Brazilian Carnival queen paints Obama on thigh in political message

Thank God for free speech laws and the right to express oneself. One look at this er “lady” and you can instantly see why everyone should attend at least one Carnival during their lifetime. Consider it a Hajj for rational folks.

When she is not making political statements Ms Castro can be found doing a little nude modeling or the occasional porno. I’m not sure how I know that but I suspect that Doc told me about her (I could be wrong).

I do know that sometimes the growing personality cult built around our president comes with benefits. For our muslim friends that think every woman should appear totally covered in public-are you freakin stupid?

21 February, 2009 (AP) SAO PAULO – A Brazilian carnival queen famous for her skimpy attire is grabbing headlines again for painting President Barack Obama’s face on her body.

Viviane Castro paraded nearly nude early Saturday with the U.S. leader’s visage on her right thigh. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s face was on her left thigh.

Castro’s stomach read “for sale” — a message she said represented the sale of Brazil’s Amazon to the U.S. Many here fear the U.S. wants to control the resource-rich region.
-Despite her attempts to show the imperialistic side of U.S. foreign policy, masks of Obama were very popular this year. I strongly doubt that anyone in attendance this year remembers the painting of Obama on her thigh.

Castro appeared in last year’s Rio Carnival parade wearing nothing but a strategically placed piece of tape 1 1/2-inches (4-centimeters) long, violating a little-enforced nudity rule and drawing a penalty for her samba group.

She wore the same patch this year.
-Which would bring a hearty profit on EBay… just sayin is all …


Explore posts in the same categories: Cult of Personality, human interest


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12 Comments on “Brazilian Carnival queen paints Obama on thigh in political message”

  1. Hmmm… She looks a lot hotter with that *censored* bar covering her up than with it off:

    Just saying…


  2. Akira Says:

    It’s always funny how they point in different directions.

  3. Akira Says:

    It would be better if she tattooed his face on her ass, with her anus as his mouth. About once a day it would be very life-like.

  4. Appalled By The World Says:


    You took the words right out of my mind!

  5. irishoaks Says:

    Wonder how much all those feathers weigh?

  6. az_conservative Says:

    All boobs and no brain. Sure, she can make a living off the boobs now, but gravity works. Eventually, the only thing on her thighs will be her boobs, and she’ll still have no brain. Wonder what position in the carnival she’ll have then?

  7. Ronin,


    BTW – I updated the article with a current photo that shows the Obama painting.

    You can view the uncensored photo by clicking on the image.


  8. Akira Says:

    The women behind him look like they’re singing at Rev Wright’s church.

    Rev Wright: “She be raidin’ Obama’s finga dutty!” “Purayze Obama! Purayze Obama!”

    Dems are so obscene, “raidin dutty!” cigars, blue dress jizzm tests, and (don’t shoot the messenger):

  9. Leatherneck Says:

    I’d hit it.

  10. Veronica Says:

    As usual, haters are jealous no hot girls will ever have any of theit old crusty Republican faces as tattoos on their bodies.

    And how do you know she has no brains, ‘az_conservative’? Because she’s sexy and proud of her body?

  11. Régis Says:

    Qu’elle est belle !
    Et encore plus “désirable” ici , avec ses “mystères féminins” pudiquement cachés par le journaliste !

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