Somali Christian convert murdered by muslims

R.I.P Hussein

R.I.P Hussein

Before the moral equivalency propagandists show up ask yourselves if you have ever heard of Christians murdering a muslim convert.

Christianity is a major threat to islam and one they go to great extremes to eliminate. Christians continue to outshine muslims in all categories and minion leaders are finding it increasingly harder to explain away as the muslims are not practicing islam hard enough. Imams and other islamic clerics are terrified that muslims can learn self reliance and self determination.

Charlie Butts, 3 Aug, 2008, OneNewsNow
A Somali Christian has paid the ultimate price for his faith.
-Keep in mind he was a muslim and understood the penalty for conversion was a violent death. The simple fact that he chose death over islam scares the hell out of muslims to weak to make such a sacrifice.

Hussein, the 28-year-old victim, had converted from the Muslim faith to Christianity. Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern says he was confronted by Islamic extremists who demanded to know if he faces Mecca when he prays, which is required of Muslims.
-No chance encounter these men were sent to punish him.

“Hussein says he doesn’t face Mecca when he prays because his God is omnipresent and he can face anywhere to pray,” Racho recounts the incident. “[T]he extremists were very much enraged by his comments, and they killed him.”
-I do not know how many so called men attacked him but one thing is clear and speaks volumes; the cowards of islam attacked one Christian and used a weapon. Can one man really strike such fear among them?

Upon learning that her husband had been shot to death, Hussein’s wife went into premature labor and delivered a stillborn baby.
-So actually mohammed the pedophile king claims two victims not one.

Hussein had been working as a teacher and was described as extremely successful in evangelizing the community.
-Finally the real reason for the attack. He committed a crime islam can not tolerate-he taught muslims that they do not have to live under an oppressive, violent and backwards ideology. They could learn self-reliance and live without oppression. His community was weakened by his death.

Explore posts in the same categories: Christians under attack, muslim Intolerance, Radical Islam, Somalia

22 Comments on “Somali Christian convert murdered by muslims”

  1. ” Well done good and faithful servant! welcome and be with me forever. You have fought a good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith.” I bet that is what he heard as he entered the gates of Heaven.

    Muslims are cowards and that is a fact. May more muslims come to put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and turn from their wicked ways.

  2. mustafe Says:

    hi my name mustafe and i am somali christian and i want to thank you for news, all we can do is pray.
    waxaana u sheega somalida in aadan nadhamey kareen waxaan rabiga ciise masiixi ka tuugayaa in uu bad baadidiyo kuwa jooga somalia. amiin

  3. islams not for me Says:

    How funny muslims say in thier propaganda that allah is god and that Jews and Christians are ‘people of the book’.

    And yet which god do the REALLY serve when they kill non muslims.



  4. Mullah Lodabullah Says:


    The one who would deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of
    God, deny His crucifixion, and wage war upon the saints
    and martyrs of Jesus. “allah” is merely a sockpuppet.

  5. abdi from somalia Says:

    yo stop saying somali christians, there is no somali christian who lives in somalia, but ther is few not more than 20 lives other places.

    that man who got killed was muslim but the thing was he was against ALSHABAB like i am and all the other somalis.

  6. Dalmar Says:


    Thank you for your brave expression of truth.
    You fear not Muslims but the God. and we Somali non
    Muslims and other persecuted Churches and Syngougs
    all need people like you. But, let me tell you this
    the reality is this, in today World we live.
    Islam is privilaged and conquering religion. and I
    Hate to say this but it is a reality we are facing.
    The only reason that happening now days is weakness
    of Judeo-Christians, particulary the Western World
    which only place in World of today we look for help.
    The Christian West attitude is one that offers the
    enemy ” Muslims” to be free to spread their religion
    every where in World. while in everywhere where Islam
    is in power or majority spread other religion is
    crime panished by death. but Islam can not be stoped
    because of myths of poluralisim. Islam can do every
    thing they want with petro-dollars in everywhere.
    years ago when the Muslim clergy visted Pope and
    asked his recommendation to their application to
    build a Masque ( Muslim Temple ). in Rome. he said
    OK and asked to do same to built a Church at Mecca
    Saudi Arabia. they say no no no. and he asked why?
    they said Mecca is holy place. so he said what about
    Rome which Vitican is. there say Rome is not like
    and conclusion was: he obeyed and helped them to
    built Masque in Rome, and there after two there are
    many masques in Rome and through other Italy. but
    they will never allow any kind of Church in Muslim
    soil. Here we can see the most holy place for the
    Jews and Christian the Temple Solomon in Jerusalem
    from few meters Muslims has Masques. even if you
    are driving in Saudi Arabia. you cannot approach
    Mecca if you are non Muslim person. there is road
    sigh which points two ways. one way for Muslims and
    other to Infidels ( everybody who is not Muslim).
    You cannot approach to Kaba of Muslims from radius
    of 60 Miles. while they are free to roam every place
    which any religion calls its Holly place.
    I am victim of Muslim persecution. Me and my wife was
    shot infront of our kids at backyard of my house in
    village 120 kilometer from Mogadishu, Somalia. up to
    now I am not aware why my kids live. my wife died in
    the spote and I was left as dead, till I crept to
    neighbour house who feed me, trear my wounds and
    smuggled me out of town while I was still wounded
    Islamic religious militia who attacked us, was
    driving Toyota Land Cruiser that belonged to one
    so called Welfare Christian Organization in Somalia.
    I can see read the label of organization painted on
    two sides of truck. and I know that even some of guns
    they are using were bought with money from the org.
    So, your money, you our co-religionist in West is
    for to kill Christians and burn Churches. your money
    that offer us charity through this organization or
    the money Muslim gain by working in West in many
    legal ways and illigale ways and sending it back
    for use for terrorisim and to teach hate ignorant
    nomadic Somalia. that is how in reality agony is
    working in Somalia.
    Remeber !!! you have not to look to care this to big
    funds. But, if you ride a taxi in Minneapolis or
    Chicago in USA or if you ride in Pris,London etc
    and driver is bearded young man from Somalia, you
    are contributing you money to this savage persecution
    that is going in Somalia. Please stop it, it is not
    an order but We and our childred are carrying of pain
    we are confident that we are going the way lord gone
    and we now who is committing this crimes but we don’t
    like you to be part of it. instead we are requesting
    your solidarity, support and prayers.

    Your brother and sister under
    sword of cruel Islam.

  7. Xasan Says:

    Guys, stop day-dreaming. There will be no Christians in Somalia. The Somali people will never accept it. Those who left the faith will live in the west for the rest of their lives and will never be allowed to live in Somalia. The west created civil wars in Somalia and finaced them and now we have these idiots telling us they are unblievers. Rest assured you will not be allowed to live in Somalia as Christians.

    • islams not for me Says:

      Seems to me that the old USSR and islam helped Somali to become a hell hole.

      So I suppose if you blame communism for Somalis fall and its flawed policies through islam then you might have a point.

      If Somali muslims continue thier reign of sharia laws which victimize Christians and other African religions in Somali and the rest of Africa all it points to is that islam as a system is incapable of real freedom.

  8. Habibti Says:

    Lost sheep@somali christians
    all am telling you is you will rot in hell fire.
    I support Al Shabab in beheading your heads.

    • Ronin Says:

      If you support al shahaab you support child rapists, who hurt you, was it your brother father an uncle or all of them? How many children have you hurt?

  9. islams not for me Says:

    possibly habibti… or perhaps the god of islam is weaker and maybe doesnt exsist except in muhammads imagination since the God of Israel has been kicking your asses w/ natural disasters for the last 100 years.

    Wait and see hab you might wind up in a worse place than muhammads hell…

  10. Yousuf Says:

    hi all ex muslims i am somali christian i hope one day we will break the sillince and say Hey we are somali christian and this our church. and ignorant of mohamed,s book will end…..Marka soomaalida waxaan leeyahay waxaan nahay kuwii rumeeyey rabiga ciise sida aad u rumeeyseen tan maxamed oo ciqaabta dhaarta cabsida iyo hanjabaada wadata rabiga ciise ha idin barakadeeyo

  11. islams not for me Says:

    Good luck yousuf… Somali Christians should know by now what islam is and defend against it.

    That is the only way to survive under a islamic theocracy…

  12. Yes there are somali christians in the world.
    Hundreds and thousands. As their numbers grow
    So will their courage to step out into
    The open.

    • Ronin Says:

      Pastor, we are well aware of the dangers faced by Christians hiding in islamic countries. We are also aware that Christianity continues to grow despite world wide persecution. We are more than willing to give them a voice or just help expose the dabgers they face.


  13. nasteexo Says:

    Christianity will not bring any good to Somalia. On the contrary it will add fuel to the fire. I wanna tell all those macatab-ku-dirirs, if they are thinking about what is good for Somalia, not to entertain more confusion and a cause for more bloodshed to Somalia.

  14. well nastee since islam is not helping somalis problems.

    Maybe its time to get rid of islam there and to chose other religinos and systems to change Soalia for its own good.

  15. Somali Christians Says:

    I am a Somali Christian and those who believe there are no somali christians should think otherwise. We are many and I personally met more than 500 since i got converted. Not only those but i know there are many all over the world and by God’s grace we will plant churches in Somalia. Al-Shabaab are dead and will be no where to be found soon. Amen

  16. Elane T. Says:

    bomb somalia out the ground. no one needs them anyway.

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