Health Care Deform Protesters To Crash Massive D.C. Tea Party

No surprise there!  We knew Obama’s Jackboots were coming.  And, they’ll be violent.

Obamacare activists to crash D.C.’s massive tea party?
Health ‘reform’ advocates organize ‘well-funded’ counterattack for next day

August 28, 2009
By Chelsea Schilling

Just as thousands of taxpayers from across the nation are planning to descend on Washington, D.C., to take their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol – “Obamacare” proponents have responded with a well-funded counterattack scheduled for the following day.

In a major movement unaffiliated with – but inspired by – Fox News’ Glenn Beck’s 9-12 Project, called the National Taxpayer Protest, thousands of Americans are answering the call and booking travel arrangements to make their voices heard at Capitol Hill on Sept. 12.

Robert Reich, former Labor secretary for President Bill Clinton, called for yet another “march on Washington” on Sept. 13 in support of including a public option in Obama’s health “reform.”

“If enough people feel that’s the best way for their voices to be heard, and can’t be heard in any other way, then we march,” he said in Politico’s Arena.

Reich encouraged public option proponents to “make a racket.”

He wrote, the “first step is to be very loud and very vocal: Write, phone, e-mail, your congressional delegation and the White House. Second step: Get others to do the same. Third step: Get voters in Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, and other states where Blue Dog Dems and wavering Senate Dems live, and have them make a hell of a fuss. Fourth step: March on Washington.”

Health-care proponents have created a Facebook group with more than 2,000 members to help organize the counterattack.

[LOL!!!  Organizers for the D.C. Tea Party are kicking around numbers that are an astronomical TWO MILLION!!!  Even if they only manage to pull in half of that, that is still about one million Tea Party protesters!  Let’s see if those 2,000 idiots can compete with that!]

Dick Armey, chairman of FreedomWorks, one of the groups organizing the Sept. 12 event, said in a newsletter, “It’s no coincidence he picked the day after our event to try and organize his – Reich, allied with the likes of, the AFL-CIO, and the other usual suspects on the Left, are trying to overshadow and drown out our event and its limited government message.”


“With a war chest that some are estimating is in excess of $150 million, we have to take their threat very seriously,” Armey said. “The only way we will be able to win is through real grass roots.”


Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots told WND the groups are focused on “protecting the values and principles that have made America the greatest nation for future generations.”

Brendan Steinhauser of FreedomWorks told WND the movement is gaining momentum as thousands of taxpayers plan trips to Washington to join the fight against big government.

“People want to do this,” he said. “The people who have been protesting around the country want to come to Washington and do this in D.C. In a lot of ways, they are being ignored and the media is underrepresenting them and their numbers. They want to come together for one big event and send a very clear message.”

In his memo, Armey reminded attendees of several Democrats who have called the movement “Astroturf,” saying the crowds do not represent real grass-roots activism.

“They’re saying that your voice doesn’t count and that you will not be heard,” he said. “At the 9-12 Taxpayer March on Washington we have an opportunity to show them just how wrong they are.”

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4 Comments on “Health Care Deform Protesters To Crash Massive D.C. Tea Party”

  1. teach5 Says:

    Of course they’ll be there-shipped in by the busloads, just like Ted Kennedy’s funeral. This is the only way the left can get anyone to come to any of their “events”! They’ll be paid, prepped, and provided for. Sort of like an ‘applause’ sign for a bad comedy tv show–the obots are told where to go, what to do, and then march in synch to the orders of Fearless Leader. We’ll be ready.

  2. politicaljules Says:

    Fear not. A common Alinsky rule is that “a percieved threat is always bigger than the threat itself.”

    they are trying to scare the 912’ers in hopes that they will run scared.

    Aint gonna happen.

  3. Deidra Lott Says:

    The bigger we are in numbers the more scard they will be

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