Ammo Registration Currently Under Review By 18 States

From CavMom comes this disturbing email:

This is frightening – they want my ammo they will get it one damn round at a time!!!

We are under assault from all sides.  Ammo registration.

Ammo Confiscation (Many Americans are scared-to-death at what’s coming….)

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacturer in a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held un-coded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011.(Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

This legislation is currently pending in 18 states:

Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.

To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific legislation for each state, go to:

[I see that Missouri is included on that list…  Time to fire off some letters of protest!]

Explore posts in the same categories: politics, Right to Bear Arms

19 Comments on “Ammo Registration Currently Under Review By 18 States”

  1. Ronin Says:

    Time to buy more. Buy as much as you can common calibers and not so common, you can trade away what you do not need. The underground market in arms and ammunition will soon rival the drug trade.

  2. Pete Says:

    Indiana House Bill 1260 was introduced on Jan 14, 2008, referred to committee the same day, and no further action was taken. It is dead and gone, but of course, Rep. Crawford could introduce it again in 2009 under a different number.

  3. Ronin Says:


    It was only a test. They will be back and we will be ready but now we know who our enemies are.

  4. az_conservative Says:

    Oh yes. Time for some outraged letters to AZ.

  5. Ronin Says:

    This issue will not go away there is a considerable amount of money to be made if this or similar legislation ever passes. With economic opportunity comes a lobbyist and that makes the eventual passage closer to reality. So what can we do? Simple we have to make the marking or ammunition a colossal waste of time. I think we can work out a swap system of passing ammunition through as many hands as we possibly can, just like laundering money. Start networking now and have your buddies ready, one day we just may need that network.

  6. azcons Says:

    Ronin, You are brilliant!

  7. Ronin Says:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, shucks. I just do what I can.

    I am just an anarchist at heart; I keep it in check and release it only as a last resort.

    The entire history of humankind is just a series of control freaks attempting to crush freedom. The result has always-lead men to attempt to regain their freedoms.


  8. Jim Says:

    i been saying for a long time now.
    we NEED a good ole REVOLUTION in this nation to get back to the damn CONSTITUTION.
    and this is just one more example of the TRAITORS, GOVT NANNIES trying to CONTROL us and what we use.

  9. David Jones Says:

    Jim says we need a REVOLUTION. He (and I) agree with a much more famous man-Thomas Jefferson.

    Mr. Jefferson stated (not exact quote here) “The tree of Freedom needs to be watered on occasion with the blood of tyrants and Patriots alike”.

    Now, if we only knew how to begin building small,networked groups which can merge into large groups when needed. Personally, I don’t have a clue; does anyone else?

  10. Dave K. Says:

    AZ HB2833 never got a hearing in committee last session. It is dead and gone. While its sponsor may introduce it again in the coming session (January ’09), it stands even less of a chance now than it did last year. It will be DOA, I assure you. Sending outraged letters to legislators about a bill that is no longer active only makes us look ill-informed.

    You should be far more worried about the possibilty of a bill being introduced on a federal level with the Obamatrons taking over DC. Now that’s scary …

  11. az_conservative Says:

    You? An anarchist? Naw! (shhh… I won’t tell) But that IS a damn good idea.

    David Jones
    “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants. It is natural Manure.”

    Love that quote. I find many of our Founders words lately to be rather prophetic.

    Dave K,
    I checked the AZ legislature to find the bill # for reference and found that it had been killed, so I sent no outraged letters to the state. AZ is pretty solid on gun rights, but I’m a believer in vigilance. You’re absolutely right about the possibility of it at the federal level. I sent blazing letters to my Congressmen and the President via about it (as well as immigration, terrorism, dhimmitude, the bailout, the fraud in this past election, and everything else that’s ticking me off lately).


  12. Jawbreakeralph1 Says:

    Methinks, this just might make the hair stand right up on the patriots. We are a lot larger bunch than the feds and their bs laws. Let them try to do this to this country and wait for the response. I personally know they won’t even get close to our side of the tracks before an unfortunate accident happens upon them.

  13. Leatherneck Says:


    The lefturds in Congress I can understand your tone for, but law enforcement, at least around where I am, support the right to bear arms.

    Let us keep our weapons BZO’ed for moon god worshiping POS, and MS-13 types, not our good law enforcement individuals.


  14. Bob Says:

    “Ammunition accountability” is a website started up by the inventors of this laser etch technology. According to Seattle Weekly, the men couldn’t find an ammunition manufacturer to agree to stamp bullets, so they hired a lobbyist to push for state legislation to require the laser coding.
    Private citizens and retail outlets would be required to dispose of all non-coded ammunition no later than Jan. 1, 2011.
    Each vendor would record the following information about customers who buy the ammunition: Date, name, driver’s license or ID number, date of birth and ammunition identifier. The businesses would maintain records for three years from the date of purchase.
    Sounds to me like an end run around prohibited gun registration .
    Evidently their lobbyist is good at what he does.

  15. Matt Says:

    this is almost kinda funny.. I’m glad I buy my rounds by the case. I haven’t been seeing any ammo on the shelves lately.. all sold out.

    I’d almost wonder if the ammo manufacturers were behind it all.

    too funny

  16. CavMom Says:

    I try to buy a few boxes every week… But it is getting tougher to find .40 and 9mm ammo.

  17. larry Says:

    keep the ammo making stuff.

  18. larry Says:

    i need more black powder

  19. niki Says:

    i don’t know why the f*** they want to ban ammo its so unconstitutional

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