Better stock up on ’em while you can!

Since our elected representative are not representing, and the American public doesn’t seem to be voting these jokers out of office, it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion that any gun that looks like a military rifle is going to get banned, yet again.

Obama Administration Mentions Reinstating ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Thursday, February 26, 2009
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

( – “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,” Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters at the Justice Department Wednesday.

He made the comments at a press conference called to announce the results of an anti-drug investigation known as “Operation Xcellerator.”

Holder said a ban on sales of semi-automatic weapons will stem the flow of weapons to Mexican cartels.

[What a bunch of BS.  Shore up the damn border, and there won’t be any large flow of weapons into Mexico from the U.S.  End of story!  Plus, if you ban the nebulously named “assault weapons” in the U.S., the Mexican drug cartel will just get them from somewhere else.  So, this is all about removing guns from the hands of Americans, not Mexicans!  With all the kidnappings here in the U.S., of Americans by Mexicans, you would think that the Federal Government would want its citizens to be able to protect themselves, but you would be wrong.  The Obama Administration doesn’t give a rat’s turd about protecting anyone except itself…]

“International drug trafficking organizations pose a sustained, serious threat to the safety and security of our communities,” Holder said. “As the world grows smaller and international criminals step up their efforts to operate inside our borders, the Department of Justice will confront them head on to keep our communities safe.”

He did not say when the Obama administration will move to reinstate the semi-auto weapons ban, which was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton and allowed to expire in 2004 under President Bush.

Semi-automatics weapons, which fire once for each trigger pull, account for about 15 percent of the 250 million privately owned firearms in the U.S., according to the National Rifle Association.

The group notes that gun control groups invented the term “assault weapon”  to describe certain semi-automatic firearms which, although designed for civilian use, have certain cosmetic features that make them look like fully automatic assault rifles used by the military.

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Gun Control, Right to Bear Arms

14 Comments on “Better stock up on ’em while you can!”

  1. Anonymous Infidel Says:

    Better question is, What are we doing to stop this?

  2. Anonymous Infidel,

    Since they aren’t listening to the majority, the only thing we can do is vote them all out of Congress and the Senate – or, revolt…

    Why We The People didn’t vote them out of office this last election cycle is beyond me! The People failed America…

  3. CavMom Says:

    I can’t even find an M-4 … and I might add that ammo is getting tougher to find. We used to be able to pick up a regular stock of .40, .45, and 9mm for our weekly trips to the range. Now all we can find is a few boxes of (crappy) Blazer brand ammo and it’s prices are double what we were paying just 6 months ago.

  4. Bob Says:

    Hurray! After dealing with a major viral computer infection, I’m back online.

    The hypocrisy of Holder knows no limit.
    If the border patrol, DEA, and other alphabet soup agencies are unable to stop the flow of drugs coming from the south, what makes them think they’re going to stop the “flow of arms” from the north?
    If, indeed, the AK’s are coming from here and not directly to mexico from overseas.
    I agree, Doc, same old prohibition, different BS reason.
    CavMom, just paid 20.00 a box for Winchester (white box).45 apc at the saxet gun show, it’s $26.00 at the local Academy. It’s worth the price of admission if you want to stock up.
    I’d suggest that it’s time to start reloading; except components, particularly primers, are getting scarce, and have roughly tripled in price as well.

  5. I know that a box of fifty 40S&W Federal Hydra-Shocks are going for $35 the last time I got ammo and a box Wolf 7.62X30 still goes for about 6 bucks. I know Wolf is cheep and dirty but I like them better then the Remmington ammo that is 15 bucks.

    And isn’t it Mexico’s job to worry about what comes over their borders? I know our government doesn’t seem to care about what come from Mexico but if they tried to do their jobs at the border this wouldn’t be a problem.

  6. Leatherneck Says:

    Remember, you only need enough ammo to get more ammo. I try to have a ammo can full of ammo for each of my weapons. Also, you can only use one weapon at a time well.

    If you have a partner, try to have the same weapons. That way, if one gets killed, you can use their ammo.


  7. You could also go for something like a 9mm rifle that way you have the same ammo for both you pistol and rifle.

    I would rather have it in a .40 though but they make them in .45’s.

  8. Leatherneck Says:

    Right about now, a tall 40 sounds pretty good.

  9. Ronin Says:

    Buy any ammo you can find. It can be used to reload or for trade later. They will try and limit ammo before they try and grab the weapons. Look at it as an investment.

  10. Ronin Says:

    Watch for all the propaganda that will come out. Hunters (yeah right) writing newspapers and explaining how “real hunters” do not need more than one shot and no one should own an assulat weapon as they are for war not hunting. They will claim to support the ban and strangely enough you will not be able to find any proof these folks ever hunted.

    Just watch they will be in every paper.

  11. az_conservative Says:

    What’s a lifetime supply of ammo? 20 rounds and whatever you can scavenge from a dead man’s pockets. Reality sucks.

    The bamster has a bit of a problem with any weapons ban: he doesn’t have the resources to enforce it and my guess is that millions will simply disobey. Any attempts at heavy-handed enforcement (read: confiscations) could easily spark widespread armed rebellion (best case scenario), secession of several states and civil war, or even an outright coup.

    “You don’t poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off.” (Grandpa Vanderboegh’s rule of life from sipseystreetirregulars blogster and gun rights activist Mike Vanderboegh). Holder and Bamm-Bamm better put the stick down while their jewels are still intact.

  12. az_conservative Says:

    PS–The above is just speculation on my part, of course, as I am a law-abiding, non-violent citizen who would of course comply. Not that I have any weapons anyway. Guns are scary things.

  13. Bob Says:

    “Guns are scary things.”
    Maybe – but having a left wing commie sitting in the white house is scarier.

  14. az_conservative Says:

    Hey, I gotta feed the dogs somehow, don’t I?

    I can’t decide if I’m more scared of those assault weapons thingies or semi-automatic handguns….I need to do some more “research” to decide which is scarier. 😉 Let you know Monday?

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