Our Dark Overlord: All We Are Asking is that You Spy On Your Neighbors For Us

PB-in-AL sent us an email with the following Orwellian paragraph:

From the White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

PB-in-AL also adds, “The re-education camps should be firing up shortly.  🙂 “

Pamela has more about this over at Atlas Shrugs

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Obama Sucks, Orwellian, politics

10 Comments on “Our Dark Overlord: All We Are Asking is that You Spy On Your Neighbors For Us”

  1. Ronin Says:

    I have a great idea! Send in the name of every neighbor that displays an obama sticker.

    • az_conservative Says:

      that’s a good idea….

      One problem: all my neighbors have scraped off their Obama stickers. In fact, I haven’t seen an Obama sticker, sign, or even tshirt in 2-3 months. voters’ remorse?

      Of course, known pro-Obama folks, Dem campaign staffers, congressional office workers, etc could easily find their names on the list…kind of like innocent citizens find their names on the no-fly list, etc. just sayin.

      They are using Cloward-Piven on us, maybe we should turn it around. Overwhelm their Big Brother efforts.

  2. teach5 Says:

    Hey, Barry—flag this! (Use your imagination as to any suitable gesture to insert here.)

  3. Jack Says:

    I reported my 85-year old Republican mother to flag@whitehouse.gov and asked them to “straighten her out”. She said she was against euthanasia for the elderly in lieu of costly medical treatment.

  4. Gramfan Says:

    Unbelievable stuff coming from the White House.

    “Change” but not much “hope”. This is straight out of any communist dictatorship.

  5. The good thing is I live in a country that wouldn’t extradite me, well not over free speech anyway, so come and get me Obama-Joker!

  6. Bob Says:

    “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.”
    Since the White house web site overwhelms me with it’s fishiness, I’m reporting it toflag@white house.gov.
    I think everyone should, it’s what obamba would want…

  7. CavMom Says:

    I need to read the blog BEFORE I send out the emails. I enjoyed the ideas at the Examiner blog: http://www.examiner.com/x-13430-Sarpy-County-Conservative-Examiner~y2009m8d4-flagwhitehousegov-asks-Americans-to-send-them-sources-of-disinformation-in-the-health-care-debate

    Suggesting we turn in Obama for “claiming false numbers and spreading disinformation”

  8. Weaver Says:

    Could be they are just building a database of people that don’t agree with the joker, err, I mean obama.


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