Cease Fire in Gaza Continues to be Violated by Hamas

As if we were all stupid enough to think it would be honored by a bunch of thugs:

Hamas Rockets Return to Ashkelon; PA Terrorists Hit Samaria
Israel National News
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

(IsraelNN.com) Hamas continued to break its own truce on the Sabbath, firing a long-range Grad rocket at the southern edge of Ashkelon in the morning while terrorists in Samaria, controlled by the rival Fatah faction, shot at a soldier. The bullet ripped a hole in the soldier’s clothing, but he miraculously escaped injury.

The rocket was at least the third, not including mortar shells, that hit southern Israel since Hamas announced a ceasefire after the IDF ended Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.  Residents took cover seconds before the strike as the Code Red siren warned of the incoming missile.

Unlike after previous ceasefire violations, Israel did not retaliate to the Sabbath morning attack. The attack came on the eve of more talks in Cairo, where Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas was summoned for an urgent meeting with Egyptian officials on Sunday.

United States Middle East envoy George C. Mitchell is scheduled to arrive in Cairo on the same day to discuss proposals for enforcing the Gaza ceasefire announced by Israel.

In northeastern Samaria, terrorists in an area controlled by Abbas’s Fatah faction fired at an Israeli near the community of Itamar, located approximately 25 miles north of Jerusalem. A bullet ripped through the clothing of a soldier, who miraculously escaped injury.

Students at a yeshiva in Itamar disclosed that earlier in the week an Arab driver attempted to run over Jews who were hitchhiking on Highway 60. The hitchhikers were not hurt. Soldiers in a nearby watchtower spotted the terrorist, who was arrested.

Explore posts in the same categories: Hamas, Israel

5 Comments on “Cease Fire in Gaza Continues to be Violated by Hamas”

  1. az_conservative Says:

    More of the same. What did anyone expect? That Hamas would honor or appreciate the cease fire? The pacifist morons really are too much.

  2. irishoaks Says:

    Got heat? Let Hamas have it.

  3. alegria Says:

    You take my water,
    burn my olive trees,
    destroy my house,
    take my job,
    steel my land,
    imprison my father,
    kill my mother,
    bomb my country,
    starve us all,
    humiliate us all,
    but I’m to blame.
    I shot a rocket back.

  4. Ronin Says:


    You will find no sympathy here. If violent acts of terror are justified by acts of self defense then you are looking at the wrong target. Hamas has killed more muslims in gaza in a single year than Israel has done in its entire history. Sounds to me like your rockets are pointed in the wrong direction. You owe the Israelis and apology and should consider helping them root out hamas.

  5. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof, alegria (Psalm 24:1)

    Do not shoot rockets (or any weapon) into the land that God has covenanted to
    the descendants of Abram (Abraham). Such weapons will not succeed. Do not
    follow false gods (such as “allah”) and false prophets (such as “mohammed”).

    Place your trust in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son – He will help you, where
    allah and his false prophet are impotent, and their followers doomed.

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