Sixty-Seven Years

I would like to dedicate this to the young Marine I had the honor of eating breakfast with at the airport, earlier this week. I will not embarrass him by naming him here but he knows who he is, he is a Marine. He lost two limbs for me, that is a debt I cannot repay. This is a tribute to him and all of our warriors, past, present and future.

Semper Fidelis, Lance Corporal, you inspired me and I am in your debt.


Sixty-Seven Years

By Ronin, 7 December 2008
Sixty-Seven years ago, the United States suffered a surprise attack. That attack cost us 2,403 souls and an outraged nation responded. The once powerful Japanese empire paid a high price for its treachery, in the end both nations learned, grew, and emerged even stronger. That transformation cost us more than the lives of our troops. It cost our innocence and forced our nation into the front lines of almost every conflict since that fateful day.

Today we are still feeling the effects of yet more acts of treachery. We are under economic attack, military attack, political attack and even cultural and religious attacks.

Our enemies are craftier than the old Japanese empire. Our enemies have taken up residence inside our own country, infiltrated our social, economic and political powerhouses. They are coming at us from many directions and with many goals, working together and some working separately; the results are the same, we bleed.

The American people, our soldiers and our heroes made a stand sixty-seven years ago today. Those men did the impossible; they rallied a broken and demoralized nation. They inspired us; they led us and gave us glory and victory.

Today we honor those warriors and make a pledge to them. A simple pledge, we will honor your efforts by continuing to defend this nation, her people and her principals.

Our enemies – known and hidden – are deadly, crafty, determined, and vicious. Our enemies are also doomed. We already know how to deal with them, we learned from the best sixty-seven years ago.

Explore posts in the same categories: Heroes, Military, United States

4 Comments on “Sixty-Seven Years”

  1. Appalled By The World Says:

    Thank God the US wasn’t then what it is today-a nation emasculated by PC. Our enemies then got exactly what they deserved and if they had not neither we nor our current enemies would be around today.

  2. az_conservative Says:

    Thank you, Ronin. Short, simple, but powerful.

    True, but only the “leadership” and their sheeple have been emasculated. There’s still the rest of us they will eventually have to deal with. The spirit of 1941 America lives on. Have faith.

  3. will (the islamaphobe) Says:

    I say….

    GOD BLESS that Lance Corperal!


  4. CavMom Says:

    Hugs out to all who have served, all who are now serving, and those who will step up in the future. Thank you for all the sacrifices that you have made to keep us free.

    (left to right ~ L.E. LaGerre, E.E. Vaughn, and G.M. Hemmingway)

    Mr. Hemmingway was only 17 on the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked. He said the percussion of a ship being bombed ½ mile off shore was so strong that it knocked him off his feet.

    I am not sure if this will work… But, I have a couple small slides show of the bombing.

    Here is one:

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