Muslim infestation in UK worse than previously believed

The failures of the EU are starting to get noticed.
30 January, 2009, the Times
The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times.
-Strange no mention of why they finally started to count them.

The population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million.
-Cute, no mention that the vast majority of the muslim immigrated into the UK and the Christian population immigrated out. The UK is experiencing a white flight; those who can afford to leave are doing so.

Experts said that the increase was attributable to immigration, a higher birthrate and conversions to Islam during the period of 2004-2008, when the data was gathered. They said that it also suggested a growing willingness among believers to describe themselves as Muslims because the western reaction to war and terrorism had strengthened their sense of identity.
-There are very few actual conversions unless they are counting the prison population.

Muslim leaders have welcomed the growing population of their communities as academics highlighted the implications for British society, integration and government resources.
-Gee the minions are happy with the increase but what about everyone else?

David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford University, said: “The implications are very substantial. Some of the Muslim population, by no means all of them, are the least socially and economically integrated of any in the United Kingdom … and the one most associated with political dissatisfaction. You can’t assume that just because the numbers are increasing that all will increase, but it will be one of several reasonable suppositions that might arise.”
-Spoken like a true dhimmi.

Professor Coleman said that Muslims would naturally reap collective benefits from the increase in population. “In the growth of any population … [its] voice is regarded as being stronger in terms of formulating policy, not least because we live in a democracy where most people in most religious groups and most racial groups have votes. That necessarily means their opinions have to be taken and attention to be paid to them.”
-You have to love the way he admits the muslims will gain more power as the population continues to rise while ignoring the impact on everyone else.

There are more than 42.6 million Christians in Britain, according to the Office for National Statistics, whose figures were obtained through the quarterly Labour Force Survey of around 53,000 homes. But while the biggest Christian population is among over-70s bracket, for Muslims it is the under-4s.
-Wait until those little varmints hit their teens. The crime rate since the muslim infestation started has been unbelievably high but in a few short years, the non-muslims will remember fondly when it was this low.

Ceri Peach, Professor of Social Geography at Manchester University, said that the rapid growth of the Muslim population posed challenges for society. “The groups with the strongest belief in the family and cohesion are those such as the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. They have got extremely strong family values but it goes together with the sort of honour society and other kinds of attributes which people object to,” he said. “So you are dealing with a pretty complex situation.”

Professor Peach said that the high number of Muslims under the age of 4 — 301,000 as of September last year — would benefit Britain’s future labour market through taxes that would subsequently contribute to sustaining the country’s ageing population. He added, though, that it would also put pressure on housing and create a growing demand for schools. “I think housing has traditionally been a difficulty because the country is simultaneously short of labour and short of housing. So if you get people to fill vacancies in your labour force you also need to find places for them to live,” he said.
-They will form gangs and harass non muslims, the historical pattern will not change just because they live in the UK.

Muhammad Abdul Bari, general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, predicted that the number of mosques in Britain would multiply from the present 1,600 in line with the rising Islamic population. He said the greater platform that Muslims would command in the future should not be perceived as a threat to the rest of society.
-And you expected him to say what?

“We each have our own set of beliefs. This should really be a source of celebration rather than fear as long as we all clearly understand that we must abide by the laws of this country regardless of the faith we belong to,” he said.
-Anyone with a brain should be concerned with the ideology of hate the muslim infestation brings with it but fear is not necessary.

The Cohesion Minister, Sadiq Khan, told The Times: “We in central Government and local authorities need to continue our work to ensure that our communities are as integrated and cohesive as possible.”
-Talk is cheap; if you want real integration then islam has to bend to western law. We all know that will never happen, the crime rate will grow in direct proportion to the numbers of muslims living in the UK. The increased numbers benefit only the followers of the world’s most famous pedophile.

Growing numbers

The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:

2004: 1,087,000

2005: 2,017,000

2006: 2,142,000

2007: 2,327,000

2008: 2,422,000
-Time to repeal your gun control laws.

Source: Labour Force Survey

Explore posts in the same categories: British Muslims, immigration, Indoctrination

16 Comments on “Muslim infestation in UK worse than previously believed”

  1. teach5 Says:

    I am reminded of that great piece,”What Islam is not”. Needs to be seen far and wide. As I said on the Doghouse today, there was a terrific billboard on the highway on the way back from Troy, MI that we saw this am: “Sharia law threatens America.” I went by at 70mph, but it had the url with the word “committee” in it. Will check into it. Would like to see thousands of these around the US!

  2. Akira Says:

    Re: “the high number of Muslims under the age of 4 — 301,000 as of September last year — would benefit Britain’s future labour market through taxes that would subsequently contribute to sustaining the country’s ageing population”

    What rubbish!

    They’ll be net tax consumers. The amount they pay in taxes will be less than all the affirmative action and social services they’ll receive.

    And yes, at the same time the retired native population will be expecting to be taken care of through social services and government-backed pension schemes.

    Naturally the burden will fall on young aborigines to care for the elderly and the colonials. Naturally they’ll rebel and the ones with initiative will try to emigrate.

    A Perfect Storm.

  3. Akira Says:

    I just checked the Daily Mail, Independent, Guardian, the Mirror.

    No mention of this story anywhere else.

    Even this article has only 14 comments — the sheeple know it’s a waste of time suggesting an end to all Muz immigration — that’ll never be printed.

    However, the number one article on every site is the thousands of strikers demanding “British Jobs For British Workers!” Sorry for getting temporarily Bolshy here, but this is ultimately why workers strike and threaten violence — it’s the only way the overlords wake up and pay attention. Ironically, the ones who mostly support “the working class” are also by-and-large the same ones who support abortion, the EU, increased immigration, the destruction of Christian society, etc. Suicidal.

    + + +

    Completely unrelated, but here’s an interesting article I came across while scanning the Brit media:

    “Did the children torn from their grandparents to be adopted by the gay men fall prey to a politically correct social services agenda?”

  4. Akira Says:

    The UK’s “Cohesion Minister”, Sadiq Khan, “DEMANDED an increase in benefits for immigrants with larger families”

    He’s also opposed to Sharia courts for now but suggests they might have a place after the Muslim population grows sufficiently.

    “At some stage in the future I do not rule out the possibility that the Muslim diaspora in this country may be advanced enough. But now is not the right time.”

  5. […] UK: Muslim infestation 10 times faster than aboriginal growth Jump to Comments From The Times, via Dr Bulldog: […]

  6. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Iron doesn’t alloy with clay – the prophet Daniel knew that. Mo and his fawning
    followers apparently didn’t.

  7. Appalled By The World Says:

    This is what you get when immigration isn’t controlled. The Obaman People’s Republic is on its way to the same type of story in the near future.

  8. Leatherneck Says:

    As mooslimbs increase in the west, watch for more terrorist acts from the religion of peace.

  9. Akira Says:

    Shameless self-promotion:

    “Koran worse than Mein Kampf”

  10. ciccio Says:
    This article is a” must read” in conjunction with the Times article. In France where the headbanging allahowlers are 12% of the population, they are 90% of the prison population.
    In Once Great Britain, they are about 4 times the ration of the white prisoners.
    Dr. Bulldog, your maths needs a little work. It not an increase of 500,000, it is nearly a million and half increase.

  11. Ronin Says:

    This was in my mail today and I thought I would respond publically so no one misunderstands my comments. If AFishman had questions I’m sure others did also.

    Hey Doctor and Ronin
    I am a great fan of your collecting the best of the best as well as your running “read between the lines” commentary.
    -Thanks, watch how well it works with your letter.

    I got to say though that your recent article on Muslim Infestation is over the top—in regards specifically to the photo choice.
    Ok, Doc is off the hook, I chose the photo and I made the comments. Doc never censors me even when I deserve it. The photo I was looking to use I could not find. I was looking for the old nazi propaganda photos demonizing Jews. I thought it would be ironic to use it against practicing muslims as lately their apologists have been calling the Jews “Nazis”. Occasionally, I like a tit for tat response. Childish maybe but they will eventually get over it.

    Come on guys…this is getting a bit low on the scale of acceptability and maybe I am overreacting. Hitlers “perception” goon Goebbels used the same device for the Jews as they were trying to change the german peoples perception of the jewish race leading to their ghettoization and eventual near extermination.
    Although you do not get to decide what is acceptable on our site; you are right, it was insensitive, mean and had a historical precedence. On occasion I blatantly insult islam and its more violent practitioners. In my defense, I do stop short of calling for mass deportations, ghettoization and extermination. Having met muslims from many cultures, tribes and races, I find that except for islam many are nice enough people and I firmly believe if it were possible that many muslims would leave the cult called islam and seek a more modern lifestyle. I hold onto that belief despite all evidence to the contrary.

    It was a full scale movie called The Eternal Jew. If you have not seen it you should be able to find it online. It is disgusting travesty of the power film and image. So are you falling into this same trap?
    I have not seen the movie and I knew exactly the message I was attempting to send, I failed to realize my choice would not have the desired effect on people outside of my targeted audience. My bad.

    Muslims, while their religion and political ideology are evil and are enemies to the Living God and those that love and cherish freedom, Jesus Christ calls us to love our enemies as well.
    I leave the religious discussions to others; so far, Jesus has not asked me to change a single post. I’m sure if I re-read the bible I would find I do ignore most of rules governing behavior. I also ignore acting on the Koran and I have read it many times.

    I would say please be careful and stay rational. Muslims are in some ways not the only source of the problem, but it is those that let them into the country foolishly and the stupid english population that is blind, dumb and needs to get thrown cold water over their heads to wake them up from their stupor!!! They need a new Cromwell to be crowned “Lord Protector”. Maybe a better picture to use is the turkey being led to the slaughter house.

    AFishman, forgive my decision to use your letter as a both a teaching point and an explanation but I have precious little free time and hope that you will understand. Although, I have found individual muslims are friendly, tolerant and a kind people, islam is not. Because of that evil ideology the muslim peoples are trapped in a never ending war with themselves and anyone that comes into contact with them. Politicians are fools and easily fooled by anyone they think can supply votes or money. I have yet to meet one that understands the cost of dealing with islam as an equal. By exposing islam for what it is; it is my hope that a few politicians and muslims will start to question the ideology. Hopefully a few muslims will go past questioning and will work toward leaving the cult or at least modifying it. Thanks for sending the email; I hope my answer clarified my position,


  12. irishoaks Says:

    The rag heads were Nazis. They hate the western world and Jews. The United States is the Great Satan and Israel is the little satan. They intend to kill us all. Period. They have infiltrated the United States and have no intention of assimilating. They are completely anti-US that the liberals just love them.
    Our POTUS lived in Indonesia where dual citizenship is not allowed. He was/is islamic. There is not a record anywhere that shows him born a US citizen. There is no baptizmal record of him being Christian.
    Divided we fall.

  13. AFishman Says:

    Ronin, I agree 100% with your comments. Europe and the west are in dire straights with the demographics as projected. Waking people up and our leaders and police forces is one option which you and many others are doing. Another option is Christian evangelism and a God inspired revival (which may still be possible). God touches many muslims with dreams and visions of Jesus and many ALL over the world are changing and converting to Christ. Perhaps eventually it may come to a civil war in western nations to remove this scourge from taking over. Maybe. But to be quite honest, political correctness and secular athiesm has basically disabled the majority to act in any meaningful or coordinated way. Personally, I think Christian revival maybe the only sane answer. Then and only then would our nation be able to regain its moral center to be able see and think straight to do something to prevent the overthrow of the nation by islamic infiltration.

  14. az_conservative Says:

    Personally, Ronin, I thought the picture was great, but then I reject politically correct arguments on nearly every level–the offended choose to be offended and usually search for reasons to be offended. Shades of rioting over cartoons.

  15. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    If anyone finds those mice offensive, perhaps a piccie of Farfour the jihad mouse
    might be less upsetting to their “sensibilities”. “allah” apparently approved of it.

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