Al Gore Funding Plan for “A New World Order”

An interesting article from Riel World View that Gramfan was gracious enough to dig up for us:

Gore Funding Plan For “A New World Order”

Man1 If your employer began paying you 80 cents on the dollar, but, not to worry, the other 20 cents was going to support “good causes”, thereby giving you value instead of capital, would you be pleased?

If not, you won’t like what Al Gore has been quietly planning along with his Global Warming initiative. He and others are working to achieve that very thing and to bring it about in a manner which doesn’t give you a vote in which values your dollars end up supporting.

Gore is quietly funding an assault on Capitalism as we know it, one that begins but doesn’t end with Global Warming. That’s only the model for what’s coming next.

Sans news conferences and Oscar nods, it’s a well-funded, grand design to re-shape, not just America, but the global economy in such a manner so as to inculcate Liberal values into the world’s system of finance.

Defeated at the ballot box, it seems Gore has figured out that if he can follow, or perhaps even lead the money, he and other liberals can bring about the social and economic change they want, whether the middle class likes it, or not.

Gone unnoticed in the recent controversy over Gore’s Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is this blurb below from the European partnership’s web site:

Dedicated to thought leadership on sustainability and capital markets –5% of our profitability is allocated to the Generation Foundation

The Generation Foundation is not your typical foundation involved in giving money to what it views as deserving causes. And the ramifications of its work should be of genuine concern for fiscal and social conservatives, civil libertarians and anyone who supports the free market system and the economics, or laisser-faire capitalism of Milton Friedman.

By their own admission, Gore and his well-heeled, high-minded brand of liberal thinkers believe Capitalism is either dead, or deserves to be.

Here’s the first quick look at a now Gore supported and funded, self-proclaimed New World Order as ruminated upon back in 2002.

Above all, the man is wondering whether Americans need to pause for a moment, now that the millennium has turned and the market has crashed and corporate ethics seem like the quaint idea of a bygone era. And then, after this pause, the man wonders if we need to think long and hard about what we want and how money — and, in particular, value — figures into the arc of our lives.

He has come up with an idea that admittedly might not solve any of our financial and social ills, but that he hopes might solve quite a few of them.

The man’s name is Jed Emerson. And his idea is called the “blended value” proposition.

Jed Emerson used to spend his afternoons walking into shooting galleries to dispense clean needles and condoms in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district and now lecture(s) to the most powerful business leaders on the planet. (emphasis mine)

Those facts aren’t inserted to disparage Emerson’s work, but to highlight precisely the brand of social values Gore wants to build into our economic system so that they are realized though a non-democratic system controlled by wealth, as opposed to votes. And conservatism’s good friend George Soros is linked to the work, as well.

Gore’s foundation has employed the now well-credential-ed Emerson as their first senior research fellow.

Jed Emerson is the first Generation Foundation Senior Fellow. Learn more about his body of work on Blended Value.

Additional Link: Jed Emerson Wants To Change The World His goal: a kind of capitalist utopia in which sound business practices are rewarded, shareholders are empowered and our portfolios do more than just make money.

GIM is based in Europe, that’s fitting, as Gore’s plans for the American economy appear to be based more on socialist European values than America’s. Actually, the effort is much larger than Gore and impossible to paint as anything other than the fiscal championing of an extreme Left wing ideology: Capitalism 3.0.

In Capitalism 3.0, Peter Barnes redefines the debate about the costs and benefits of the operating system known as the free market. Despite clunky features, early versions of capitalism were somewhat successful. The current model, however, is packed with proprietary features that benefit a lucky few while threatening to crash the system for everyone else. Far from being “free,” the market is accessible only to huge corporations that reap the benefits while passing the costs on to the consumer. Barnes maps out a better way. Drawn from his own career as a highly successful entrepreneur.

Really? But wait. I thought Capitalism 3.0 was the conceptualization of Gore’s minion Emerson?

Capitalism 3.0 February/March 2006
by Jed Emerson and Sheila Bonini
Originally published as part of the Blended Value Map and a chapter in the book series The Accountable Corporation

And who is Peter Barnes?

Peter Barnes, founder of Working Assets and a board member at the Tomales Bay Institute’s On The Commons

You might recall my post on Working Assets, the Leftist publishing company that plucked Glenn Greenwald out of the blogosphere to publish a hastily written book to bash Bush and oppose the Patriot Act. Their financial backing links them to the Phoenix Group, does the name George Soros ring a bell? It isn’t me making these connections, it’s the New York Times.

To understand the financial connections that can now be documented, you’ll also want to understand the Phoenix Group (PG), as reported on here in The Hill, and in depth through the New York Times, Wiring the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, July 2004. Wealthy associates of the group have been propping up the Netroots movement, enjoying the cachet of a ground up grass roots movement that’s actually financed and, I’d argue, controlled from the top down by big money, just as is most all contemporary politics. The Times piece is an absolute must read.

Some of the key PG players, though far from all, are Howard Dean, George Soros, Simon Rosenberg, Andy Rappaport, and SEIU President Andy Stern.

Take a moment and process that. Some of the very same individuals, now well networked, can almost immediately launch a New York Times best seller written by an all but unreadable blogger, a book intended to attack Bush and defeat the Patriot Act; meanwhile the same individuals are drawing a road map for the US economy based upon a self-labeled Utopian neo-capitalist ideology. Scary? It should be, as the Right has not kept up.

This is not a battle to be won or lost tomorrow, or even next year. It’s a battle conservatives and libertarians must understand and engage over the next decade if they wish to prevail.

Now that we understand who would design this new values-based economic system Gore and his Leftist buddies have in mind, it’s important to understand the notion behind Blended Value. Building moral or social value into our economic system may sound nice, but whose values? Who gets to decide? Not you. The system only works provided the society marches in lockstep on difficult choices. In Gore’s proposed system, decisions don’t flow from the bottom up, as with democracy. They flow from the top down with the money.

If Gore has his way, the wealthiest of the world, those who invest and support corporations in the largest measure, get to decide how everyone gets to live, what causes are supported, or dropped. And he has the nerve to call it freedom? It’s not even close.

Corporate valuation based upon social and moral judgments means one could devise a better mouse trap, one that every body wants, but if it doesn’t measure up within some grand Utopian plan, it’s corporate valuation will always be sub par, so it would not attract the type of investment required to launch. What happens to choice? You can’t choose to buy, or not buy, that which never gets built.

And what of the cost of building these social and moral values into our system of economics? Given what we have seen from Gore and other elitists preaching Global Warming, while preparing to preach social values, do you think the seven and eight figure salaried elite are going to do the sacrificing? You can call social programs value, they still cost money in the end.

Man2 The result of such a system would be upward pressure on prices and downward pressure on wages as profitability declines. In Gore’s developing system, the middle class will pay the price for the implementation of a left wing, liberal-socialist agenda – and they will never even be asked to vote on whether to do it, or not. Gore’s efforts regarding Global Warming establish precisely that paradigm. There’s no telling where they’ll go next.

For maximum valuation, will a corporation need to plant trees? build abortion clinics? pass out hypodermics, as one of its authors once did? Whose to say? Not you or me, that much is clear.

In short, what globally thinking socialists like Soros, and now Gore, have not been able to achieve through America’s ballot box, they would seek to impose on our economic system. If you think I’m crazy, take a look at one of Gore’s tracts. Both the illustrations and the text remind one more of the Eastern Block than the freedom we’ve come to know as Americans.

It’s time for capitalism to mutate again. We’re due. Here’s why: “Release 1.0” — the original model — created not only wealth, but also a blizzard of economic, social, and environmental costs. In succeeding in its mission, it also exploited the world’s resources and peoples as if there were no tomorrow.

“Release 2.0” — evolving since the late 1960s — has been increasingly regulated and “civilized” as it has attempted to keep pace with increasing awareness of its costly “side effects.” But Release 2.0 has hit a plateau in its efforts to build wealth and at the same time make deposits in the bank of social value.

Layering regulations over regulations, and social initiatives over more social initiatives, just isn’t going to result in the hoped-for economic, social, and environmental returns. The problem is that even the most forward-thinking corporations are still driven by a mindset that is obsolete.

What’s needed is the next iteration of capitalism — a new model that stems from an understanding that our common goal should be to maximize our value potential. The model should be based on a common understanding of what value is (to our minds, it should be a blend of economic, environmental, and social factors). And, it should be implemented with the common understanding that maximizing value, regardless of whether one is the “customer of” or the “investor in” the entity, requires taking all three elements into account.

Capitalism 3.0, as we’re calling it, represents an opportunity to break existing frameworks and create a model of accountability that addresses the realities of the world we’re living in.

Read the other publications if you wish, they make it very clear. And Global Warming is only the beginning, albeit a critically important one. If Gore has his way, if we alter our economics to address his over-heated fear of Global Warming, we will be walking on the very path Gore and Soros and whomever else wants, while putting money in their pockets to fund their agenda. It’s a path to the ruination of a free America, not some cure.

As Friedman knew, in capitalism money is freedom. If Gore and his new found European friends succeed in controlling our money while selling us on the concept of greater value through support for social programs of their liking, not necessarily ours – it won’t be freedom, or Capitalism 3.0, it’ll be a sham akin to Socialism from which America may never recover.

The current Global Warming debate is only the beginning, not the end. Just ask Gore, after all, it’s his plan. If you think it isn’t critical to push back, or tread carefully around global warming, you may want to think again.

Explore posts in the same categories: Global Warming, politics

13 Comments on “Al Gore Funding Plan for “A New World Order””

  1. Gramfan Says:

    Doc and readers:
    I have no idea of this is real or not. Actually my husband found this link.
    I had heard of those conspiracy theories etc etc when I first started using the “Stumbleupon” Toolbar which was recommended to me by Foehammer.

    I have to say I didn’t want to believe it. But somehow things started falling into all kinds of places. I started thinking about it. I always felt that global warming was a crock of ****, and now we have this global meltdown, and the Obamessiah.

    I also found out today that George Soros just published a new book. The man is dangerous. He seemed to know all this was happening and he has made his fortune from hedge funds.

    Another aspect to this is when I think of Robert Spencer (and ‘blogs like this) and the work he has done since 9/11 and the Mo-toons, am I the only one who sees that things are worse? Even though there has not been a major strike on US soil are we not up to about 12,000 terrorist attacks?

    Why is the West giving in to all this SH**? Sorry – I am angry.

    Doc – do you know any thing about this website? I have no idea but defer to your judgment.

  2. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Gramfan, something I do when not doing anything in particular is to google terms
    such as “George Soros”, “Generation Foundation” “Al Gore” … but with extras
    like “Gaia”. “Gaia Hypothesis”, “Agenda 21”.

    * Why is the West giving in to all this SH**?

    The West is being transformed, through multiculturalism and other means, until
    it is ready to accept satan’s false messiah – Antichrist. We are at war, but not
    against islam or anything of flesh and blood … the whole of creation is “up for
    grabs” in this battle, and satan has his chance to take it all, through sockpuppets
    such as “allah” / islam, and other bad wolves seeking to devour. The outcome
    however, is known … the nations plot a vain thing, and will not win. Revelation
    spells out God’s plan, and the outcome.

  3. yonason Says:


    They have the same insane world view, except that the unibomber was more of a purist, while bigmouth Al is more of an opportunist. Gore’s “bombs” are his theft of your money to make himself ever richer and more powerful, not that it will do him any good in the perverse world he would create, but then selfish people are never good at judging the consequences of their actions.

  4. yonason Says:


    No, you are not paranoid, those sickos really are out to get us!

  5. yonason Says:

    Sorry, that should have been…


    No, you are not paranoid, those sickos really are out to get us!

  6. yonason Says:

    Not enough sleep last night, or something…


  7. Gramfan Says:


    Sometimes I go to a website called “Revelation 13” just for fun.
    The writer identifies the anti-christ as Putin. That’s possible I suppose.

    (I haven’t decided whether to take it seriously. You’ll know what I mean if you look at it. A few months ago he was predicting a Clinton win.)

    At the moment I am beginning to think it is Obama. He is being sold as a messiah and a man who will bring change. People like this story,unfortunately. It makes them feel safe and they don’t have to think – it’s tooooooooo hard to think!

    I also agree that “selfish people are never good at judging the consequences of their actions.” I can’t see how this will benefit them in the long term.
    Thanks for the links 🙂

  8. yonason Says:

    Thanks for the links”

    Your welcome.

    “I can’t see how this will benefit them in the long term.”

    Of course, they won’t take responsibility for anything. They’ll just blame someone else.

    aside – I wonder if the Doc could clean up my mistakes, just for neatness sake? If not, ok, but I just thought I would ask.

  9. az_conservative Says:

    I don’t think Obama is the Antichrist. He’s close to what’s described in the quatrain and Revelations, but there is someone behind him running the show. Obama is a tool of the Antichrist, who I don’t think has exposed himself…yet.

    Then there are all the other scattered predictions throughout history that support (directly or indirectly) the coming war with the third and final Antichrist. Perhaps the Maya were right and the world as we know it does end in 2012?

  10. az_conservative Says:

    Or maybe the Antichrist will only have Messianic appeal to the God-less masses (i.e., liberals) while those of true faith are unaffected by him? The description of the Antichrist leads one to believe that the “masses” will all fall under his spell, and plenty of people aren’t.

    Either way, we’re in big trouble and our world is poised on the brink of complete chaos no one can escape.

  11. Gramfan Says:

    “Either way, we’re in big trouble and our world is poised on the brink of complete chaos no one can escape.”

    I tend to agree with that az_conservative. Many signs are already showing.

  12. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Gramfan, I just had a quick look at “Revelation 13″ … I very much doubt that Putin
    meets the “job description” for Antichrist, for much the same reason that I doubt
    Obama, Bush, Blair (etc) qualify. He will be a remarkable man, & certainly Obama
    would be worth wondering about, but is Putin or Obama likely to sit in the Temple
    of God, showing himself to be God & demanding to be worshipped as god?

    Generally, the Wikipedia entry for Third Temple has the guts of the role of the
    Temple & who is likely to sit in it …

    * Role in Orthodox Judaism [rebuilding should occur in the era of the Jewish Messiah]

    (since Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah, & the cornerstone they rejected, any
    other messiah is an impostor – this, IMO is the one to watch, whoever he turns
    out to be)

    My view is generally this …

    * Fundamentalist Christian view [the Third Temple will be rebuilt when the Anti-Christ
    … … later uses the temple as a venue for proclaiming himself as God and demanding worship from humanity]

    The relevant prophecy is 2 Thessalonians 2:4 …

    [Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;
    so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.]

    I doubt that Putin will fulfil this prophecy – Obama might have a try, but would
    Jews accept him as “Messiah”, even if the American people do? I doubt it.

  13. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Gramfan, re Putin … as above, i doubt that he will fill job description for
    Antichrist, but watch the emerging “alliance” (economic & possibly political
    and military) between Russia, Turkey (and Iran and others) … these point
    towards Ezekiel 38 / 39, more than Revelation 13 …

    * Russian advisor calls for economic union with Turkey, some post-Soviet
    states Sergey A. Markov, an advisor to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin,
    said Turkey should form an economic alliance with Russia and former Soviet

    Things will move quickly once the jigsaw pieces start coming together … the
    New World Order (or the last empire of King Neb’s dream) will be brutal, but
    not cohesive – feet of iron mixed with clay.

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