California To Ban Flat Screen Television Sets that aren’t Green

First, the government forces everyone to throw away their old, power hungry tube television sets by forcing broadcasters to no longer transmit a signal on the NTSC frequency bandwidth.  But, it would seem that that isn’t enough for these power hungry Little Green Fascists. No, now they are already setting their sights on your brand-new flat-screen television sets in an effort to grab more power and control.

Sure, the Little Green Fascists are going to sell it to you as a way to save the planet and it will inspire innovation in the tech industry, blah, blah, blah.  But, that is all just a smoke-screen.

Let me be perfectly clear, here; this is not about saving the Earth, this is about control of private companies and you, the consumer.  It doesn’t matter if your television set operates on two mega-watts or only two micro-watts, the Little Green Fascists will NEVER be satisfied until they control everything and everybody:


State Energy Commission Considers New Energy Rules For Flat Screen TVs
By California Capitol Network
October 14, 2009 –

California — California could approve first-in-the-nation energy standards for flat screen TVs next month. The State Energy Commission held a public hearing on the issue Tuesday. Noah Horowitz, a scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco, said the new standards are needed because consumers are buying bigger screens that use a lot of electricity.

“Once these standards go into effect new TVs sold in California will use 30 to 50 percent less energy than they do today,” Horowitz said. “And, this is a really big deal because they’ll cut California’s energy use by close to a $ 1 billion a year. And, will cut the need to build a large power plant.”

Some TV manufacturers and retailers oppose the regulations.

Peter Fannon, Vice President of the Panasonic Corporation, said many flat screen models already save more power than they would under the new rules.

“We believe the best solution is to stick with the voluntary program,” said Fannon. “And for the California Energy Commission itself to continue to monitor how well that program is doing.”

If approved, the new standards would be phased in starting in 2011. The California Energy Commission could vote on the standards as early as November fourth.

Explore posts in the same categories: Environ-mental-ism, Technology

10 Comments on “California To Ban Flat Screen Television Sets that aren’t Green”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Long ago light bulbs, TV’s etc. ruined a lot of peoples eyes. Over the years we corrected much of that but now the leftards would bring it all back. I know that Californians don’t like people screwing with their electricity so we will see where this goes. Personally, I would like to toss the lot of them out of the state for good.

    What would you say the carbon price tag is for San Francisco’s deadend homosexual culture? Just wondering.

    Another reason to have no doubt that they are insane, forcing us to hang mercury filled light bulbs in our rooms in earth quake territory. Lets not even begin to discuss the future impact on the water table.

  2. PB-in-AL Says:

    @tgusa – I’ve had the same perspective on CFLs, but haven’t had to consider the earthquake factor; that’s a biggie. If you have 3 lamps in a room with CFLs and all of them break, that could be classified a severe environmental hazard.

    Doc – they’re just pissed off because someone got a bigger TV than they have. You’re right about the control, that’s what it’s all about….Alfie. (sorry);)

    I imagine they are referring more to the plasma screens than LCD. Even the largest LCD uses a lot less power than my 31″ CRT based television, plasma not so much. I suppose they’ve forgotten that people actually pay for their own electricity and the people of Calif would be fully within reason to tell these guys to mind their own damn business.? Or would that be hoping a bit too much?

  3. ciccio Says:

    I would never think of going for CFL’s for a very simple reason. LEDs are in a very similar to computer technology, every year their output doubles and costs halve. By the time the incandescents are phase out, CFL
    technology will be obsolete.

  4. ciccio Says:

    Just checked the web for the latest on LED. I was wrong, since 1960 efficiency has been doubling every 36 months.
    CFL’s produce light with an effiency of 44-80 lumens per watt, the latest LED are running at 150 with one experimental one going up to 300. The prognosis is that within ten years LED will use 20% of CFL or 5% of incandescent power.

  5. Gramfan Says:

    I am getting so sick of the “word” green”.

    It’s every where. I can’t even watch shopping channel or food channel without some mention of ‘good for the planet’, ‘eco-friendly’.

    It’s enough to make you sick listening to these morons and their junk science.

    I think we, as a society, are growing dumber by the minute. China and India must be laughing their heads off.

    I loathe those new globes and they are going to become illegal here this month. Every store has sold out of the normal ones because most people hate the new ones.

    Try telling a greenie how they intend to dispose of the mercury and they haven’t got a clue what you are talking about.

    I give up 😦

    • Poopyhead Says:

      “Try telling a greenie how they intend to dispose of the mercury and they haven’t got a clue what you are talking about”.

      Feed them some sushi while telling them-with luck it may solve two problems depending on where that fish came from!

      • Gramfan Says:

        My friend,,you are being way too kind!

        I am too lady-like to mention what I would like to do with them, but it’s something along the lines of “Save the planet – commit suicide”.
        (Think of all the CO2 that would save!)

        Oooops….I said it!

  6. Infidelmonster Says:

    I got rid of my Dish TV in Jan. Don’t miss it at all.If you want to save some money, call your cable TV and tell them you want to cancel. I had them down to $5.99 a month for the basic package.

  7. ciccio Says:

    Infidelmonster, in the 50’s my family went to the colonies, there was no TV there, I first saw TV in the 60’s on my first visit back. Saw old friends, relatives and all they did was sit in front of that idiot box. Nothing mattered as much as the garbage going onscreen and I hated TV ever since. I have never had a TV, never will, raised my kids without one and they thrived on the lack of it. My daughter was raised on literature, when she was 10 her favourite was Maupassant and then she went to high school. Had a badly written cliche ridden cowboy book as her main work in the first year. I went ballistic,went all the way to the minister of education who told me that they have to “cater to the lowest common denominator”. Pulled her out, sent her to a convent school in France, have been fighting the tax office ever since since they claim that school fees are only deductible if the equivalent education is not available in the country.

  8. “cater to the lowest common denominator”

    LOL! – The People’s Cube in action!


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