Archive for the ‘Right to Bear Arms’ category

NJ Man Harassed By Police and Family Services Because He Posted a Photo of His Son with a Gun on FaceBook

19 March, 2013

We were sent the following email from one of our valued readers who found it over at Delaware Open Carry.   I haven’t been able to confirm the veracity of the story, but it sounds legit, so I thought I’d give it some further exposure.

Welcome to Amerikka, folks!:

NJ Police try to bully NJ man 2

I Stood My Ground
via Delaware Open Carry


[Carney’s Point, New Jersey]

The fight has officially been brought to my front door

Last night I was out with a buddy of mine. I got a text from my wife that the cops and dyfs [Division of Youth and Family Services] are at the house and they wanna check out my guns and needed me to open my safe.

I’m instantly on my way.

I get in contact with [E]van Nappen [a lawyer] on the way. I explain the situation. I walk in my house and hand the phone to the first cop I see. Then direct all of em outside.

Dyfs got a call because of a pic on my son holding a gun.

They wanted to look around and check all my guns out, make sure they were all registered.

Obviously that didn’t go well because I refused.

I had Nappen on speaker phone the entire time so they had to deal with both of us.

They kept trying to pressure me to open my safe.

They had no warrant, no charges, nothing. I didn’t budge.

I was told I was being “unreasonable” and that I was acting suspicious because I wouldn’t open my safe. Told me they were gonna get a search warrant.  Told em go ahead.

Nappen (my lawyer) asked me for the dyfs workers name. she wouldn’t give it.  [I] asked for credentials and she wouldn’t show em.  [I] tried to take a pic of her and she turned around real fast and walked away.

After a while of them threatening to take my kids, get warrants and intimidation they left. Empty handed and seeing nothing.

People it can happen that fast. Most people wouldn’t have stood up to them like I did.

NJ Police try to bully NJ man 1

Arms Manufacturer Giving NY State A Taste of Its Own Medicine

15 February, 2013

I like it!  If Libtards are taking guns out of the hands of their fellow, law-abiding citizens, it’s only fair that guns be taken out of the hands of the police and government, too!  



York Arms Cancels All Its New York Police Orders

Buxton, ME –-( Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York.

We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York.

As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.

For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:

  • Complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY.
  • Refund your payment in full.
  • Hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.

For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.

AmmoLand supports and recommends York Arms please visit these patriots and support their brand.  . If you think SIG, Smith & Wesson, and Glock should do the same you can email them at with the tool found here: .

Ronin’s Common Sense Solutions to Gun Control Measures

14 February, 2013

By Ronin, 14 Feb 13 With all the calls for common sense gun control measures like the recent NY ban on what idiots refer to as “assault” weapons”, “large clips” and sensible solutions like weapon registration, limits to ammo etc.  I thought I would add a little stick to stir the pot. 

The easiest way to fight back is not to play their game.  No living politician wrote the constitution and none of them can change it.  Politicians will attempt to force compliance with a variety of measures from painting those that refuse as criminals, insane, dangerous, outlaws.  They will also offer rewards and pick a few misguided cowards (those that do as they say) and parade them around in the press as heroes (after all they surrendered their guns).

Educate each other, hunters and sportsmen, and legitimate gun owners as the media refer to us are all in this together.  Unfortunately a few will drink the cool-aid, remind them once we are divided we are easily all disarmed.   We are only demanding our rights be respected; we do not all live in a gated community with armed guards.   If we are ever disarmed, immediately start making demands that police are also.  We can win without breaking laws using civil disobedience, outright resistance and refusal and only as a last resort, unlawful methods.  Face it, we or one of our kind, will instantly turn from law abiding citizen to felon overnight at that point you have very little to lose.   

So what to do?  First and foremost do the research.  Identify everyone that voted for any restriction, call them, write them or visit them.  Let them know using any method that you can that you will never again vote for them or any other member of their political party.   Let them know that you will volunteer to help anyone running against them and follow through.  I suggest you publish your list and letters on facebook or similar social media so others can join in the ban the politician party.

It may be a small number but I believe at least some politicians are hoping for a few outraged gun owners to bunker up and fight to the death.  This will add endless proof that gun owners really are a problem.  Politicians would then call for confiscation, extreme criminal penalties for non-compliance and a host of other punishments.  Call their bluff; their worst nightmare is an outraged public asking why they are targeting citizens over criminals.  The closer to an election the better, trust me they do not want drama then.  Watch the blogs and watch and spread our outrage when these idiots actually grow a set and arrest someone for not registering a weapon.  We will expose, the who, what and why, that is what we do.  You can help. 

Because I think fighting first responders is wrong when politicians are the actual problem (and we can just vote those idiots out).  We need a nonviolent solution.  This would be the easy way to defeat this problem.  Monitor the crime stats for your area and call and report someone carrying an evil assault weapon in the most gang active area you can find.  Other options could also be fun, like tossing weapons in neighborhoods near the homes of officers, they leave those shiny cars in the driveway, report them for noncompliance.  If you get caught you were turning the weapon in, as framing an officer is not exactly legal but then again neither is placing limits on our 2nd amendment rights. I do not want to be a criminal, they have no right to make me one. (more…)

The Liberal Hatred of Guns is Really a Hatred of Individualism

13 February, 2013

Well, it’s kind of a slow news day.  That is, unless you buy into the Lame Stream Media’s spin and think a guy drinking water while giving a rebuttal to the SOTU address is somehow a major news item.  

News Flash!  Airplane lands safely at airport!  


Anyway, while I was catching up on the news and blog posts, I came across the following article by Neal Boortz and enjoyed it so much that I thought I’d share it with you all.



Why the Liberal Hatred of Citizens With Guns?

By Neal Boortz
2/13/2013 –

You’re snug in your cabin in the mountains outside of Big Bear, California. Snug, but fearful. They’re searching for a killer near you. A terrifying, heavily armed former cop from Los Angeles who has gone on a killing rampage.

Suddenly you hear gunshots. You part the curtains to look outside … and there’s the man whose picture you’ve seen countless times on TV over the past few days running toward your house as he returns fire to police officers in pursuit.

Just a few weeks ago you had been considering buying an AR-15 just in case it might be needed to defend your home from predators of the two and the four-legged variety. They don’t call the place Big Bear for nothing. You couldn’t buy one, though, because private ownership of these weapons had been outlawed. That didn’t stop the killer. He was carrying one … that along with several pistols. The law didn’t seem to deter him at all. The murderer was still far enough away that you could stop him with one shot through your window, but that option had been taken away by anti-gun zealots.

Somehow you don’t feel comfortable with only your handgun and it’s seven-shot magazine to protect you from this approaching danger. You know the killer, who is rapidly nearing your door, is much more heavily armed than you. Things aren’t looking all that rosy for you and your family right now.

Why did this have to happen? Why were these liberals — these Democrats — so hell-bent on reducing your capacity to act in your own self-defense in a situation just such as this?

Interesting question, isn’t it? Setting statistics aside — the statistics on the number of people shot by lunatics on killing sprees versus the statistics on the number of times a civilian uses a privately-owned firearm to defend themselves every year, usually without ever having to pull the trigger – leaving those statistics aside, just what is it about the liberal Democrat mind that brings forth this primal fear, this hatred of the idea that a private individual would own a gun and use that gun in self defense?

I think I have some ideas here. Let’s share:

The liberal penchant for gun control starts with their obsession with controlling the lives and actions of those considered to be their inferiors … and anyone not liberal is inferior. To amplify the point; progs believe that their innate intellectual superiority gives them a right to control the lives of the not-so-bright. You can only buy a 12 ounce soft drink, you ignorant fool. Stop putting all that salt on your food. You can’t negotiate your own contract with an employer. We’ll tell you how much you’re allowed to work for. Union membership is not a decision for you to make. We’ll make that decision for you. We know best. Do as we say and you’ll be just fine.


L.A. Residents Live in Fear of LAPD Mistaking Them For Chris Dorner and Shooting Them

12 February, 2013

Again, I would just like to point out that cops are, at a minimum, 11 times more likely to accidentally shoot an innocent person than are “civilian” gun owners (who, by the way, shoot and kill twice as many bad guys as the cops).

Apparently, the citizens of Los Angeles and surrounding areas are slowly coming to that realization and have taken it upon themselves to help the police out, just a little:

please don't shoot not chris dorner1

please dont shoot not chris dorner2

And, since it doesn’t matter to the LAPD what make, model, or color your truck is, if you live near L.A., you might want to consider purchasing the following bumper sticker from eBay:

dont shoot not dorner

Michiganistan: Gun Shop Stops Selling Turban Headed Skeleton Target After CAIR Complains

11 February, 2013

You will bow to Islam, infidel!  Else, I keeeeel you!!!

Skeleton target

Islamic group praises Royal Oak gun shop for ending sale of targets in Muslim attire
Detroit Free Press

A local chapter of a national Islamic civil liberties group is praising the decision of a Royal Oak gun shop to discontinue selling targets of a skeleton wearing traditional Muslim attire.

The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) welcomed the decision by Target Sports.

CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid met Wednesday with the owner of Target Sports to voice concern that a gun range target that depicts a skeleton with a long beard dressed in a turban and robe may provoke gun owners to view local Muslims who wear such garb as enemies.

Uh, yeah.  Just the other day, I saw a skeleton walking down the street in a turban and carrying an AK-47; acting all suspicious, and stuff.  Happens all the time around here. /sarcasm

The owner agreed.

Walid said he had received a complaint about the targets Wednesday morning, and walked into the gun store and bought two of the targets before introducing himself and expressing his concerns.

“He gave us a verbal promise to stop selling the targets,” Walid said. “It was an extremely non-hostile meeting.”

The targets, manufactured by Thompson Targets in Canton, Ohio, are shipped throughout the country, and Walid was checking with other gun shops in metro Detroit to see whether they are carrying them.

“Our concern isn’t primarily being offended,” he said. “It’s a safety issue. In metro Detroit, there are law-abiding, peaceful Muslims walking the streets of Hamtramck and Detroit who are dressed like this in the target. It is problematic. There seems to be a dehumanization of Muslims.”


Yeah, it’s a “safety” issue.  R-i-i-i-g-h-t.  

You know, there seems to be a dehumanization of redneck farmer zombies, too!  

Better get those pulled off the market, also.  Don’t want any law-abiding, peaceful farmers getting shot at!:

Redneck farmer zombie


 Of course, CAIR didn’t see fit to mention that they, themselves support terrorists…

Nancy Pelosi Thinks The First Amendment Covers Gun Ownership

10 February, 2013

Uh…  This is as big a blunder as John Boehner confusing the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.  

And folks still wonder why Our government is so screwed up:

Ted Nugent to Piers Morgan: You Are So Full of Crap!

5 February, 2013

Ted Nugent doing what he does best:   Giving voice to about 100 million gun owners in America!:

The Cliff Notes are as follows (via

Piers Morgan took his Monday CNN show on the road to a Texas gun shop to continue what guest Ted Nugent called his “crap” crusade against gun rights.

“First of all, I’ve been monitoring your gun debates,” Nugent said. “Go ahead and take it to the bank: You’ll never understand. I really don’t believe you’ll ever grasp — you don’t understand that it’s a simple inanimate tool that tens of millions of American families own that have never caused a problem, never had an accident and will never commit a crime. You have these aberrations that are such a minute percentage.”

Morgan argued that 500,000 Americans a year are shot in gun fighting.

“[Y]ou are so full of crap,” Nugent shot back. “Listen to me. That statistic includes bad guys shot by cops and intruders shot by homeowners, so that figure is bogus. It’s not an accurate figure.”

“Do you care about murders, or do you only care about murders with guns?” Nugent continued. “I don’t think you do — I think you care about guns. I think you’re obsessed with guns. 99.999 percent of the gun owners of America are wonderful people that you are hanging around with here today. Perfectly safe. Perfectly harmless. Wonderful, loving, generous, giving, caring people. Would you leave us the hell alone?”

Nugent said Morgan’s focus should be on mental health and convicted criminals.

“We have a mad-man problem in America, where they’re running around. We have a felony recidivism problem in America. Let’s focus on that together, and leave the rest of us alone.”


City of Chicago’s Al Capone Era Less Violent Than Today’s Massive Gun Control Era

4 February, 2013

Yup.  Back when gangsters reigned supreme and Tommy guns were in the hands of just about everyone, Chicago was actually safer than it is today.

Seems when you take away a civilian’s right to carry a weapon for self defense, civility becomes the first casualty.

Also, since we are talking history, here, turns out that even the Wild West was less violent than Chicago, too!  So, stick that in your peace-pipe and smoke it, anti-gun Libtards! 

1920s gangster hit

Chicago murder rate far worse than during Al Capone ‘gangland’ days
Chuck Goudie

February 1, 2013 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — In this I-Team report, Chicago’s rising murder rate in a new context, how the numbers of shooting deaths compare to the city’s most notorious crime era, the one that has tarnished Chicago’s reputation around the world for a century.

The surprising stats show the city is worse off now in the category of murder than at the height of the era that has driven Chicago’s reputation for almost a century, Capone’s “gangland” Chicago.

Let’s compare two months: January 1929, leading up to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, and last month, January 2013. Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city’s most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties. January 1929 there were 26 killings.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. January 2013’s bloodshed has caught the attention of Chicagoans, politicians, the White House and people around the world.

Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city’s most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. The figures from January 2013 are significantly higher than the January of Al Capone’s most famous year.


Analysis Of Mass Shootings Since 1999 Shows Handguns Are Overwhelmingly The Weapon of Choice

31 January, 2013

Fascist like Piers Moron and Diane FienSwine who want to take your guns away would have you believe that scary looking rifles are the primary culprits in mass shootings.  Unfortunately for them, an analysis of over a decade of mass shootings says semiautomatic handguns are the most commonly used weapon of choice .

So, why do these Lefturds want to get rid of your rifles?  Well, it’s quite obvious; they wish to reduce your ability to defend yourself against a tyrannical government.  

They’ve already taken away your Right to full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 via the Firearm Owners Protection Act’s Hughes Amendment—which, by the way, did not have enough votes to pass, so, in the middle of the night and under the cover of darkness,  Charles Rangel somehow managed to weazel, err, wrangle his way into presiding over the House that night.  Then, when the Hughes Amendment came up, he refused an actual vote tally on it and declared that it had passed the House.  Then, with the help of the NRA, they convinced Ronald Reagan to just ignore the Hughes Amendment and sign the bill into law.  This is why I  dropped my NRA membership in 1986 and have never re-joined.  The NRA is just too damn Liberal for me!

For video of what a sham the Hughes Amendment was, you should watch the proceedings of how it all went down in the House.  It’s available on YouTube HERE.

But, I digressed.  Anyway, back to the analysis of mass shootings:

If we were to jump on board the Knee-Jerk Express in order to “even save one child,” I’d say that all males between the ages of 17 and 48 should be executed.  It’s the only way to be sure 


Analysis of Mass Shootings Since 1999
(U//FOUO) The 29 mass shootings incidents since 1999 […] were analyzed to identify commonalities and trends. These include the following:

  • Males between the ages of 17 and 48 conducted all of the attacks but one.
  • The largest number of mass shootings – 13 of the 29 – occurred at the workplace and were conducted by either a former employee or relative of an employee.
  • All of the active shooters were single attackers, with the exception of two students who conducted the shootings at Columbine High School.
  • In most of the incidents – 20 of the 29 – the active shooters took their own lives or law enforcement was forced to shoot and kill them, thus leaving their true motives uncertain.
  • In only four of the 29 incidents were the shooters active or former members of the U.S. military.
  • Semiautomatic handguns are the weapon of choice for mass shootings.

Well, that’s the gist of the report. As far as these analyses go, it’s a fairly short report and well worth your time to read it by CLICKING HERE for the PDF.