Muslims threaten the FBI over death of violent, suicidal imam

Ask an officer and they will tell you that firing on a police dog is equivalent to engaging the human police. The imam deserved ever round. He earned them through his ignorance, his violence, piss poor judgment and his criminal actions. In some countries, the imam’s family would receive a bill for the ammo used to shoot him.

By Niraj Warikoo, 31 Oct 09, Free Press Staff Writer
Muslim leaders called for justice today at the funeral of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the Islamic leader killed by FBI agents this week during a shootout in Dearborn.

”We are looking for justice,” said Imam Mohammed Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom to a packed crowd that spilled outside. ”The closest road to Allah is justice. May Allah bless his soul.” Elahi said.
-The call for “justice” means islamic justice; the call is a threat and a call to arms. It is likely that more of these idiots will soon find themselves in hell right alongside their beloved imam.

”Allah Akbar,” God is great, the packed crowd said at times during the funeral.
The casket of Abdullah is now on its way to a cemetery in Canton.

”Imam Luqman had faith and constantly strived for righteous deeds,” Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, a Muslim leader who heads the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in New York City, to the crowd.
-More code “righteous deeds” means he was a radical islamist a-hole and worshipper of the worlds most famous pedophile.

”Imam Luqman had the consciousness…I never heard him discuss any subject whatsoever, even sports, without talking about Allah.”

The crowd consisted mostly of African-American Muslims, but also included Muslims with roots in Pakistan, India and the Arab world.
-Building an army?

A caravan of cars left the Muslim Center — donned with orange flags with the Islamic crescent and star — to the burial site in Canton.

Ameen was the head of a separate mosque, Masjid Al-Haqq, which consisted primarily of African-American Muslims, say federal authorities. They maintain in a criminal complaint that Abduallh was a violent extremist who urged attacks on police and called for an offensive jihad that would overthrow the U.S. government and establish Islamic rule.
-Ok, that makes them members of the majority of the countries muslims. I rarely see signs of moderate American muslims so they must be the minority.

But family, friends, and Muslims cast doubts on the claims, saying that Abdullah was a generous, modest man who helped the poor, tried to better lives through Islam, and was a respected imam. Abdullah took part in local and national Muslim groups, including the Muslim Alliance in North America, MANA. He was on MANA’s advisory board and was sometimes seen at meetings with local imams.
-A respected man that called for violence taught intolerance and ran a criminal enterprise. He was also a piss poor tactician and died like a dog. His death mirrored the fate he picked for a working animal an ironic end to a wasted life

The funeral is to be held at the Muslim Center, a mosque whose members are predominantly African-American, but has no relation to Abdullah’s mosque, Masjid Al-Haqq.

After the funeral, the mosque plans to hold a peace gathering in the afternoon to promote positive vibes, said Imam El-Amin.

“We want to create peace…some good vibes,” he said.
-Until the imam fired at the FBI, the community was at peace. The FBI actually restored the peace by shooting down a rabid animal. The local muslim community should thank them and give a healthy check to the FBI agents retirement fund.

On Friday, a dozen Muslim organizations called for an independent investigation into his death. His family said he was shot 18 times. But Detroit FBI Special Agent in Charge Andrew Arena said agents acted appropriately.
-Only 18 times? I thought they cared more ammunition than that but no matter they got the job done.

Explore posts in the same categories: criminal activity, FBI, Islamo-Nazis, Jihazis in America, muslim Intolerance, Muslim whining

4 Comments on “Muslims threaten the FBI over death of violent, suicidal imam”

  1. Weaver Says:

    Hmm, do the FBI dip their bullets in pig’s blood?


  2. PB-in-AL Says:

    Justice was served. He shot with intent to kill, as advocated by his sermons, apparently. Thus fire was returned resolutely. End of the story.

    It should be a short investigation. Of course, all the multi-culti’s will be out in force whining about this. The fact that he is muslim is actually beside the point.

  3. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    The police dogs here have some interesting names – some
    years ago they had Satan working for them. Very appropriate for raiding a mosque.

  4. Leatherneck Says:

    Allah Akbar=allah is greatest,(greatest of all other gods at the Kaaba), not G-d is great.

    It is an injustice to continue to allow the enemy into this country. This is an example of a battle in a larger war. It will get worse, as we have seen these past few weeks with the FBI arresting the followers of Mohamed wanting to blow stuff up.


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