Sudanese Defense Minister Accuses Jews of Fueling the Conflict in Darfur

No, it couldn’t be the Sudan government’s fault…  Why, just last month, the U.N.’s Ban Ki Moon all but  absolved the Sudan government of any wrongdoing when he made the outrageous claim that Global Warming was responsible for the killings in Darfur .  Nor, could it be the fault of the practitioners of the Religion of Peace, as we all know what upstanding denizens of the planet Earth they are… 

Yup, it has to be those Zionist Jews!  Yeah, that’s the ticket…  Blame the Jews, after all, they secretly control the Earth’s climate, and thus they rule the World!!!


Sudan: Jews behind Darfur conflict

Sudanese defense minister says ’24 Jewish organizations fueling conflict in Darfur’

Yaakov Lappin
07.29.07 – Israel News

Sudan’s defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused “24 Jewish organizations” of “fueling the conflict in Darfur” last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper.

Hussein was interviewed during an official state-visit to the Saudi kingdom last week.

A journalist from Saudi Arabia’s Okaz newspaper asked Hussein: “Some people are talking about the penetration of Jewish organizations in Darfur and that there is no conflict there?”

“The Darfur issue is being fuelled by 24 Jewish organizations, who are making the largest amount of noise over the issue, and using the Holocaust in their campaigning,” the Sudanese defense minister replied.

Hussein added that the Darfur conflict was driven by “friction between farmers and herders and shepherds. Among the biggest problems is that of water, which is used to exploit the differences and fuel the conflict.”

“Are these Jewish groups supporting (the rebels) financially?,” the interviewer from Okaz asked Hussein.

“Yes, they provide political and material support through their control over the media and across American and British circles,” Hussein said, adding that Jewish groups were using “all means to fuel these conflicts.”

He added that Western reports of 200,000 people dying in Sudan were false, and said: “We talk about 9,000 dead as a result of either government or rebel actions.”

‘We came to Israel to look for a better place’

Several days ago, Sudan’s Interior Minister, Zubair Bashir Taha, lashed out at Sudanese refuees who had sought asylum in Israel, and accused “Isaeli authorities of encouraging the Sudanese refugees to come to their country.”

He added that his ministry was “very confused” by Sudanese citizens who came to Israel.”

The Sudan Tribune quoted a Sudanese refugee as telling al-Jazeera television: “We were surprised when we came here. We met good people, who welcomed us and gave us food. We feel that we are extremely happy. We hope that the Israeli government would find a solution for us and our children. We came here to look for a better place.”

Meanwhile, in the US, a number of Jewish organizations have attempted to raise awareness over the plight of Sudanese citizens who face mass killings and ethnic cleansing from the Sudanese government. Some 20 Jewish organizations joined the ‘Save Darfur Coalition,’ along with other religious communities and American civil rights groups.

Explore posts in the same categories: Conspiracy Theories, Israel, politics, Sudan

7 Comments on “Sudanese Defense Minister Accuses Jews of Fueling the Conflict in Darfur”

  1. blacktygrrrr Says:

    This article should be mandatory reading for every liberal Jew obsessed with social justice, which is code for “help people who hate us.”

    I will absolutely make this article a major story on my blog in the next couple days. is my blog.

    If you like the columns, let me know if you are up to a link exchange, since I get some pretty decent traffic.

    Also, I am competing at the bloggers choice awards.



    Why not just say that the whole genocide is a Zionist production from day one? The unnamed 24 groups got together years ago and decided to try out a little Holocaust experiment in Sudan. So far, so good. Soon the entire ummah will be put to death in the same manner thanks to those evil Zionists.

    If the Jews didn’t exist then Islamania wou;d have had to invent them because they sure make a convenient bogeyman.

  3. […] 4. Sudanese Defense Minister Accuses Jews of Fueling the Conflict in Darfur […]

  4. Infidel Parrot Says:

    “The Darfur issue is being fuelled by 24 Jewish organizations, who are making the largest amount of noise over the issue, and using the Holocaust in their campaigning,” the Sudanese defense minister replied.”

    I would bet that more than 24 Jewish organizations are making noise about this genocide. After all, the Jews understand the terror of being exterminated by the millions. The Holocaust is a very valid comparison to the Darfur killings. Those evil Zionists are always telling the truth!!

  5. […] make a difference as I do, I stumbled across an excellent article on Doctor Bulldog’s website… that should be mandatory reading for every liberal Jewish person […]

  6. […] so that the Muslim Arabs could move in. But if it bashes the Jews, incredibly it holds water. See here.  Sound illogical? It won’t if the leftist MSM gets hold of it and slams it in the […]

  7. […] make a difference as I do, I stumbled across an excellent article on Doctor Bulldog’s website… that should be mandatory reading for every liberal Jewish person […]

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