African Journalist Gives CNN’s Adulation of the Obamessiah a Dose of Reality

Too funny:  CNN’s Don Lemmon obviously thought Obama’s treatment in Africa was “unprecedented,” or, at least, that’s the impression he wanted to give his viewing audience, and I’m sure he was expecting his guest African journalist, Nkepile Mabuse, to contribute to his Obama worshiping palaver .  But, Nkepile pops his bubble of sycophancy and sets him—and the viewers—straight:

H/T – Newsbusters

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5 Comments on “African Journalist Gives CNN’s Adulation of the Obamessiah a Dose of Reality”

  1. oaks777 Says:

    How disappointing to find out that all Africans greet President Bush with drumming and dancing and that he actually joined them as well….Guess Don Lemon thinks George didn’t take the “How black are you?” quiz on facebook. lol

  2. teach5 Says:

    “Indeed, Don”. She responded perfectly. He seems so disappointed in her answer! Poor baby. It appears the Obama bubble may be thinning a bit.

  3. tnr Says:

    OBAMA in GHANA The dress rehearsal :

    OBAMA in Russia The reality :

  4. Weaver Says:

    Friggin libs don’t know how to respond when they hear someone speaking the truth. Funniest thing I have seen all week.


  5. teach5 Says:

    LOVE the video! Thanks sooo much!’Made my day.

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