa,

    I hope and pray that you are right. My fear is that the Leftist Kommies along with the help of the MSM will pull the wool over one too many eyes and snatch America away from “We the People.”

    If that happens, it will be the first time in my life that I will be ashamed of my country. Nor, will I be duty bound to obey the orders of the President; as the Constitution takes priority over the orders of the President in the oath I swore so many years ago:

    “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

    If that little Kommie SOB ever gets into office, the moment he crosses the line and throws our Constitution out the window (which he will), I will be duty bound to defend our Constitution with all my might.

    As I’ve said before, this blog is my battleground. It may not be as popular as leftist websites like the DailyKOmmieS or, but combined with our fellow right-wing bloggers, we can and will fight the tyranny tooth and nail!


    Or, in case that SOB wins; Salami, Komrade!

  7. tgusa Says:

    That’s really nice of you to say kaafir but considering I spend a lot of time reading other peoples blogs, news sites etc the time I have available for the internet is pretty much used up. Plus I have always been a history buff and since 9-11 I have found that I needed to go back and look at it from a new perspective and that too takes a lot of time. As I grew up the CB or a letter was the way that average Americans shared ideas over a distance, a long distance phone call was just too expensive for the average American household to afford on a regular basis. So communication was limited to say the least, now we have the internet it is almost as if we needed a vehicle to draw us together for the coming fight and so it was offered up to us. So I just share my thoughts with Doc, Ronin and any others that want to listen and leave it to them to use what they like and pass it along. I’ve noticed that some things I and others have written in comments have made their way in to some interesting areas. Today, thanks to the internet we are all Paul Reveres racing along on our electronic horses we all have something to offer through our individual histories from individual perspectives. I appreciate the compliment but these bloggers come up with post after post day in day out I have an occasional comment or two. These guys and gals, blogging for America bring to mind some more Churchill, never have so many owed so much to so few.

  8. tgusa Says:

    Me too Doc, I’m right there with ya I don’t think the oath has an expiration date.

  9. tgusa Says:

    Its interesting if you look back, the leftist’s best opportunity to forward their ideology was from the late sixties to about the mid nineties. During that time their preferred outlet the anchorman based television media grew large and was for the most part unopposed. The central point in those best chance years were the Reagan years. Sure Reagan is known for bringing down the USSR but his more important contribution came at home. It is never mentioned well I haven’t ever heard it mentioned. His aggressive stance on communism put the US commies on the defense at a time when leftists dominated the networks the movies and to an extent music but Reagan was there as a stop gap in those years prior to the internet explosion. You might ask where is Clinton in all of this? Well some of you remember the Clinton era media not much different than today. Clinton however was a greedy socialist (yeah I know, isn’t that always the case?) and squandered the early years where he might have with the help of the media and pop culture really advanced the socialist agenda. Well then came the internet and here we are today, much better prepared and capable of fighting the leftist dominated pop culture media. What we do today may not be fully appreciated until time goes by.

  10. notalldum Says:

    Hey, you guys (and girls, if an) in all your comments….Read my comment on article “Islamists Love Obama”. Lasst remark applies here.

    I wasn’t in military service but was employed in these three: a California school administration office, in State of California Youth Autority, in a California District Attorney’s Office.
    Before I could be employed, I was fingerprinted, had to sign a loyalty oath that I was not associated with the Communist Party or advocated the overthrow of our government, and was thoroughly screened to verify I was a legal citizen. Oh yeah, drove taxi a few months in small town where no bus service, and taxis were only transportation for elderly and non-drivers. Had FIVE sets of fingerprints taken for that job. So I can’t ever commit a crime – at least I guess fingerprints still on file.
    Are loyalty oaths requred now – or is that a breach of privacy?

  11. Muslims Against Sharia praise Congressman Tancredo’s initiative. We advocated similar measures in the past and fully support “Gihad Prevention Act”

    “Any person from a country where a substantial part of the population is pro-Sharia should not be allowed in the West, not only as an immigrant, but even as a visitor with a few exceptions, i.e., political asylum or as a diplomat etc. … Every legal immigrant should be allowed to stay only if he/she did not display desire to establish a Sharia state in a host country. Any naturalized citizen who displays a desire to establish a Sharia state in a host country should have his/her citizenship revoked and promptly deported. I think the latter two groups is where the real danger lies.” Linda Ahmed, FrontPage Magazine, July 24, 2008

    “Anyone who proclaims Islamic extremist views should be tried for sedition, since we are at war with radical Islam, or at the very least, promptly deported.” Khalim Massoud, FrontPage Magazine, September 9, 2008

  12. Ronin Says:

    Seeing Muslims condemn Sharia is a positive sign but much more needs to be done. Groups calling for Sharia should be engaged in open debate and exposed for what they are. Sharia in any form is oppressive and designed to dominate and force Islamic ideology on both Muslims and non Muslims alike.

    When western laws are found to be unfair, there are mechanisms in place to vote for change, Islam has no such system. No system is perfect but a simple comparison of modern western values and laws over the seventh century values of Islam quickly highlights the superiority of the modern western system. No country governed under sharia anywhere on this planet has anything comparable to the human rights record and protections enjoyed in the west. Sharia has proven to be a failure everywhere it was forced upon the populace. The only people who prosper under Sharia are those privileged few who are granted the right to enforce it.

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