Schwarzenegger Goes Back to his Nazi Roots: Signs Law Requiring Ammo Vendors to Record Buyers’ Personal Information

This is how the “Nazis” will hunt down the owners of unregistered firearms:


California Political Desk – California Chronicle
October 12, 2009

Sacramento, CA – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law legislation that will help law enforcement officials track down and apprehend armed criminals and other prohibited persons. AB 962 by Assembly Member Kevin DeLeon (D-Los Angeles) had the support of law enforcement officials from across the state and was modeled after successful city ordinances, including the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles. AB 962 was the Brady Campaign´s top priority bill in this year´s legislature.

The law requires maintenance of purchaser records by handgun ammunition vendors. Local law enforcement can use these records to find illegal guns.

“The purchase records will provide our police officers with yet another tool to track down and apprehend armed and dangerous criminals,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Repackaged slightly, but still the same old and tired, “Do it for the children,” mantra that has worked so well in the past to slowly strip away our rights as U.S. citizens.  The rest of the article was just a propaganda piece for the Brady Campaign.  If you really must, you can read the rest of this fascist dribble by CLICKING HERE.

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Gun Control, politics, Right to Bear Arms

7 Comments on “Schwarzenegger Goes Back to his Nazi Roots: Signs Law Requiring Ammo Vendors to Record Buyers’ Personal Information”

  1. Bob Says:

    Looks like ahhhnold hasn’t strayed far from his nazi roots, he certainly is no conservative.
    “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law legislation that will help law enforcement officials track down and apprehend armed criminals and other prohibited persons”
    I like that “other prohibited persons” tagline. Wonder who they might that be?
    Probably anyone that isn’t a dumbocrat.
    I’m SO GLAD I moved from that “workers paradise” long ago…

  2. az_conservative Says:

    Wow. Orwell was here, too.

  3. Gramfan Says:

    So much happening and so fast.

    You’d think they would concentrate on the economy but manage to get distracted by things like this.

    Also noticed on GP that they want to stop people from fishing in any waterways in the US. This has all kinds of ‘possibilities’ and I don’t like any of them.

    • az_conservative Says:

      Can’t have people capable of getting their own food. Might make them less dependent on Bidd Daddy Gubmint.

  4. tgusa Says:

    Arnold and the libtard legislature are about as popular as a fly in the gravy. The leftard legislature has been there for awhile, Arnie worked his way down to them. Why is Arnie so unpopular? Because he ran as the terminator but he has governed like a kindergarten cop.

    Arnold is like most actors, most of what he says was written by someone else, he’s a bit of a mimic. However, if you want a look at what we would have ghad with McCain, there you go.

    Opps I think I just threw up in my mouth.

    They cant watch immigration, their polices are killing people, but they are going to watch law abiding citizens arming themselves against the world that they themselves have created. Don’t go away mad Arnie, just go away. Im not watching yer movies any more.

    • tgusa Says:

      I would bet a thousand to one that Arnold has no idea what is in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. He knows the catch phrases such as freedom, democracy, equality but he has no idea where they came from. Lets face it people, for perhaps the first time in our history we are finding that the Declaration and the accompanying documents are not for everyone in the world.

      If you are going to immigrate here it is advisable to read up on the culture and traditions first. We don’t take kindly to foreigners we allow in rearranging our furniture. If that is your intention, stay home or go somewhere else where they can use your busybody rearranging.

      • az_conservative Says:

        These idiots don’t get the most important part:
        EQUAL DOES NOT MEAN SAME! It does not mean equal outcomes, it means equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law and equal protection of liberty.

        The result of decades of gubmint skools.

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