Rupert Murdoch Puts Search Engines and News Aggregators in the Cross-hairs

Considering that Murdoch’s online Newspapers owe Google and Yahoo for keeping their readership stats up, it is a poor decision to target Google and Yahoo.  One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that Google and Yahoo could play hardball and just refuse to include any of Murdoch’s online Newspapers and articles in their search engine results.  That would certainly put a damper on Murdoch’s game of monopoly.

Murdoch warns Google: it’s time to pay
By China correspondent Stephen McDonell

News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch has launched a stinging attack on Google and other online entities for stealing content.

At a conference of World Media Executives at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Rupert Murdoch has taken aim at search engines like Google as internet parasites.

According to the News Corporation Chairman, the so-called “aggregators” on the internet steal content from traditional media organisations and, he says, the time has come for them to pay for it.

“If we do not take advantage of the current movement toward paid-for content, it will be the content creators – the people in this hall – who will pay the ultimate price and the content kleptomaniacs will triumph,” he said.


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3 Comments on “Rupert Murdoch Puts Search Engines and News Aggregators in the Cross-hairs”

  1. Solkhar Says:

    Did not News Corp’s chief James Murdoch said that the “BBC is a threat to independent journalism”?

    Funny that, to consider that the owners of tabloid journalism with a “babe” on the back of each paper and editors having to send in their “editorials” for approval…..

  2. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    A number of newspapers a few years ago attempted to
    force people to read articles found on links & in
    search engines – Age, SMH, LA Times, NY Times were
    a few I recall – most have since scrapped the requirement, as people simply read the article elsewhere. Murdoch has had designs on “controlling”
    the net & charging for content for some time.

  3. Bob Says:

    As if the greedy bastard doesn’t have enough money already…

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