Archive for the ‘know your enemy’ category

Muzzy Imam of Virginia Mosque Advocates Armed Jihad

23 February, 2013

Sheik Shaker El Sayeed must be another one of those “misunderstanders.”

By the way, Major Nidal Hassan and several of the 9/11 hijackers also attended the same mosque that Sheik Elsayed is now the imam of. 

Coincidence?  I think not:

Dar al-Hijrah Imam Calls For Armed Jihad
by John Rossomando-

Sheik Shaker Elsayed, the imam of the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., advocated armed jihad before an Ethiopian Muslim group gathered at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. last week.

“Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line,” Elsayed said in comments seen on a YouTube video found by the Creeping Sharia blog. “They are the first in the prayer line. They are the first in the zakat (charity) line. They are the first in the hajj line. They are the first in the clean-up line. They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line. They are the first in the da’wa line.”

“But they are last if anything is being distributed, unless it is arms for jihad,” Elsayed said. “We are the first to rush and run to defend our community and defend ourselves. The enemies of Allah are lining up; the question for us is, ‘Are we lining, or are we afraid because, because they may call us terrorists.'”

Being called “terrorists” should not matter to Muslims because Muslims are being called terrorists anyway, Elsayed said.

“You are a terrorist because you are a Muslim,” Elsayed said. “Well give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be good a Muslim.”


He has been Dar al-Hijrah’s imam since 2005. Law enforcement officials have described the mosque as being “associated with Islamic extremists” and “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.


West Point Teaches Cadets That Conservatives Are Terrorists

21 February, 2013

Of course, Obama has been given the green light to kill American “terrorists” without due process of law.

Nope.  I don’t see any problems there…  /sarcasm:


West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists

By Victor ThornAmerican Free Press

• Influential study published by an Israeli academic at America’s top military school seeks to brainwash future military leaders into believing those who advocate small government, individual sovereignty, freedom and liberty are the enemy

At West Point where cadets are groomed into officers, a new 148-page report released on January 15 is urging enlisted men and women to be on alert for “terrorists” in the form of those who consider themselves patriots.

This study, released by the United States Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center, is entitled “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right.” Its author, Professor Arie Perliger, the Director of Terrorism Studies at the Combating Terrorism Center and Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, holds membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as well as being a former instructor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Considering his background, Perliger warns that growing legions of conservative-minded citizens across the U.S. pose a serious threat to our nation’s safety. Yet, whom precisely does Perliger deem as being affiliated with what he labels the “violent far right?”

In his own words, Perliger placed a bulls-eye on those who “espouse strong convictions regarding the federal government, believing it to be corrupt and tyrannical, with a natural tendency to intrude on individuals’ civil and constitutional rights.”

Even more specifically, Perliger asserted that other so-called extremists fall into the categories of anti-federalists, fundamentalist Christians, survivalists, gun-rights advocates, libertarians, pro-lifers, and those who oppose high taxation.

Not content with simply fingering these broad-reaching factions, Perliger zeroed in on another favorite globalist target. “Some groups are driven by a strong conviction that the American political system and its proxies were hijacked by external forces interested in promoting a New World Order.”

This umbrella characterization includes constitutionalists, those wary of a growing police state, and political activists such as some tea partiers. Thus, by using manipulative, emotionally-charged language intended to divide-and-conquer, Perliger equates those interested in preserving their individual freedoms with skinheads, neo-Nazis and militia members. Or, even more condescendingly, he smears conservatives as being backward, archaic and living in an era that has passed them by. In contrast, Perliger applauds liberals as future-oriented and progressive in their views.

Dr. Herbert W. Titus, a constitutional law professor and former dean of the Regent University School of Law “says it’s an attempt to link conservative thought with violence.”


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this post over at American Free Press.

Expensive USDA “Cultural Sensitivity” Training Teaches That The Pilgrims Were Illegal Immigrants

15 February, 2013

Pilgrims were “Illegal Aliens?”  

Uh…  No, they weren’t.  Technically, for that to be true, the Americas would have had to have had some form of government that specifically made it illegal to enter into the Americas without authorization.

However, that being said, IF the Pilgrims WERE illegal aliens, wouldn’t that just bolster the sentiment that we need to secure our borders?

By the way, the guy shown conducting these “Cultural Sensitivity” workshops is Samuel Betances.  He claims to be an associate of ex-Chicago Mayor, Richard Daily.  However, I’m dubious of that claim, since Mr. Betances is quoted as saying that ex-Mayor Daily tapped him when he “needed people “to talk across racial lines” in 1960s riots.”  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember Richard Daily even being in politics until 1969.  Just my two-bits:

JW Releases Confidential USDA Videos Revealing “Cultural Sensitivity Training” Program

Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released previously unseen USDA videos revealing a compulsory “Cultural Sensitivity Training” program requiring USDA employees to bang on tables, chanting in unison “The pilgrims were illegal aliens” while being instructed to no longer use the word “minorities,” but to replace it with “emerging majorities.” Judicial Watch received the videos pursuant to a May 18, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The sensitivity training sessions, described as “a huge expense” by diversity awareness trainer and self-described “citizen of the world” Samuel Betances, were held on USDA premises. The diversity event is apparently part of what USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack described in a memo sent to all agency employees as a “new era of Civil Rights” and “a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA.” In 2011 and 2012, the USDA paid Betances and his firm nearly $200,000 for their part in the “cultural transformation” program.

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 1“If you take a look at all of you here and you think about your salaries and your benefits and what you have left undone – plus my fee – plus the expense of the team that putting the video together, this is a huge expense”:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 2“I want you to say that American was founded by outsiders – say that – who are today’s insiders, who are very nervous about today’s outsiders. I want you to say, ‘The pilgrims were illegal aliens.’ Say, ‘The pilgrims never gave their passports to the Indians.’” Betances also asked the audience, “Give me a bam,” after these statements, to which the audience replied in unison:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 3“By the way, I don’t like the word ‘minorities.’ How about ‘emerging majorities?’”

“This USDA diversity training video depicts out-of-control political correctness,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “Can someone please explain how any of this helps USDA employees to better serve the American taxpayer? This video further confirms that politically-correct diversity training programs are both offensive and a waste of taxpayer money. No wonder it took over half a year to obtain this video from the Obama administration.”


Ronin’s Common Sense Solutions to Gun Control Measures

14 February, 2013

By Ronin, 14 Feb 13 With all the calls for common sense gun control measures like the recent NY ban on what idiots refer to as “assault” weapons”, “large clips” and sensible solutions like weapon registration, limits to ammo etc.  I thought I would add a little stick to stir the pot. 

The easiest way to fight back is not to play their game.  No living politician wrote the constitution and none of them can change it.  Politicians will attempt to force compliance with a variety of measures from painting those that refuse as criminals, insane, dangerous, outlaws.  They will also offer rewards and pick a few misguided cowards (those that do as they say) and parade them around in the press as heroes (after all they surrendered their guns).

Educate each other, hunters and sportsmen, and legitimate gun owners as the media refer to us are all in this together.  Unfortunately a few will drink the cool-aid, remind them once we are divided we are easily all disarmed.   We are only demanding our rights be respected; we do not all live in a gated community with armed guards.   If we are ever disarmed, immediately start making demands that police are also.  We can win without breaking laws using civil disobedience, outright resistance and refusal and only as a last resort, unlawful methods.  Face it, we or one of our kind, will instantly turn from law abiding citizen to felon overnight at that point you have very little to lose.   

So what to do?  First and foremost do the research.  Identify everyone that voted for any restriction, call them, write them or visit them.  Let them know using any method that you can that you will never again vote for them or any other member of their political party.   Let them know that you will volunteer to help anyone running against them and follow through.  I suggest you publish your list and letters on facebook or similar social media so others can join in the ban the politician party.

It may be a small number but I believe at least some politicians are hoping for a few outraged gun owners to bunker up and fight to the death.  This will add endless proof that gun owners really are a problem.  Politicians would then call for confiscation, extreme criminal penalties for non-compliance and a host of other punishments.  Call their bluff; their worst nightmare is an outraged public asking why they are targeting citizens over criminals.  The closer to an election the better, trust me they do not want drama then.  Watch the blogs and watch and spread our outrage when these idiots actually grow a set and arrest someone for not registering a weapon.  We will expose, the who, what and why, that is what we do.  You can help. 

Because I think fighting first responders is wrong when politicians are the actual problem (and we can just vote those idiots out).  We need a nonviolent solution.  This would be the easy way to defeat this problem.  Monitor the crime stats for your area and call and report someone carrying an evil assault weapon in the most gang active area you can find.  Other options could also be fun, like tossing weapons in neighborhoods near the homes of officers, they leave those shiny cars in the driveway, report them for noncompliance.  If you get caught you were turning the weapon in, as framing an officer is not exactly legal but then again neither is placing limits on our 2nd amendment rights. I do not want to be a criminal, they have no right to make me one. (more…)

The Liberal Hatred of Guns is Really a Hatred of Individualism

13 February, 2013

Well, it’s kind of a slow news day.  That is, unless you buy into the Lame Stream Media’s spin and think a guy drinking water while giving a rebuttal to the SOTU address is somehow a major news item.  

News Flash!  Airplane lands safely at airport!  


Anyway, while I was catching up on the news and blog posts, I came across the following article by Neal Boortz and enjoyed it so much that I thought I’d share it with you all.



Why the Liberal Hatred of Citizens With Guns?

By Neal Boortz
2/13/2013 –

You’re snug in your cabin in the mountains outside of Big Bear, California. Snug, but fearful. They’re searching for a killer near you. A terrifying, heavily armed former cop from Los Angeles who has gone on a killing rampage.

Suddenly you hear gunshots. You part the curtains to look outside … and there’s the man whose picture you’ve seen countless times on TV over the past few days running toward your house as he returns fire to police officers in pursuit.

Just a few weeks ago you had been considering buying an AR-15 just in case it might be needed to defend your home from predators of the two and the four-legged variety. They don’t call the place Big Bear for nothing. You couldn’t buy one, though, because private ownership of these weapons had been outlawed. That didn’t stop the killer. He was carrying one … that along with several pistols. The law didn’t seem to deter him at all. The murderer was still far enough away that you could stop him with one shot through your window, but that option had been taken away by anti-gun zealots.

Somehow you don’t feel comfortable with only your handgun and it’s seven-shot magazine to protect you from this approaching danger. You know the killer, who is rapidly nearing your door, is much more heavily armed than you. Things aren’t looking all that rosy for you and your family right now.

Why did this have to happen? Why were these liberals — these Democrats — so hell-bent on reducing your capacity to act in your own self-defense in a situation just such as this?

Interesting question, isn’t it? Setting statistics aside — the statistics on the number of people shot by lunatics on killing sprees versus the statistics on the number of times a civilian uses a privately-owned firearm to defend themselves every year, usually without ever having to pull the trigger – leaving those statistics aside, just what is it about the liberal Democrat mind that brings forth this primal fear, this hatred of the idea that a private individual would own a gun and use that gun in self defense?

I think I have some ideas here. Let’s share:

The liberal penchant for gun control starts with their obsession with controlling the lives and actions of those considered to be their inferiors … and anyone not liberal is inferior. To amplify the point; progs believe that their innate intellectual superiority gives them a right to control the lives of the not-so-bright. You can only buy a 12 ounce soft drink, you ignorant fool. Stop putting all that salt on your food. You can’t negotiate your own contract with an employer. We’ll tell you how much you’re allowed to work for. Union membership is not a decision for you to make. We’ll make that decision for you. We know best. Do as we say and you’ll be just fine.


Michiganistan: Gun Shop Stops Selling Turban Headed Skeleton Target After CAIR Complains

11 February, 2013

You will bow to Islam, infidel!  Else, I keeeeel you!!!

Skeleton target

Islamic group praises Royal Oak gun shop for ending sale of targets in Muslim attire
Detroit Free Press

A local chapter of a national Islamic civil liberties group is praising the decision of a Royal Oak gun shop to discontinue selling targets of a skeleton wearing traditional Muslim attire.

The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) welcomed the decision by Target Sports.

CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid met Wednesday with the owner of Target Sports to voice concern that a gun range target that depicts a skeleton with a long beard dressed in a turban and robe may provoke gun owners to view local Muslims who wear such garb as enemies.

Uh, yeah.  Just the other day, I saw a skeleton walking down the street in a turban and carrying an AK-47; acting all suspicious, and stuff.  Happens all the time around here. /sarcasm

The owner agreed.

Walid said he had received a complaint about the targets Wednesday morning, and walked into the gun store and bought two of the targets before introducing himself and expressing his concerns.

“He gave us a verbal promise to stop selling the targets,” Walid said. “It was an extremely non-hostile meeting.”

The targets, manufactured by Thompson Targets in Canton, Ohio, are shipped throughout the country, and Walid was checking with other gun shops in metro Detroit to see whether they are carrying them.

“Our concern isn’t primarily being offended,” he said. “It’s a safety issue. In metro Detroit, there are law-abiding, peaceful Muslims walking the streets of Hamtramck and Detroit who are dressed like this in the target. It is problematic. There seems to be a dehumanization of Muslims.”


Yeah, it’s a “safety” issue.  R-i-i-i-g-h-t.  

You know, there seems to be a dehumanization of redneck farmer zombies, too!  

Better get those pulled off the market, also.  Don’t want any law-abiding, peaceful farmers getting shot at!:

Redneck farmer zombie


 Of course, CAIR didn’t see fit to mention that they, themselves support terrorists…

DC Comics Promoting the Now-Dead ‘Occupy’ Bowel Movement

10 February, 2013

Ah, yes.  Just what America needs to pull itself together:  More class warfare!

Gee, I just can’t wait for Batman (aka Multi-Billionaire Bruce Wayne) to kick their whiny little butts when they start pitching tents on his lawn and defecating all over the Batmobile!


DC Comics Turns the Occupy Movement Into a Superhero Title


Eighteen months after the phrase first entered the collective public consciousness, the plight of the 99 percent is coming to mainstream superhero comics — via a new series from the second biggest publisher in the American comic industry, which just happens to be a subsidiary of a multi-national corporation that makes around $12 billion a year. Irony, anybody?

In May, DC Comics will launch two new series taking place in their mainstream superhero universe that offer different insights into the class struggle in a world filled with superheroes, alien races and inexplicable events. The Green Team, written by Tiny Titans and Superman Family Adventurescreators Art Baltazar and Franco, with art by Ig Guara, revives an obscure 1975 concept about teenage rich kids who try to make the world a better place with their outrageous wealth. In an interview promoting the series, Franco promised that it would address questions like “Can money make you happy?” and “If you had unlimited wealth, could you use that to make the lives of people better?”

Uh…  Yeah.  Here’s some scans of the original Green Team in action back in the 1970s:

DC green team issue 1

DC green team issue 1 panel

dc green team issue 1 panel 2

Obviously, this is one of the more fanciful series DC will be publishing.

“Fanciful?”  Really?  Well, if it’s anything like that 1970s DC garbage, I’d hardly call it fanciful.  I think the word he’s searching for is, “retarded…” 

But while DC is promoting The Green Team series as the adventures of the “1%,” its companion title,The Movement, is teased as a chance for us to “Meet the 99%… They were the super-powered disenfranchised — now they’re the voice of the people!”

More like, the bowels of the people…

“It’s a book about power,” explained The Movement writer Gail Simone. “Who owns it, who uses it, who suffers from its abuse. As we increasingly move to an age where information is currency, you get these situations where a single viral video can cost a previously unassailable corporation billions, or can upset the power balance of entire governments. And because the sources of that information are so dispersed and nameless, it’s nearly impossible to shut it all down.”


The Movement #1 will be available in both print and digital formats on May 1, while The Green Team #1 will be released on May 22.

Texas School Curriculum Calls For Designing Socialist Flags For a New Nation

5 February, 2013

Yup.  The great lone-star state of Texas refused to adopt Obama’s Common Core Standards.  So, the Progressive Communists are busy infiltrating and indoctrinating them;   Preparing them for the slaughter, as it were.   

UPDATE:  Yesterday, the yellowhammer state of Alabama passed a resolution rejecting Obama’s Common Core Standards for its schools.  Looks like the commies have some more work to do… 


Texas 6th graders assigned to design flag for new socialist nation


Sixth-grade children in many Texas public schools are being tasked with designing flags for a new socialist nation as part of the state’s curriculum, EAG News reported Monday.

“Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag,” says a lesson plan being used as part of CSCOPE, the curriculum being used by over 70 percent of Texas school districts.

“Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?” the lesson plan asks.

According to the Associated Press, witnesses told the Texas Senate Education Committee last week that the program promotes liberal values they described as “anti-Christian at best and openly socialist at worst.”

“Does that sound like we’re sympathizing with those types of countries?” Sen. Larry Taylor (R-Friendswood) asked regarding the flag assignment. He later said that he found it “very egregious as a Texas and an American.”

“Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, called it ‘a mess.’ One witness compared the system to ‘mind control,’ and an algebra teacher wept as he described quitting because he felt he was ‘aiding and abetting a crime’ by using CSCOPE in his classroom,” the AP reported.

An article at Texas CSCOPE Review was even harsher in its criticism, accusing Obama of “teaching our children how wonderful socialism is and that communism is even better.”


Students Recite Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic

30 January, 2013

Hey, if Muzzies demand the Qur’an be read in its original Arabic language to truly understand it, then I demand the Pledge of Allegiance be read in English!  Case closed!

Of course, I’m pretty darn sure they replaced “one nation under God” with “one nation under Allah.”  And, that’s the sticking point where I put my foot down!  After all, even Malaysian Muzzies know that the Allah of the Qur’an is not the same God of the Christians and Jews!  [LINK]:

Fort Collins students read Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
Jan 30, 2013 –

FORT COLLINS – A Fort Collins principal stands by his decision to allow students from a multicultural group to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic on the school’s intercom.

“We do say the Pledge of Allegiance on Mondays at Rocky Mountain High School,” principal Tom Lopez said.

Students have always said it in English. This year, a group with about 30 students approached Lopez with a request to translate and recite the pledge in other languages.

“They had to go through me for approval, and I reviewed it pretty carefully,” Lopez said.

First, the students translated and read French. Then they recited the pledge in Spanish last fall. Monday, students read the pledge in Arabic.

“We have a tremendous amount of diversity in our school,” Lopez said. “This is very American, not un-American.”

The response has been mostly positive, said Lopez, though the calls and emails from upset parents have been very negative.

“I guess I’m getting worn down a little bit by how intense their sense of hate has been represented in some of the things they’ve written and said,” Lopez said on Tuesday.

Lopez says Rocky Mountain High School is a place of inclusion.

“When they pledge allegiance to United States, that’s exactly what they’re saying — they’re just using another language as their vehicle,” Lopez said.

He says it’s likely the group will have other opportunities to recite the pledge in other languages, though he concedes it’s a wise idea to recite the pledge in English that day as well.

The Wisdom of Al Sharpton: “People Do Not Have the Right to Unregulated Rights in This Country”

28 January, 2013

Um…  I’m pretty darn sure that if our Founding Fathers intended for our Rights to be regulated, they would have come out and just said so and wouldn’t have used such words in the Bill of Rights as,  “shall NOT be infringed,” and, “shall NOT be violated,” and, “Congress shall make NO law…”

Yup, Our Rights were set in stone by Our Founding Fathers.  However, over a century of Progressive Marxism in this country has chipped away at  those Rights to such an extent that now we have idiots like Al Sharpton running around who actually believe, “People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country.”

A big hat tip goes out to Gonzo for bringing this to our attention:

Sharpton on 2nd Amendment: ‘People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country’
The Daily Caller

Following a public policy meeting of African-American leaders, National Urban League president Marc Morial and National Action Network president Al Sharpton called for a new national assault weapons ban, saying the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be regulated.

“The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not absolute. One cannot yell fire in a crowded theater and hide behind the First Amendment,” said Morial when asked by TheDC if he supports California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein’s assault weapon ban bill.

“And we absolutely think that the idea of banning a military style assault weapon, a weapon that I am confident that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison never laid their eyes on, is not inconsistent with the rights of those who self-protect, those who shoot, who want to participate in sporting and hunting,”

“No one has been more aggressive in our defense of the Constitution than this nation’s civil rights leaders. …We respect the Second Amendment,” Morial added. “None of these provisions speak in absolute terms.”

Uh, NO, Morial!  You DO NOT respect the Second Amendment.  If you REALLY respected it, you would respect that significant part of it which says, “shall NOT be infringed!”

What a lying sack of poodoo! 

Of course, this is a typical tactic that the Left uses; saying they respect and cherish something, just like you and I, but they’d just like to make some changes which they, personally, feel are for the better.

Hey, Morial, why don’t you try that tactic with your wife, Michelle Miller, over at CBS News?  Tell her you love and respect her, but you don’t think she means what she plainly and succinctly says she means and so you are going to fundamentally transform whatever she is says into whatever you wish her to say. 

Yeah, I’m sure that would go over real swell with her…
TheDC asked Rev. Sharpton if he agreed with Morial’s comments.

“Absolutely, I mean if you look at the Second Amendment it was that you would have militia to protect yourself in case the government came and attacked citizens,” he responded.

“First of all, if the government were to come to disarm you, you would not be able to use an automatic weapon to defend yourself. Let’s be serious. We’re in a world of drones now so the Second Amendment would not help you in that area. It is absurd to try to cite that.”

LOL!  He certainly doesn’t understand guerrilla warfare; you use your knife to acquire guns; your guns to acquire mortars; your mortars to acquire tanks; your tanks to acquire aircraft; your aircraft to acquire…  Well, you get the picture. 

The guns are a stepping stone to bigger and better weapons when the sh@t hits the fan and you find yourself in the cross-hairs of a fascist government.

People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country,” Sharpton continued. “And I think that for those that use the Second Amendment [they] are conceding that they have no argument on why you need a magazine with 100 rounds of ammunition or 30 rounds of ammunition.”

Reasonable Argument #1:  Because, I’m a terrible shot…  Really, I swear.  One bullet isn’t enough for me.   I need, like, a thousand rounds just to hit the backside of a barn.  Honest!

Reasonable Argument #2:  Because, violent mobs, by definition, are not a single person.

Reasonable Argument #3:  Because, if I have to defend myself from my government because Progressive Marxist @ssholes like you, Al Sharpton, have turned the government against its People, I’m gonna’ need all the firepower I can get!

Sharpton also said “everybody is regulated with every right,” using airports as an example.

“I don’t have the right to tell them at the airport that I cite the Constitution so I’m not showing you my ID and walk through,” he said.

There you have it folks; the Left will always use a prior violation of your Rights to justify another, bigger violation of your Rights.  First, they took away our sawed-off shotguns, then our machine guns ( with the help of the NRA! ).  Then, they used those violations of our Rights to enact Clinton’s Assault Weapons Ban.  That’s how they do it.  If they get this new Assault Weapons Ban passed, they’re gonna’ use it in the future as justification for taking your handguns and hunting rifles.  Mark my words!

Morial said he is “waiting for someone to suggest that the Second Amendment gives them the right to own a tank and to park it in their driveway.”

Um…  What point are you trying to make, Mr. Morial?  Just like owning an automobile, it’s perfectly legal to own a tank.    Sheesh!  What a moron!

The group of more than 60 leaders were meeting to discuss “federal policy recommendations” for President Obama and Congress.