Obama Halts Adult Stem Cell Research Funding

Troubling indeed!  If Obama’s plan was to truly just help out researchers, then why did he just halt all ADULT stem cell funding in favor of funding embryonic stem cell research?  That makes no sense whatsoever, unless Obama has an agenda…

President Obama Also Drops Executive Order for Adult Stem Cell Research Funds

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
March 10, 2009

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — President Barack Obama did more on Monday than just force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research that requires the destruction of human life. He also rescinded an executive order President Bush put into place funding adult stem cells and new research with iPS cells.

Obama also rescinded Executive Order 13435 of June 20, 2007.

President Bush put that order in place in June 2007 when he vetoed a Congressional measure that would have required embryonic stem cell research funding.

Instead of signing the bill, President Bush issued an executive order to press for more research into ways of obtaining embryonic stem cells without harming human life. The order was intended to ultimately fund research into alternatives” to destructive embryonic stem cell research such as altered nuclear transfer (ANT), “regression” (reverting differentiated cells into stem cells), and other methods.

Bush could be said to have been ahead of his time since regression, also known as direct reprogramming, has taken off and the new induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are the talk of the scientific world.

Bioethcis attorney and watchdog Wesley J. Smith says the Obama decision to also reverse this executive order shows Obama is really the anti-science president, not his predecessor.

“Of course, the Administration didn’t have the candor or courage to publicize this part of his nasty work,” he said. “But the now dead order explicitly required funding for alternative methods such as the new IPSCs, which offer so much promise without the ethical contentiousness.”

“Alternative methods are one of the few areas in which we can all row in the same direction, which I thought this president wanted to do,” Smith added.

“I can think of only two reasons for this action, for which I saw no advocacy either in the election or during the first weeks of the Administration,” Smith says. “First, vindictiveness against all things ‘Bush’ or policies considered by the Left to be ‘pro-life’ and second, a desire to get the public to see unborn human life as a mere corn crop ripe for the harvest.”

“So much for taking the politics out of science,” he concludes.

Explore posts in the same categories: Abortion, politics

3 Comments on “Obama Halts Adult Stem Cell Research Funding”

  1. tgusa Says:

    What if we were to start using animals in this way? We could go around aborting bunny fetuses and then experiment on them. Down the road there will be two Americas, one where they abort fetuses to find a cure for your disease, where the state reps go groveling to DC for cash opening themselves up to the dictation of Washington. The other one where they do just the opposite. Its about time states start to reconsider any money given to DC, it’s time for states to do the right thing and opt out of all of this. It is time for states to force the DC guvment to act within the constraints of the constitution. The states have an obligation to their respective people first and foremost.

  2. This is insane. Even if he want’s the government to support embryonic stem cell research what is wrong with continuing support for adult stem cell research, considering that adult stem cells have already proven to be effective in many areas of medicine while embryonic stem cells have not been why would he do this?

    It’s politics, that’s all I can guess. Bad and dirty politics. When we turn science into politics both are going to be harmed.

  3. Appalled By The World Says:

    Obama(MCF) has a simple policy for reigning-just do everything the opposite of Bush- since Bush is history’s greatest monster he cannot possibly go wrong.

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