Convert to Islam Kicks Passengers off Bus to Pray

Yup, I think most of us would lose our jobs if we kicked out the clients for a quick prayer…

H/T – TNR 


Get off my bus, I need to pray

A MUSLIM bus driver told stunned passengers to get off so he could PRAY.

The white Islamic convert rolled out his prayer mat in the aisle and knelt on the floor facing Mecca.

Passengers watched in amazement as he held out his palms towards the sky, bowed his head and began to chant.

One, who filmed the man on his mobile phone, said: “He was clearly praying and chanting in Arabic.

“We thought it was a wind-up at first, like Jeremy Beadle.”

The 21-year-old plumber added: “He looked English and had a London accent. He looked like a Muslim convert, with a big, bushy beard.

“Eventually everyone started complaining. One woman said, ‘What the hell are you doing? I’m going to be late for work’.”

After a few minutes the driver calmly got up, opened the doors and asked everyone back on board.

But they saw a rucksack lying on the floor of the red single-decker and feared he might be a fanatic. So they all refused.

The passenger added: “One chap said, ‘I’m not getting on there now’.

“An elderly couple also looked really confused and worried.”

“After seeing that no-one wanted to get on he drove off and we all waited until the next bus came about 20 minutes later. I was left totally stunned. It made me not want to get on a bus again.”

The bizarre event unfolded on the number 81 in Langley, Berkshire, at around 1.30pm on Thursday.

The passenger said he rang the bus firm to complain but claimed it did not believe him.

He said: “They asked me, ‘Are you sure?’. Then they said they would get back to me, but they weren’t taking me seriously at all.”

Yesterday the driver, who said his name was Hrun, told The Sun: “I asked everyone to get off because I needed to pray. I was running late and had not had time.

“I pray five times a day as a Muslim — but I don’t normally ask people to get off the bus to do it.”

Muslims pray at pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening.

A spokesperson for bus company London United said: “We are aware of a reported incident involving our route 81.

“We are currently undertaking a full investigation into the matter.”

Explore posts in the same categories: Creeping Sharia, United Kingdom

15 Comments on “Convert to Islam Kicks Passengers off Bus to Pray”

  1. Ronin Says:

    Muslim prayer times are not written in blood and allowances are possible to both skip a few and to make them up. The driver was just being an ass and attempting to cause a confrontation. Had I been on that bus his wish would have been granted.

    Unless a formal complaint is made these types of stunts will increase in numbers.

  2. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Mister Hrun has had his fun on Hounslow 81
    He kicked his passengers off the bus until his prayers were done
    So who do you think you are kidding, mister Mohammed
    You know that poor old England’s done

  3. Matamoros Says:

    Mullah Lodabullah

    “permission to stick the cold steel up ’em Mr. Mainwaring; they don’ like the cold steel you know”

    “steady Jones , steady, as you were”

  4. Matamoros,

    Don’t Panic!


  5. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Imagine the stink if an infidel driver had ordered one peaceful one off his bus
    for wearing a burka, or insisting on rolling a “prayer” mat out in the aisle, or
    gesticulating & ranting in Arabic … the diversity managers, MPACUK, EU
    human rights commission would be all over it, but with the perp being a
    peaceful one … “we are aware of a reported incident”. Code for we are
    doing nothing.

  6. Leatherneck Says:

    I would have kicked his moon god worshiping arse!

  7. tnr Says:



  8. tnr,

    Yeah, I had a feeling they were going to go the play the “legit break” card… I’ve been kicked off of buses before, due to “breaks.”

  9. Faithful Says:

    Yes You can change something.
    But you can not change others religion

  10. kaafir Says:

    respect is earned not given faithful….

  11. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    * But you can not change others religion

    God can, and He does. Maybe you will meet His only begotten Son, the one whom
    the world disrespected, despised and crucified, and who I once disrespected,
    despised and blasphemed against. Islam demands respect, but disrespects
    “infidels”, and seeks to destroy them, or to pay the jizyah, but Islam is
    doomed, along with its followers.

  12. waddah Says:

    O.K everybody ,why are you so angry at him,he just took 5 min of the passengers time to perform his prayer,is that a big deal,I know the matter is his religion which you hate,so swallow your prides and accept this fact that he is very faithful to his religion

    Plz post it

  13. will the kaafir Says:

    waddah Says:

    so swallow your prides and accept this fact that he is very faithful to his religion

    Ok he’s faithful to his ‘system’ but that is no justification to harm others when he is hired to do a job…

  14. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Other muslims are “very faithful” to their religion, and act out allah’s mandate to
    strike terror into the hearts of infidels by blowing up the buses, trains, planes and
    other “infidel” infrastructure, with a view to maximising the death and suffering
    of the victims. Not a “big deal” in allah’s plans, but best not to encourage them.

  15. ash Says:

    read what really happened not what the anti-muslim newspapers write!!

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