Congressman David Scott Cracks During Town Hall Meeting!


The health-turd foundation is starting to crack!!!  Keep the pressure up, folks!

Note to any Congressmen or Senators out there:  It’s quite simple, really:  If you want to diffuse the situation with We the People and win your re-election, then it’s a wise choice to let everyone know that you oppose Health Care Deform and not only will you be voting “NO”  on it, but you will actively fight against it!   Furthermore, assure your constituents that you do not support expanding government and will actively fight against ANY form of government expansion.

Then, and this is of vital importance; make sure you KEEP YOUR DAMN WORD!!!!!!

You’ll be treated like a hero in your home state!

Could it get any simpler than that?

Explore posts in the same categories: Obama Sucks, politics, protest

16 Comments on “Congressman David Scott Cracks During Town Hall Meeting!”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Have you noticed how every dem rep treats their constituents as if they are school children? Sit up straight and be quiet children or you will be sent to the office and then put on detention.
    This buds for you democrats. Whhhah, whhhah.

    • I have a theory on that, the short version of it goes like this:

      Narcissists and megalomaniacs are drawn to politics like flies to turds. They seek the elitist spotlight – the attention, adulation, notoriety, and control that comes with the job.

      Now, who is most likely to be a narcissist and/or a megalomaniac?

      Libtards and Lefturds!

      Ergo, Washington is infested with these douche-bags!

      Barbara “respect me” Boxer and Nancy “The Wraith” Pelosi are like the poster children for “Narcissistic-Megalomaniacs (not-so) Anonymous!”


      • tgusa Says:

        Oh yeah, and by the way this is the kind of leadership democrats voted for. So really a case could be made that they should sit down stuff a pacifier in their mouthes and stfu. Elections have consequences, the dummies.

        • tgusa Says:

          Well that’s not exactly true, democrats believed that with their vote they were buying in to hopeychange, but what they bought is not what they have got.

  2. teach5 Says:

    Love the pointing finger, the fake outrage, that he has been inconvenienced be citizens who have the audacity to demand answers from their representatives. Get rid of him.

  3. teach5 Says:

    Don’t know if this will copy, but here goes…


  4. Weaver Says:

    These senators and congresscritters no longer care about hiding the fact that they think we live in a dictatorship. Debate is no longer allowed. As far as they are concerned we will all be obots or we will be crushed. I got news for them. NO MORE. vote them ALL out and start the process to bring them to trial for crimes against the United States.


  5. teach5 Says:

    Let’s have a big party at the Murtha airport–oh, wait…there’s nobody there, and the flights only go to DC. Well, we could, uh.well, we could…enjoy our gubmint subsidized flight with the 2 other passengers, right? Whaddya say? We just paid another $800.000 for a bright, shiny new runway paving.
    I know I want to be patriotic and pay more for anything Murtha wants. Don’t y’all???

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