Missouri: Hydroponics Store Owner Shoots at Robbers – Kills One

Hmmm…  Perhaps the robbers were thinking of switching career fields and trying their hand at “closet gardening.”

Well, whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure:  One of them is pushing up the daisies…

Police Seek Man After Botched Robbery, Death
Plant Store Owner Shoots Would-Be Robber

February 16, 2009 – KCTV5

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas City police searched Monday for a man wanted in a botched plant store robbery.

Officers had a home surrounded overnight but didn’t end up finding the man.

He’s wanted in a robbery attempted at a hydroponics store at 3615 St. John Ave. The store owner said the man and another man walked in and tried to rob him, but the owner pulled a gun and shot one of them.

The would-be robbers ran away.

A short time later, their getaway vehicle crashed down the road.

One of the men was found at the crash site, and he later died.

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2 Comments on “Missouri: Hydroponics Store Owner Shoots at Robbers – Kills One”

  1. HasItBeen4YearsYet? Says:

    For a while here in FL it seemed like no week would go by without a drug bust of someone growing pot hydroponically in their basement. But anyone who wants to steal or rob the supplies to do that has forgotten the basice rule of “don’t attract any unneccessary attention to yourself.” It’s bad enough you’ve got that grow-light glow coming out the cracks in your window shades, and the constant traffic of strangers to your house at strange hours. So, maybe they were planning on reselling it to the growers? They probably know then, too, or people who do know them. I wonder if waterboarding would be a good way to find out what they know?

  2. Robbing a hydrostore probably makes sense since so many customers probably pay cash. It’s sad that retailers have to have a gun ready to go, but at least they have the right to do so.

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