Obama Seen as Muslim by Muslims

Some interesting perspectives in here that we have pointed to in the past, only to be called racist Islamophobes:


My Muslim President Obama
Asma Gull Hasan – Forbes
Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock.

I know President Obama is not Muslim, but I am tempted nevertheless to think that he is, as are most Muslims I know. In a very unscientific oral poll, ranging from family members to Muslim acquaintances, many of us feel, just as African-Americans did for the non-black but culturally leaning African-American President Bill Clinton, that we have our first American Muslim president in Barack Hussein Obama.

I know it’s odd to say this. At first, I thought I was the only Muslim engaging in this folly, and I am reluctant to express it lest right-wing zealots try to use “Muslim” as a smear and cite my theory as proof of an Islamic traitor in the White House or some such nonsense. But, since Election Day, I have been part of more and more conversations with Muslims in which it was either offhandedly agreed that Obama is Muslim or enthusiastically blurted out. In commenting on our new president, “I have to support my fellow Muslim brother,” would slip out of my mouth before I had a chance to think twice.

“Well, I know he’s not really Muslim,” I would quickly add. But if the person I was talking to was Muslim, they would say, “yes he is.” They would cite his open nature and habit of reaching out to critics, reminiscent of the Prophet Muhammad’s own approach, and also Obama’s middle name, Hussein. Most of the Muslims I know (me included) can’t seem to accept that Obama is not Muslim.

Of the few Muslims I polled who said that Obama is not Muslim, even they conceded that he had ties to Islam. These realists said that, although not an avowed and practicing Muslim, Obama’s exposure to Islam at a young age (both through his father and his stint in Indonesia) has given him a Muslim sensibility. In my book, that makes you a Muslim–maybe not a card-carrying one, but part of the flock for sure. One realist Muslim ventured that Obama worships at a Unitarian Church because it represents the middle ground between Christianity and Islam, incorporating the religious beliefs of the two faiths Obama feels connected to. Unitarianism could be Obama’s way of still being a Muslim. (And let’s not forget that the church Obama worshiped at for so many years had a minister who reminds most Muslims of their own raving, excitable ministers. Even if Obama really is Christian, he picked the most Muslim-esque minister out of the bunch to guide him.)

The rationalistic, Western side of me knows that Obama has denied being Muslim, that his father was non-practicing, that he doesn’t attend a mosque. Many Muslims simply say back, “my father’s not a strict Muslim either, and I haven’t been to a mosque in years.” Obama even told The New York Times he could recite the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, which the vast majority of Muslims, I would guess, do not know well enough to recite.

I think many of us Muslims see Obama as Muslim, or at least of Muslim heritage, because his background epitomizes one of the major Muslim experiences–a diverse upbringing that eludes any easy classification as specifically one religion or one culture. So many of us Muslims around the world have Islam in common, but an altogether different culture from one another. Many Muslims share a culture with a Christian, Hindu or Buddhist community but not the same religion. When faced with such diversity, there are no hard and fast rules for Muslim identity.

The Qur’an speaks often of the umma, or the worldwide community of Muslims. In the early days of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad led the small umma. Every decision, every effort, everything was for the umma–people who were often unrelated by blood but had become related by choice as Muslims. In those early days, many Muslims had gone against the wishes of their own families in converting to Islam, pitting brother against sister, father against child. Perhaps that’s why the concept of umma became so dear and is still echoed today–in my opinion, echoed more than that Western favorite jihad–in Muslim homes, whether those homes are in the United States or in Palestine.

Perhaps it is my–and most Muslims’– loyalty to the umma that is behind our insistence on seeing Obama as Muslim. Islam survived and continues to survive because Muslims believe we have to respect and take care of each other, as members of the umma. If we were to start excluding members, or revising our broad guidelines for admittance, the very essence of the community feeling that is important in Islam, that gives me and other Muslims comfort everyday, would be undercut. So when Obama says he’s not Muslim, my umma mentality says I know better. Once you have a Muslim parent, especially a dad, you’re in. Whether you like it or not, Muslims all over the world see you as one of them.

I work with my father, and, once, we were seeking business with a white American man who had married a Muslim woman. Noticing how much fond attention my dad paid to this man, I asked him why he liked the man so much. My dad responded that, in his marriage to a Muslim woman (who wasn’t related to us), “He’s our brother-in-law!” So if that white, middle-aged man can be my brother-in-law, then Obama can certainly be my Muslim president.

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19 Comments on “Obama Seen as Muslim by Muslims”

  1. memaw Says:

    I wonder when Obama is going to “come out of the closet” and admit that he is Muslim. The fact that he refused to have his middle name used during his running for Presidency, but once elected made sure that his middle name would be used when sworn in, says a big deal about what his real religion is.

  2. Akira Says:

    ” the concept of umma became so dear and is still echoed today–in my opinion, echoed more than that Western favorite jihad”

    = Muslims will always stick together and discriminate on behalf of each other, and this desire to always put Muslims first is even stronger than the strong desire and obligation to go to war against non-Muslims.

    Thanks for that, Asma [try not to choke].

  3. Akira Says:

    The State Department has invited Asma Gull Hasan to lecture on behalf of the US State Department all over the world, talking about Islam in America.

    Her family of “Progressive Muslims”, who support gay marriage and other trendy causes, has personally given more than $725,000 to Republican candidates and causes.

    She is the daughter of Malik M Hasan, a “Bush Pioneer” (meaning that he raised more than $100,000 for George W, Bush in 2004).

    Her mother, Seeme Hasan, and her brother, Muhammad Ali Hasan founded Muslims For Bush. Her brother also founded co-founded Muslims for America

    In October, 2007, Hasan filed an unsuccessful defamation suit against Michael Muhammad Knight, claiming that his book “Blue-Eyed Devil” falsely portrayed her as “wealthy, self-absorbed, insensitive and acutely uninformed” and that Knight had influenced the Muslim punk band Kominas to write a song depicting her performance of a sex act.

  4. Akira Says:

    Here’s the Republican Hasan’s last column for Glamour Magazine:


    If I Were Obama. . .


    If I were Obama, my journal/to-do list would read like this:

    1. Propose and pass comprehensive immigration reform in the first 100 days. It’s not only the right thing to do, but also documenting illegal workers will enhance our tax base, which is sorely needed even if we leave Iraq on a short time-frame.

    2. Find an appropriate role for Hillary. A proper role befitting the first major female presidential candidate: maybe the first female Secretary of Defense. Reconsider appointing her to the first or second Supreme Court opening after a two-year stint in the Cabinet. She will serve our mutual causes of liberalism and progressiveness well in both positions, and she won’t be a thorn in my side if she’s on my side! (As for Bill, consider making him ambassador to a large Muslim nation or special liaison for the White House on Muslim Outreach as part of a greater effort to open dialogue with international Muslims.)

    3. … Ask Rahm to research ambitious Senate Republicans who would take [a] spot [in Obama’s cabinet], leaving his/her seat open for a Democratic appointee, achieving additional goal of making the Senate filibuster-proof.

    5. Make sure to be sworn in as “Barack HUSSEIN Obama.” Lead by example. Show people that if the president can embrace the stickier sides of his identity, so can they. It will be that in recognizing our perceived weaknesses, even the smallest ones, we will actually diminish them and replace the space left behind with a new-found strength in ourselves, our country, and the world. Yes, we can, and yes, we will.

    by Asma Hasan

  5. Gramfan Says:

    Finding it hard to believe she/her family are republican.

    Whether BHO is a muslim or not it is clear he is going to change the US beyond recognition, and the other western leaders can’t wait to jump on the band wagon to destroy their own countries also:(

  6. Akira Says:

    Why would you find it hard to believe that the Hasan’s are Rrepublicans?

    Hasn’t George W. Bush done more than any president in history to advance the cause of Islam? Of course, President Hussein is just starting out. He’ll soon catch up.

    + + +

    The United States of Allahu Akbar:


  7. Chris Says:

    Asma must have been smoking something that is still illegal in California while writing this article. Wishful thinking doesn’t change reality. If one ignores the facts, one could make an argument that Obama is half Pygmy — after all, his father came from Africa.

    But let’s unstretch Asma’s fertile imagination:

    1. His exposure to Islam has given him a Muslim sensibility — I guess Asma thinks all Muslims are smart. That’s why they have won all those Nobel Prizes.

    2. Obama worshipped at a Unitarian Church which is a half way faith between Islam and Christianity — Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed on two distinguishing elements of the Christian faith — that Christ was the Son of God and that He died on the cross. The Unitarian Church makes no compromise on those two beliefs. There is no half way between Islam and Christianity.

    3. Obama could recite the adan — I can personally attest that anyone who has lived in a Muslim country for a length of time can recite the adan because it is broadcast through loudspeakers five time a day. It gets embedded in ones brain — until one reminds himself that it is all about “success” which is usually visibly lacking among the Muslim population.

    4. When faced with diversity, there are no hard and fast rules for Muslim identity — this is super takiyya intended to paint Muslims as tolerant of other religions and cultures. The concept of the umma is part and parcel of jihad against all others. To Muslims, the world is clearly divided between Muslims and kuffirs who are despised and have no rights under Sharia Law.

    5. Obama can be my Muslim president — that is all well and good until he deliberately contradicts a Muslim or an Islamic principle. Then he’s going to be your Apostate president, worthy of death by any self-righteous Muslim. (See Reliance of the Traveller, para. o5.4) Not a pleasant thought for those who KNOW he isn’t a Muslim.

  8. Akira Says:


    How do you know that “his father came from Africa”? Who is his father? Don’t you wonder why he has spent almost a million dollars in courtroom all across the land trying to keep his birth record confidential?


    The name Frank Marshall Davis comes to mind.

    Re: “Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed on two distinguishing elements of the Christian faith … There is no half way between Islam and Christianity.”

    But the “Reverend” Wright is/was a Muslim; people are not baptized at Trinity United Church (they “walk the aisle”); and that “church” makes no distinction between Christians and Muslims.

    Only an autistic person could recite the Muslim Call to Prayer after 35 years, merely from having heard it 5 times a day for a few years, with no other knowledge of Arabic. Obama can recite it from practicing it at mosques and at school.

    And why on Earth would anyone but a Muslim want to recite it?

    Allah is Great. Allah is Great.
    Allah is Great. Allah is Great.
    I bear witness that there is no god except Allah.
    I bear witness that there is no god except Allah.
    I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
    I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
    Make haste towards prayer. Make haste towards prayer.
    Make haste towards welfare. Make haste towards welfare
    Allah is Most Great. Allah is Most Great.
    There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.

    الله اكبر
    اشهد ان لا اله الا الله
    اشهد ان محمدا رسول الله
    حي على الصلاة
    حي على الفلاح
    الله اكبر
    لا اله الا الله

    Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
    Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
    Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah.
    Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah.
    Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-Rasoolullah.
    Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-Rasoolullah.
    Hayya ‘alas-Salah. Hayya ‘alas-Salah.
    Hayya ‘alal-falah. Hayya ‘alal-falah.
    Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
    La ilaha ill-Allah.

    According to Islamic law, Obama is either a Muslim, or is an apostate, since he obviously was a Muslim, as his Indonesian school records indicate, because both his father and stepfather were Muslims, and because he attended prayers at the mosque.

    Re: “The concept of the umma is part and parcel of jihad against all others.”

    Of course, but Mzz Hasan is arguing that Muslims will always stick together and discriminate on behalf of the ummah, and that this desire to always put a fellow Muslim first is even stronger than the strong desire and obligation to go to war against non-Muslims.

    And Mzz Hasan and her father are clearly not bothered about whether Obama is apostate or not. They are so-called “cultural Muslims” who loves the whole “belonging” thing, and throwing Arabic into their conversations, and so on, but aren’t into the whole “jihad and sharia” thing. That’s why they aren’t bothered that a “white man” [I take it that by this racist appellation she means the man is not a Muslim] has violated a Muslima. Otherwise she’d be damanding his death and the death of that Muslima for daring to spread her Msulim thights for an “infidel”.

  9. Chris Says:

    1. Akira asks, how do you know Obama’s father came from Africa? — Sorry, but I never doubted this, and I don’t know how to deal with people who are still obsessed with his birth certificate.

    2. Jeremiah Wright was former Muslim, and people aren’t baptized in his church — In the Christian community there are preachers who were Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and even felons, but that doesn’t necessarily diminish from their Christian walk. Many denominations, like Methodists, do not practice baptism. That is not as essential as believing in divinity of Christ and His death and resurrection.

    3. Only an autistic person can recite the adan without the knowledge of Arabic — Hey, a ten-year-old kid can recite ” ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; all mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.” Arabic is phonetic, and 80% of Muslims don’t understand the words. So it can be recited by anyone who works at it WITHOUT learning Arabic. Why? Why do kids recite and sing Jabberwocky? By the way, I like that substitution of “welfare” for “success.” That word is probably appropriate for most Muslims in the west.

    4. I’m not worried about the Hasan family assassinating President Obama, but there are a lot of “misunderstanders of Islam” out there who would do it at the drop of a kuffiyeh.

    The bottom line is that only wishful thinking could make Obama a Muslim.

  10. Steve Says:

    We are phucked….

  11. Akira Says:

    The point is not whether Obama is a Muslim. Only God knows that. (I doubt even Obama knows, since he seems to be a very obtuse and confused soul). The point Hasan makes is that the majority of Muslims see him as a brother in the Ummah, and this is something that non-Muslim Americans are virtually forbidden to say if they want a career in the MSM.

    Also, it will be problematic if Obama wants to actually go somewhere like Iran or Sowdi Arabia. I’m sure they’d work out some sort of diplomatic arrangement, but I’m also sure those regimes will face dissent from Real Muslims who will rightly point out that Obama deserves the sword for his stated apostasy. Interesting times ahead for President Muslim Outreach.

    If you follow Jeremiah Wright’s career, you’ll find that he never rejected Islam. He just adapted it to his “christianity”.

    Re: “In the Christian community there are preachers who were Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and even felons, but that doesn’t necessarily diminish from their Christian walk.”

    Yes, they “were” those things, and now they are not. But they can’t rightly say, “I’m a Hindu and a Christian.”

    Re: “Many denominations, like Methodists, do not practice baptism. That is not as essential as believing in divinity of Christ and His death and resurrection.”

    I see where the confusion lies. Thee are no denominations. The Church is the Body of Christ, and therefore there is only one Church. Anyone who does not believe in baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit is not a Christian. Thinking like yours is why abominations like Joseph Smith and the “reverend” Wright and the “reverend” Jesse Jackson are considered Christian.

    Did you know that Hillary Clinton is a Methodist preacher? Now I understand …

    Re: “I don’t know how to deal with people who are still obsessed with his birth certificate.”

    Do you seriously believe that a man in Obama’s position will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in courts trying to keep his birth records confidential without any reason?

  12. Akira Says:


    Why was Jesus Christ baptized?

  13. Akira,

    If I may be so bold as to answer that one. Jesus was baptized to fulfill the Jewish legal requirements for becoming a priest (to “fulfill all righteousness”).

    In order to be consecrated as a priest, He had to be:

    – washed with water (Lev. 8:6; Exodus 29:4, Matt. 3:16).

    – Anointed with oil (Lev. 8:12; Exodus 29:7; Matt. 3:16).

    Both of these were bestowed upon Jesus at His baptism.

    The anointing with oil is symbolic of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The dove that landed on Jesus’ after he was baptized was the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus was anointed.


  14. Akira Says:

    I was hoping the anti-Baptist could answer that.

    Apparently some people understand Christianity better than that Jesus fellow.

    + + +

    BTW, in the Orthodox Church, the Christmation is not symbolic.

    + + +

    Unrelated, but have you heard of Stephen Fowler?


    Don’t watch it with a gun in your hand or you might end up with no computer.

  15. Akira Says:

    Correction: Chrismation

  16. irishoaks Says:

    Re: “In the Christian community there are preachers who were Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and even felons, but that doesn’t necessarily diminish from their Christian walk.”

    And as doctor bulldog stated of the Holy Spirit, a Christian is one who proclaims that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who took all the sins of all mankind up on that cross and died, went to hell and rose again so that we may. He also gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit after His death.

    Barack has not and will not proclaim Him Lord. His was a muslim. He is one now. He can say anything.

  17. Chris Says:

    So, now I’m an anti-Baptist and a Jesus fellow. If Akira could get out of his very small world and visit Qumran, for example, he would see full-body baptismal founts used by Jews before and after Christ for ritual purity. Jesus was a Jew, so his baptism was in accordance with Jewish practice, just as Doctorbulldog indicated.

    The word Baptist was originally Anabaptist, which means re-baptiser. Critics of these early Protestants insisted that Catholics had already been baptised (actually, sprinkled) so what this denomination was doing was re-baptising people who had already been baptised as Catholics.

    If Akira will venture to Greece and Turkey where many of the early Christian churches were planted by Paul and others, he will see full-body baptismal founts in such Christian churches as the Church of Saint Demetrius in Thessaloniki and the St. John the Evangelist Basilica in Ephesus. The physical evidence shows that early Christians practiced full-body baptism. This was later abandoned because too many children were dying before they could be baptised — and were destined to Hell according to the church doctrine at the time.

    I relate all of this, not because I have any particular religious agenda, but rather to share the truth. I actually like Dr. Bulldog because he doesn’t pull his punches with me or anyone else. However, if his readers judge me to be an anti-baptist or a Jesus fellow, perhaps they should back off a bit on the vitriol and just consider for a moment the possibility that some people may actually be providing facts on this website.

  18. islams not for me Says:

    My theory about obama is that he was only ‘son’ of a moslem and not related to the faith since he would have never gotten to be Preisent because of how our politics revile theocracy.

    At best he is a apostate and will never truely be moslem.

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