Gee, What the Heck is She Holding Onto???

H/T – DequalsS


A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009.

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12 Comments on “Gee, What the Heck is She Holding Onto???”

  1. teach5 Says:

    Not a time for wardrobe malfunction.

  2. CavMom Says:

    Bwahahahahaha…. I can think of a few come-backs but they are not appropriate for a lady to type.

  3. will the islamaphobe Says:

    that pic is going into the:

    “hung like a donkey file”…

    Gee you’d think she was Tarz… ER Jane… swingin on that vine….

  4. irishoaks Says:

    Let’s see, I’ll give you 3 guesses….

  5. teach5 Says:

    Check this out in today’s Powerline.

  6. teach5 Says:

    Check this out in today’s Powerline. A great new bumper sticker for us all…

  7. teach5 Says:

    Sorry-doing too many things at once!

  8. Anonymous Infidel Says:


    No need to guess. We saw the media do pretty much the same thing this last election cycle.

  9. irishoaks Says:

    anonymous—so true, so true.

  10. az_conservative Says:

    Except the media wasn’t using hands.

  11. az_conservative,



  12. John Potato Says:

    Well he looks happy. She is very happy. I think more would have been said if it was a clinton float.

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