Sheriff in L.A. Submits to Islam

Chris sent us the following email:

Dear Dr. Bulldog,

Perhaps your readers need a break from the Presidential Political Campaign. Here is another story that isn’t getting much attention. The well-known Sheriff of Los Angeles county joined a gaggle of dhimmis in a news conference to condemn the award-winning film Obsession which was distributed to about 26 million people in the last month or so. Here are some of my views which are free to draw from, as well as some documents posted on the Internet.

Los Angeles

As a Los Angeles County resident, I was dismayed that our County Sheriff would join the Muslim Public Affairs Council in a press conference condemning the award-wining documentary Obsession on October 13. Apparently, this anti-terrorism film was re-cast as a piece of anti-Muslim hate speech. I wonder if Sheriff Baca actually saw the film. (See attached documents.)

In a statement signed by Sheriff Baca and host of assorted religious and civic notables called the Coalition for Renewing American Democracy, the group said,

We would like to invite those who seem so eager to influence American public opinion against Muslims to engage with us in a conversation about what it means to be an American: about our beliefs, and the need to treat each other with respect across the issues that divide us.

I am recommending that readers rise up to that challenge. Here are suggestions from the attached FrontPageMagazine article, as well as my own:

1. The Muslim Public Affairs Council is an organization identified as a California-based Muslim Brotherhood front. The Muslim Brotherhood is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation prosecution in Texas. Al Qaeda’s number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahri joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 14 and continues to advocate their jihadist goals. The Muslim Brotherhood has been banned in the country that spawned it, Egypt, since their assassination of President Anwar Sadat. As stated in the organization’s charter and on its website, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to install an Islamic empire ruled under Sharia Law and a Caliphate across the Muslim world and ultimately the entire world, through stages designed to “Islamisize,” incrementally, targeted nations — which includes the United States. All of this is spelled out in “Ikhwan (Brotherhood) in America” which can be viewed on the Internet.
2. “Obsession” does not demonize Muslims, except for their general failure to stand up against those Islamists who advocate terrorism and jihad. The film is about “Radical Islam’s war against the West.” It makes a clear link between terrorism and the sacred texts of the Quran, which commands, “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them.” (Repentance — 9:123)

3. If the signers of the joint statement are concerned about treating each other with respect, I would ask how they reconcile the following commands from the God of Islam with that position:

a. “Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” (The Table — 5:51)

b. “People of the Book [Jews and Christians], most of you are evil-doers . . . whom God has cursed and with whom He has been angry, transforming them into apes and swine, and those who serve the devil.” (The Table — 5:58-59)

c. “Can they [the unbelievers] not see how We invade their land and curtail its borders? (The Prophets — 21:44)

d. “When We resolve to destroy a city, We first give warning to those of its people who live in comfort. If they persist in sin, judgment is irrevocably passed, and We raze the city to the ground.” (The Night Journey — 17:16)

4. Sheriff Baca — an elected peace officer — should understand that the longest chapter in the Quran bears his family name — The Cow (or Al Baqarah). Among other things, this chapter makes a mockery of the Jewish practice for peacefully resolving a murder when the assailant is unknown, as described in Deuteronomy 21:1-9. Our Judeo-Christian tradition supports justice regardless of religious belief, but Islam makes a clear exception for crimes committed by Muslims against non-Muslims. While the Quran says, “It is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer except by accident” (Women — 4:92), Shariah Law provides that there is no penalty (retaliation) a Muslim killing a non-Muslim. (Reliance of the Traveler, Para o2.0(2)) Sheriff Baca needs to recognize that the practice of Islam, particularly with regard to law enforcement, is in opposition to the laws he has sworn to enforce.

Contact Information for Leroy Baca:

Los Angeles Sheriff Headquarters
4700 Ramona Blvd.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Sheriff Department Complaint
Hotline 323-5541

Explore posts in the same categories: dhimmitude, Obsession

4 Comments on “Sheriff in L.A. Submits to Islam”

  1. teach5 Says:

    He’s mistaking “eager to influence American public opinion” with the truth. Again I ask, are these Lutherans in the film? Catholics? Presbyterians? They can’t argue the facts that these are MUSLIMS in the film, perpetrating these unspeakable acts. They’re doing the influencing, no?

  2. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    I’m beginning to think that we have far more flat out evil people in this country than one can imagine. It’s one thing to watch such a movie, not like it and keep your opinion to yourself but it’s quite another to publicly condemn it (especially if it wasn’t even seen). Far too many are willingly buying into the BS that islamania is peaceful. It is not-news reports from all over the world show that. History shows that. Islamaniac texts and speeches show that. This many people cannot be simply stupid-they must be evil to lap up such crap and willingly do its bidding.

  3. tgusa Says:

    The last American to leave LA, please take the flag. This type of behavior is exactly why I recommend the John Galt of Atlas Shrugs method of resistance. Targeted with drawl of all support from business to creativity from areas that are deemed a threat to the USA. I say targeted because these areas are sprinkled around from coast to coast. Let these rotten fruits wither on the vine but watch out as these failed cities become desperate they will come looking for you and your money to bail them out. Yes, a lot like what the democrats are proposing more of and have been getting away with for quite some time now. You know, you can decapitate a couple of people and leave a bloody trail across LA and they still can’t get a conviction. I recommend all jihadists move to LA asap, it appears to be right up your alley and they luv ya baby! The Sheriff is presiding over an area that is crime ridden, plagued by race wars and gangs, the LA county jail operated by the Sheriff is on lock down due to racial unrest every time I turn around, half the city looks and sounds like a foreign country fer gosh sakes. I can’t believe this guy has the nerve to open his mouth and lecture the rest of America he should shut up and solve a crime or two. With a Sheriff like that who needs law enforcement? I will bet he is a Barack supporter, elect Obama he has been on the forefront of hopeychange in Chicago for a decade or so, the trouble is after all he has done, today you are still safer in Baghdad than you are in Chicago.

  4. William Hill Says:

    This is just another ingnorant example of public official attempting to be politically correct; although he speakes a cultural get together attitude he fails miserably to realize the true ideology of which he speaks, Hitler had nothing on islam, it will rule supreme, it will destroy all other religions and rule the world. That is the true command of this ideology, when you consider that billions follow it and many nations are islamist, the Nazi threat to freedom loving human beings of this planet was nothing in comparison. You only have to look at the 1930s Mufti of jarulsalem and his ss battalions to see where and to what end islam is headed. Pray to Christ all Western nations can be awakened in time.

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