New York Times Upholds its Decision to Call Brigitte Gabriel a “Radical Islamophobe”

In a word: Predictable… But, then again, being called an Islamophobe is a badge of honor in our book!

A Radical Islamophobe?
August 21, 2008
By Clark Hoyt – NYT

Brigitte Gabriel is a provocative author and lecturer, a Lebanese-Christian who came to the United States after surviving the civil war that tore apart the land of her birth. She has made it her mission – one might say her crusade – to warn that radical Muslims, a term she defines as all practicing Muslims, are bent on taking over the West.

Gabriel has a new book coming out in a couple of weeks, “They Must Be Stopped.” Knowing her history, you don’t need to guess who “they” are. Gabriel believes that Muslims cannot serve loyally in the U.S. military, that interfaith dialogue is “nonsense,” and that the difference between the Arab world and Israel is “barbarism versus civilization.” The Muslim world will not be satisfied until all infidels are converted or eliminated, she has said.

Stephen Lee, the publicist at St. Martins Press for Gabriel’s new book, calls her views “extreme,” and I wouldn’t argue with that.

But more than 250 people have written to me in the past several days to protest a description of Gabriel in the Times Magazine as a “radical Islamophobe.” That description was in a brief introduction to an interview with Gabriel in Deborah Solomon’s “Questions For” column. The messages also complained about the headline over the interview – “The Crusader” – and some of the questions posed to Gabriel by Solomon.

Many, if not most, of the messages appear to be blog-inspired. Though written individually, they ask for the same things – that the headline and description be removed from The Times’s Web site and that Solomon publish an apology.

Lee, the publicist, told me, “We had no problems with the questions or the answers, as depicted in the piece.” He said it was “totally accurate” and that Solomon had gone over the edited transcript with Gabriel before it was published.

As for the terms “crusader” and “radical Islamophobe,” both strike me as fair descriptions in the context of a magazine feature that is supposed to be edgier than the news columns of the newspaper. Though much of the interview seemed comparatively mild, Gabriel showed a few of the rhetorical flashes that have made her such a controversial figure. Moderate Muslims, she said, “at this point are truly irrelevant.” Public foot baths for Muslim students at American universities are “the way they are taking over the West. They are doing it culturally, inch by inch. They don’t need to fire one bullet.”

[Oh, you mean, “more Liberal and biased.”]

It’s not hard to see how Gabriel’s experiences might have shaped her views. She has said that radical Muslim fighters destroyed her town in Lebanon, terrorized her family and nearly killed her. She said she was forced to live for seven years in a bomb shelter. In this country, Gabriel formed American Congress for Truth (ACT) to warn against the threat of fundamentalist Islam. If she isn’t a woman on a crusade, in the modern sense of that word, I don’t know who would be.

One person who wrote to me said that Gabriel “is not opposed to Islam in any way, just against the terrifying Islam extremism.” But that isn’t really correct. A blog on The Australian Jewish News quoted Gabriel as saying last year, “Every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim.”

I’ve had my issues with Solomon in the past, but I don’t think she or her editors have done anything here requiring an apology or any other corrective action.

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7 Comments on “New York Times Upholds its Decision to Call Brigitte Gabriel a “Radical Islamophobe””

  1. Gramfan Says:

    Just popped in to say “hello”.

    Last few months have been a little difficult with a lot of illness among family and good friends.
    It has given me time to have a bit of a think about things.

    Soon it will be another 9/11 anniversary and I contemplate what has happened/changed since then? A lot has happened and nothing much has changed. We are still at risk of terrorism and our leaders are just as gutless,maybe more so than ever.

    We have a new PM Downunder who seems intent on destroying our country – he is well on the way and has barely been in power for 9 months. We were in good shape before this clown took over. Most depressing to say the least.

    I just hope people in the US vote more carefully than the voters here.

    I wrote to Ronin a while ago wondering if we should fear the left more than Islamists. I am still pondering this issue. One facilitates the other,perhaps?

    We also have the issue of global warming which to me is much like extremism as its goal is to change the democracies we have grown to love.

    Just this morning I received an email regarding cyber-jihad: not new either, but it seems to be intensifying:
    “Winds of Jihad” has suffered a DOS attack for starters.

    Then we have Russia and China,,,,

    So much to do. Can anything be done? I hope so.

    Ronin says we live in interesting times – we do!

    Personally I would like a bit of ‘boring’.

    Hope everyone is well and always make sure you have as much fun as you can 🙂

  2. Gramfan,

    Thanks for stopping by and saying, “hello.”

    I’m sorry to hear about your friends and family and wish them all well.

    I, too, was sad to see Mr. Howard go. He was a good man who had a good grasp on the threat the West faces. He will be missed.

    As for the U.S. voting more carefully, I’m not so optimistic… Grrrr…

    Yup, the Multicultural Leftists facilitate Islamization, or, dare I say, expedites the process. I have a saying about that: Islam is a disease and Multiculturalism is its primary vector…

    Global Warming is, of course, bullshit; designed to suck money from you and I.

    My own theory on the intensification of Cyber-Jihad is because we are kicking ass on the battle-field! Hence, they can only hunker down in their “caves” and plagiarize code from REAL hackers. No originality in the bunch.

    As for Russia and China, at least our governments understand them more than the Jihadists. Of course, that isn’t really saying too much, as our Western governments continue to underestimate their resolve to defeat Democracy.

    You ask, “Can anything be done?” Of course! We, the citizens, must firmly take the reins of our government and guide them down the correct path; the path of reason and sanity.

    “Boring” is just so… Boring. I prefer to think of our current era as not problematic nor hopeless, but challenging. And, I’m always up for a good challenge! We have been given this great opportunity to shape the future for generations to come. With such a grand responsibility that has presented itself for us to shoulder, I, for one, intend to vigorously and enthusiastically carry the torch of freedom – along with a very sharp pitchfork.

    Anyway, it was nice hearing from you again. And, please don’t be a stranger. We miss your wit and charm.


  3. kaafir Says:

    …(1)Gabriel believes that Muslims cannot serve loyally in the U.S. military, (2)that interfaith dialogue is “nonsense,” (3)and that the difference between the Arab world and Israel is “barbarism versus civilization. #4 ” The Muslim world will not be satisfied until all infidels are converted or eliminated, she has said….

    #1 I agree with with her idea. If you look at islamic websites that issue ‘fatwas’ they will tell Moslems in the US Military or others not to fight fellow moslems…

    #2 I agree that interfaith is wasteful because Christians & Moslems theology is completely different…

    #3 Sharia laws are barbaric in our Western minds…

    #4 Online many moslems do write extremist materials and they do want us dead…

  4. Kaafir,

    You are such an Islamophobe!



  5. Gramfan Says:

    Thanks, Ronin 🙂

    I have always valued our online relationship greatly!

  6. bob Says:

    “”As for the terms “crusader” and “radical Islamophobe,””
    I’d be proud to wear those labels.

  7. kaafir Says:

    Damn Right… Im a islamaphobe…

    Shall I bring out dueling banjos now? 🙂

    Im a islamaphobe because I see how thier ‘system’ would only benefit moslems not the rest of us.

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