Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery

Nothing new to those of us who are already familiar with islam but do share this.

by Muhammad Hussain, 28 February 2009, the Post Chronicle
Divided in eight chapters, after recounting the ongoing often-contradictory debates surrounding the true nature of Jihad and what Muslims fundamentally believe about their creed in the first two chapters, the book establishes, in the next, an ideal paradigm of Jihad with compelling references from the Quran (God’s words), as well as from the examples of how Prophet Muhammad had himself applied those divine commands of Jihad. With great insights and analyses, this book makes it crystal clear that the paradigmatic model of Jihad is overwhelmingly violent; and that it lies at the heart of Islam, as it says, “Violent Jihad is the heart of Islam; without it, Islam would, most likely, have died a natural death in the seventh century itself” (p. 79).
-The concept of jihad has spread islam while allowing muslim to eat their own. The biggest killers of muslims have always been other muslims. Do not think this generation of muslims are strong enough to challenge the jihad.

It clearly identifies, in this ideal model of Jihad, three major strands of Jihadi actions, namely forced conversion, imperialism and slavery—all of which are commanded by God (Allah) and practiced by Prophet Muhammad. In accordance with the Muslim belief that the command of the Quran and actions of Prophet Muhammad are eternal in nature, it goes on to demonstrate in subsequent chapters (Chapter 4–7) with compelling historical documentation that, those commands of Jihad were perpetuated by later Muslim holy warriors and rulers; and that this practice continues to this day, although in severely suppressed forms in Muslim societies.

In these latter chapters, the book first gives clear outlines of the Quranic commands of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery and their ideal models set by Prophet Muhammad. Thereafter, each chapter goes on to anecdote extensive historical examples of these practices exercised by Muslim invaders and rulers over the centuries. The tales recounted in these chapters entail mindless brutality perpetrated, in the name of Jihad, by Muslim invaders, which involved mass-slaughter of the vanquished, their mass-conversion at the point of the sword, the enslavement of mainly women and children in mind-boggling numbers, and the imposition of brutal imperial rule involving crushing economic exploitations and horrible persecution of non-Muslim subjects.

The chapter on Islamic imperialism also recounts how Muslim invaders have deliberately destroyed rich cultural heritage of many great civilizations of the pre-Islamic days as their God-ordained duty that “the vestiges of the pre-Islamic jahiliyah age must be replaced by the perfect religious, political and cultural civilization of Islam” (p. 164). The practice continues today, such as the destruction of Bamyan Buddha statues by the Taliban and attacks on similar structures of pre-Islamic heritage by fundamentalist Muslims in many Islamic countries.
-A process taking place in the UK.

The stories recounted mostly from Islamic sources are harrowing, heart-wrenching, jaw-dropping. Muslims from all over the world must read this book. They will be shocked by the scale of brutality their ancestors suffered at the hands of Islamic invaders—opposed to their false notion that Islam came to liberate them from tyranny, oppression and sinful religious practices. They will feel remorse and pain for the sufferings of their ancestors. No less pain would be felt by non-Muslim readers—say, those from India—whose forefathers suffered much more for their refusal to embrace Islam.
-But muslims will not read it and even if they do they will quickly dismiss it. Independent thought and critical thinking is not something the average muslim is familiar with.

Muslim or Non-Muslim, everybody from India to Central Asia, to the Middle East, West Asia, Africa, Eurasia, Europe and even the United States will quickly able to realize how Islam had affected—nay, terribly brutalized—their ancestors by the instruments of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery, which they may be unaware of.

These ideal practices, enshrined in the doctrines of Jihad, were practised well into the 20th century. Most interestingly and convincingly, this book makes it very clear that those Jihadi commands of Islam are not dead; Muslims still practiced them in one form or another—one may look the treatment of minorities in Muslim countries, say in Saudi Arabia. In Malaysia, non-Muslims are discriminated against to support Muslims from the toil of non-Muslims, the major taxpayers. These practices are, however, severely subdued, because, as suggests this book, that Muslims do not have power; and that international obligations, such as to the United Nations, to uphold human rights of all their citizens undermine Muslim nations’ mistreatment of their non-Muslim citizens.

On the basis of many ongoing examples of forced conversion (in Pakistan, Egypt etc.), expansion of Islamic imperialism or rule (creation of Pakistan, independence of Kosovo) and effort to do so (Kashmir, Chechnya, Mindanao, Thai South), plus the ongoing practice of slavery in some Muslim countries (Saudi Arabia, Mauritania etc.) and its intensification in the Sudan etc., this book makes abundantly clear that these cardinal commands of Jihad, eternal in nature, are very much alive. If Muslims gain power, say by changing demographics such as through their unbridled procreations—forced conversion, imperialism and slavery will most likely intensify as the book concludes:

The radical Islamic movements have been gaining fast ascendancy in the Muslim world, while the Sharia laws creeping into the legal system bit by bit even in the West. It remains to be seen whether or not the central professions of Jihad—forced conversion, imperialism and slavery along with economic exploitations and social disabilities of non-Muslims—return to the world-stage with its medieval glories.

This is a profound statement, which may sound ridiculous to many. But if read this book carefully, they will give a second thought before dismissing the statement as preposterous, if at all.
-It is hard for the ones that were fooled by muslims to admit the mistake and open their eyes to the truth.

This is a book everyone—Muslim and non-Muslim—must read, as the topic discussed profoundly affect a greater majority of the world population today, while it will, undoubtedly, affect the now-unaffected in a century if not in a few decades. Most of all, every politician and community leaders must read it in order to grasp the unbelievable resilience inherent in the doctrines of Jihad, which will make them realize the depth of the threat, posed by surging Islamic radicalism to the future of global humanity.

Huntington made a shocking statement in his Civilization Clash thesis in saying that “Civilization seems in many respects to be yielding to barbarism… a global Dark Age possibly descending on humanity”. Huntington puts multiple civilizations at fault for this likely downfall of the civilized humanity. If none else, the resurging radical Jihadism, which lies very much at the heart of Islam, would most likely make his prediction as reality. Read this book and grasp why.

If Muslims read this book, it will solve much, if not all, of today’s problem of Jihadi terrorism and Islamic intolerance, simply because they will find little reason to sacrifice their life for a fraudulent, violent and cruel creed.

Loaded with information of encyclopedic proportion, both theological and historical, on the spread of Islam, its practice of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery wherever Islam went, this book is a one-top reference for the academicians, scholars, researchers and writers of Islam.

Although there are a few ignorable typos and comes without an index, it is absorbing, engaging: readers, having interest in the issue, would feel like reading it cover to cover. In assessing the book, Germany-based sociology Prof. Sami Alrabaa comments, “[I] found it fascinating. It is one of those few books which everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims, must read…”, while Pakistani-born writer Amar Khan says, “before start reading it, finish your work, because once you start reading, it will not let you move.”

Explore posts in the same categories: False Prophet, Islamo-Nazis, Jihad, know your enemy, muslim Intolerance, Muslim on Muslim Violence

4 Comments on “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery”

  1. Akira Says:


    Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery

    By M.A. Khan


    I was born and brought up in a conservative Muslim society. After graduating in India, I moved to the West for furthering my education. Despite my conservative Muslim background, I grew up with a liberal outlook. In my school and university days, my closest friends were Hindus and Sikhs: I felt more comfortable with them as they were more liberal, easy-going and humble with fewer religious scruples. I had wholly given up religious rituals by the time I completed my university studies: they just didn’t attract me.

    When 9/11 occurred, I had lived in a liberal society for over a decade. I had become consciously convinced that religious rituals—prayers, fasting, pilgrimage—were all meaningless. I should be rewarded, I felt, for working hard, and intelligently, not for aping some wasteful rituals, which brings good to nobody. Non-Muslims were my best friends; shocking my Muslim peers, I ate haraam (prohibited) foods, drank alcohol (in moderation).

    Despite the kind of a liberal person I had become, let me be honest that I was not excluded from those Muslims who felt that the 9/11 attacks were justified, although I felt those perished in it died undeserving deaths. Muslim societies universally portray America as a mortal enemy of Islam, particularly for its stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. America’s mindless support for Israel has been causing terrible oppression and untold sufferings to Palestinian Muslims. There was, undoubtedly, an overriding sense of justification for the 9/11 attacks amongst Muslims; it gave the unjust superpower a bloody nose: I, so little a Muslim, thought that way too.

    Weird as it may sound, I still believed in Islam. I thought the terrorists, acting in the name of Islam, were misguided. After 9/11, I slowly started reading about Islam: Quran, Sunnah and Prophet Muhammad’s biographies; I hadn’t read them in the thirty-five years of my life. I was shocked. I had been told all my life that Prophet Muhammad was the ideal human being: most merciful and just; that Islam is the most peaceful religion; and I believed it. But the Quran reads like a manifesto of open-ended war against non-Muslims for converting them or for subjugating them into horribly degraded dhimmi subjects. In his prophetic career, especially during the critical last ten years, Prophet Muhammad was anything but what a peace-loving, merciful and just person stands for.

    My curiosity grew. Over the past years, I have done extensive research on Islamic theology as well as on Islamic history: from Prophet Muhammad to modern times. It has been a harrowing tale of forced conversion, brutal imperialism and devastating slavery. It’s a saga of great human tragedy—all in the name of Islamic holy war or Jihad, the foundational creed of Islam. This tragic tale is the subject of this book.

    * * *

    Obviously, there is a great deal of disagreement or denial about this extremist discourse of Jihad.

    Yet, it is undeniable that, out of misconception or not, the violent Islamist groups—with their unquestioned belief that they are fighting in the cause of Allah—will continue unleashing violence and terrorism against innocent men, women and children in the years and decades to come, causing incalculable damage and destruction to human life and society. Indisputably, Muslims are now a substantial and established group in almost every nation in the world. Due to high birth-rates amongst Muslims, their continued influx from the overpopulated Islamic world and decline of the native population, they may become, according to current demographic trends, the dominant religious group in many Western countries by the middle of this century. If the current tide of ascendant violent radicalism continues to thrive amongst Muslims, the stability of the tolerant, civilized world may face peril in the not-too-distant future. To secure the stability of the modernist, secular-democratic and progressive future of the world, nations must work unitedly for countering the ideology and activities of these radical Islamist groups, using both military and ideological means.

    As violent Islamists wreak havoc around the world, more so in Islamic countries, understanding the ‘true meaning’ of Jihad, their central cause, is of central importance for both Muslims and non-Muslims in order to devise effective counter-measures against them. Without understanding what Jihad truly means, it is impossible for authorities and the people to devise effective remedies against the growing violent trend in the name of Jihad amongst Muslims.

    This book is a small effort to give readers an idea of what Jihad truly means. It goes through the life of Prophet Muhammad as he progressively received revelation from the Islamic God (Allah) as contained in the Muslim holy book, the Quran. It will examine when and under what circumstances, Allah introduced the concept of Jihad into Islamic doctrines. It will demonstrate—based on the Quran, authentic prophetic traditions, and original biographies of Prophet Muhammad—how the Prophet of Islam had applied the doctrine of Jihad as he founded the Islamic creed during the last twenty-three years of his life (610–632 CE). Having thus made a sense of the religious foundation and prophetic model of Jihad, it will examine how this prototypical model of Jihad was perpetuated by Muslims through the ages of Islamic domination.

    It is worth noting beforehand that, in putting Allah’s doctrine of Jihad into practice at the birth of Islam, Prophet Muhammad had established three major models of Jihadi actions:

    – Use of violence for the propagation of Islam,

    – Islamic imperialism,

    – Islamic slavery

    The historical accounts of these legacies of Jihad will be discussed in separate chapters in this book.

  2. Akira,

    Well, you got Mrs. Bulldog’s attention. She wants to read that book, right after she gets done reading her current book, Stealth Jihad.



    Everyone can find this book here:

    Book] Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery (by MA Khan)
    by MA Khan

    17 Feb, 2009

    Paperback: $ 17.96 | Kindle edition: $ 7.96 | E.Book: $ 6:00 |

    Available in bookstores and from online book-sellers: Barnes & Noble |, UK

    The E-Book is available from IUniverse Website only.

  4. Leatherneck Says:

    Another great post to show the true truth. However, the world does not care about the truth. It hates the truth, and those who follow the truth.

    As long as you worship a false moon god, then you are of the world. If you are a Jew, or a Christian worshiping the G-d who gave mankind love, and morality, you are the enemy.

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