Pat Condell Talks About Hate Imam Anjem Choudary

This video was just uploaded about an hour ago.  Get it while it’s hot:

Warning: Language not appropriate for children.

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7 Comments on “Pat Condell Talks About Hate Imam Anjem Choudary”

  1. CavMom Says:

    I loved the line wishing Choudary would have himself retrospectively stoned to death. 😀

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    Although well spoken, it is just another nice we know other Muslims do not believe this stuff video. Where was the harsh language? Dickhead? That’s it?

    How about the following? The Mosque the moon god worshiper belongs to searched for hate speech, and weapons. His friends questioned. Any treason found and the Mosque is destroyed with the Union Jack flown over the ruble. Just for starters.

    Personally, I would love to see this home grown terrorist in Briton with this eye balls ripped out, and then skull F****d to death.


    • “Where was the harsh language? Dickhead?”

      Yes, that was the word. I said, “language not appropriate for children,” just in case someone had children in the room while listening to it. It’s a courtesy to the parents.


  3. Gramfan Says:

    I agree!
    “….retrospectively stoned to death..”
    Good idea. Someone should do it!!

    I had to share that one on LGF 🙂

  4. He needs something, Pat, because it’s obvious that the forced sex with kid-aged wives isn’t doing’ it for me!

  5. irishoaks Says:

    Get one of those super soakers kids water guns and fill it up with pig’s blood and soak him and any muzzie.
    Let’s find several like General Jack Pershing. They will rid us of all these muzzies and sent them packing back to the desert.

  6. I think the term “SELF RIGHTEOUS” fits ‘imam’ Chowder head ER…. Choudary….

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