Exclusive Photos of the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, California

Rob sent us a set of photographs that he took today at the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, CA.

The Tea Party Express will be winding its way through the United States and arrive on Saturday, September 12, 2009 for the MASSIVE Tea Party Protest in Washington D.C.

It’s an event of a lifetime!  I encourage EVERYONE to visit Washington D.C. on September 12th.

[Click on the map to check out the Tea Party Express’s schedule of cities, dates, and times. ]


Also, you can keep up with Tea Party Express bloggers HERE and HERE.

We can’t thank Rob enough for sending us all the cool photos.   We REALLY appreciate it.

So kick back, relax, and enjoy Rob’s great pics:

[Click on images to enlarge]























Explore posts in the same categories: congress sucks, Obama Sucks, politics, protest, Travel

12 Comments on “Exclusive Photos of the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, California”

  1. Gramfan Says:

    Oooooooooo,,look at all those “organised domestic terrorists!”

    Actually, it’s a sight for sore eyes!

    • az_conservative Says:

      Any hope of getting some demonstrations going in AU for Sept 12? Just a thought, probably not enough time but it would be a great way to stand up together and say “Hell no. No more.” The leftie-loons are a global problem.

      • Gramfan Says:

        No 😦 Unfortunately.

        Trouble is here Rudd has a very high approval rating, and although he has borrowed $300 billion from China, which I doubt we needed at all, most people think he is wonderful.
        Most depressing isn’t it.

        The effects of the financial crisis here are not as severe,,,,,yet!

        • az_conservative Says:

          Rudd is a lib, so that’s a bit alarming that people like him so much. I admit, I haven’t paid that much attention to what his social policies are like in terms of personal liberties, etc. The anti-gun, pro-Muslim stance turns me off though I’d still love to visit.

          Hopefully, your economy will remain sound. I wouldn’t wish what we are about to experience on any country. AU isn’t a debtor nation like we are so the crisis shouldn’t get so bad there. Yours is a commodity/production-based economy like ours used to be. Pray it stays that way.

          • Gramfan Says:

            Here the Liberal Party is the conservative one: confusing I know.

            We did very well with them. They paid off the previous Labor govt’s debt and left the treasury in good shape.

            Rudd wrecked that in no time at all, like all left govts do.
            It only took one in 20 voters to get Rudd into power, and after 11 years of Howard there was a whole new demographic who took all the good stuff for granted and thought Howard was old!

            We don’t have two-term limits. The party wins, and the leader of the party becomes PM, and that can change during a term if someone resigns or faces a challenge. It’s not personality based in the same sense as the US.

            We are doing ok because of exports to China – iron ore, natural gas and such. If China goes down, so do we and they are playing hardball with us right now.

            I don’t know if I would call them pro-Muslim any more than most western govts that need immigrants.

            Most people are unhappy with it, but Howard didn’t really stop it either. He just managed to stop illegals arriving via Indonesia. Rudd is being soft here.

            You can get gun permits, but this is mainly for farmers.

            Crooks like every where always manage to get them.

  2. tgusa Says:

    The description Liberal, like many other words today has been perverted by the regressive left. In 1974s world book encyclopedia liberalism is broken in to two groups, early liberalism, they believed that the guvmint that governs least governs best. That the economy is self regulating if left alone to operate according to its own rules. That guvmint regulation of the economy is unnecessary. Adam Smith and his book, The Wealth of Nations, is sited as the source of economic liberalism.

    And then there is the modern liberal or 20th century liberal. They became convinced that guvmint action is frequently necessary to provide conditions under which individuals can realize their potentials as human beings. 1974’s liberal favored an active role for the guvmint in regulating the economy in the public interest. They support guvmint programs to provide economic security and to ease human suffering. Liberals claim a kinship with early liberalism by saying they too believe in the primary importance of individual freedom. But they maintain that guvmint must actively remove to the enjoyment of that freedom. Persons who support the earlier ideas of economic liberalism are now frequently described as conservative or reactionary.

    Bi-Polar Liberals?

    Brian Lamb Shows Why Conservatives Are The Only Real Liberals.

    From my grandpas 1933 Funk and Wagnall’s Dictionary, the definition of Liberal; I. Possessing a free and generous heart; bountiful; not bigoted; broad. II. A member of a party which advocates liberty of thought, speech or action. [Latin, liberalis < liber, free].

    • tgusa Says:

      Correction: But they maintain that guvmint must actively remove obstacles to the enjoyment of that freedom.

      • Gramfan Says:

        Yes, word meanings have changed. I think we have had comments before saying that they talk in ‘code’.

        Actually ‘code’ and ‘spin’ as well.

        Watch them use ‘social justice’, for example. If you take that phrase at face value it sounds fine, but it isn’t really what some people think it means at all.
        It’s straight up re-distribution of wealth.

  3. Bob Says:

    “The description Liberal, like many other words today has been perverted by the regressive left.”
    Kinda like the words “gay” and “patriot”, huh, tgusa?

    • tgusa Says:

      That’s right Bob words terms and descriptions have become so warped that we need a dictionary of leftist think to figure it all out. Of course we could always just read some Orwell.

      I have a cousin, she’s a number of years older than I and her name is Gay. Yes, named after a part of her mothers name, my Aunt who happened to be very near and dear to me. That’s two reasons I will never use gay to describe a homosexual.

  4. teach5 Says:

    This is very exciting! I’m thinking we might have a shot at real HOPE and CHANGE in 2010! Let’s watch the SEIU goons try to mess these folks!
    We’ve got three buses filled from my area, with some great signs ready to go! Yeeha! Let’s watch BAM tell the media he doesn’t know anything about any tea party members!

  5. robert burke Says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llZc5X5WDIU- scott brown with rudy g. at paul revere park 1/15/2010 2:05 sec

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