Dan Cooper, Founder of Cooper Arms, Sacked for Supporting Obama After Thousands of Angry Emails & Phone Calls

Wow!  The People have spoken!!!  Now, if only we could get our Government to be like Cooper Arms and actually listen to Voice of The People!

Gun Manufacturer Executive Backs Barack Obama, Watch What Happens Next:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 – Transsylvania Phoenix

Dan Cooper CEO of Cooper Arms, one of the elite makers of hunting rifles, is backing Barack Obama.

WASHINGTON — Dan Cooper, a proud member of the National Rifle Association, has backed Republicans for most of his life. He’s the chief executive of Cooper Arms, a small Montana company that makes hunting rifles.

Cooper said he voted for George W. Bush in 2000, having voted in past elections for every Republican presidential nominee back to Richard Nixon. In October 1992, he presented a specially made rifle to the first President. Bush during a Billings campaign event.

This year, Cooper has given $3,300 to the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama. That’s on top of the $1,000 check he wrote to Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2004, after he was dazzled by Obama’s speech at that year’s Democratic National Convention.

Just minutes after the USA Today broke the story on the Internet, thousands and thousands of gun owners sent angry emails, called and sent boycott letters to Cooper Arms threatening to never purchase any of their firearms again.

Just 48 hours later, this is what appeared on the company website:

In response to the recent article highlighting Dan Cooper’s personal political donations, the board of directors, shareholders and employees of Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc would like to issue the following statement.

The employees, shareholders and board of directors of Cooper Firearms of Montana do not share the personal political views of Dan Cooper.

Although we all believe everyone has a right to vote and donate as they see fit, it has become apparent that the fallout may affect more than just Mr. Cooper. It may also affect the employees and the shareholders of Cooper Firearms.

The board of directors has asked Mr. Cooper to resign as President of Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc.

Daily operations will continue with the competent staff currently in place in Stevensville, MT producing the finest, most accurate rifles money can buy.

Dan Cooper has spent all of his working life producing the highest quality rifles built here in the USA. He started with nothing but the American Dream and built that into firearms company anyone would be proud of. We firmly believe Dan stands by the 2nd amendment.
We wish him all of the best in his future pursuits.

He’s gone, I guess. That was quick 😉

Explore posts in the same categories: politics, Right to Bear Arms

16 Comments on “Dan Cooper, Founder of Cooper Arms, Sacked for Supporting Obama After Thousands of Angry Emails & Phone Calls”

  1. notalldum Says:

    Maybe he can hang out with Obama and friends.

    But…..if he buildt the business, I’ll bet he’s only going to have a ittle vacation until this blows over. Now he kows what can happen when people band together for a common cause. Let’s hope our Christians and Republican friends – and enlightened Democrats – do the same Nov. 4th.

  2. letterstoadyingdream Says:

    If you are the CEO of a company that makes guns why would you support one of the most anti-gun candidates in U.S. history?

  3. Joe Says:

    “If you are the CEO of a company that makes guns why would you support one of the most anti-gun candidates in U.S. history?”

    So he could be closed down last.

  4. Joe,

    That’s what I was thinking, also!


  5. teach5 Says:

    Yep, he has every right to speak his mind, but he has to remember there will be consequences. So be it. I hope he’ll be very happy following Oprah around as her bodyguard.

  6. sam Says:

    “If you are the CEO of a company that makes guns why would you support one of the most anti-gun candidates in U.S. history?”
    My answer is clear, because real life isn’t simply about manufacturing, we all know its SO much more.

  7. letterstoadyingdream Says:

    Tell that to a shareholder in the company.

  8. eric Says:

    You guys are pathetic. How can you look yourselves in the mirror in the morning and still call yourselves conservatives?

  9. eric,

    OK. I just looked into the mirror and called myself a conservative. No guilt. No shame. No problem.

    I feel pretty good, actually. What’s your point?

  10. GunTotingLib Says:

    Losing ones job because of who you support in a presidential election, our founding fathers would be so proud.

    Why do conservatives/republicans attack peoples lively hood if you disagree with them? Blacklists, boycotts and smears. Support my position or starve. Be the same as I am or leave. You are either with us or your an unpatriotic American hater. In the end this is not about guns but about freedom and liberty of the individual. The freedom of the mind and of thought and to be different is what prevents a single party fascism.

    I don’t agree with your politics, now lets get a beer and I will see you at work tomorrow.

  11. Waaaahhh!

    Because we don’t like people intruding on our God Given Rights and taking our hard earned money to distribute it out to the lazy!

    Here’s one for you:

    Why do you Libtards kill innocent babies and then get upset when some POS murderer gets the death penalty?

  12. GunTotingLib Says:

    Does that hate keep you warm at night?

  13. Does killing innocent babies keep you warm at night?

  14. Bill Peifer Says:

    Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. The customer’s

  15. Bill,

    Well said!


  16. Blue Tick Bowers Says:

    Saddest day in American history. I would venture to say that this day is going to be worse for America than the attacks we experienced in 2001. We now have a full fledged Socialist/Marxist leadership who holds a super majority in our gov’t. This nation is gone as we know it. Very, very dark days are ahead.

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