Free Speech is Still Dead in the U.K.

Yup, take note of the UK, America!

With Obama and his fellow fascist Muhammad-suck-upping buddies running the show, your Right to Free Speech in America is also in jeopardy:

UK police arrest 6 men in suspected Quran burning
(AP – via Google News)

LONDON — British police say they have arrested six men on suspicion of stirring racial hatred after they posted a video on the Internet in which they appear to burn two Qurans on Sept. 11.

Northumbria police say the men posted bail and were released. They will face further court hearings for their actions in the town of Gateshead in northern England, police said in a statement.

The arrests were made public Thursday. Police say two men were arrested Sept. 15 and four on Sept. 22. Police would not say how much bail was required.

The arrests follow a controversy that started when a Florida pastor said he would burn a Quran on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Gateshead officials said Thursday that the behavior does not reflect community values.

Here’s the video:

WARNING: Graphic language not suitable for children!

Explore posts in the same categories: censorship, dhimmitude, Islam Sucks!, United Kingdom

6 Comments on “Free Speech is Still Dead in the U.K.”

  1. Most people don’t burn their Qurans because they don’t own one. Tell the Muslims to distribute free Qurans to all non-Muslims so we can all have something to burn.

  2. islams not for me Says:

    So its OK by the Brit Gov to arrest its citizens to burn a symbol of intolerance and hate and yet I wonder if the same UK Gov would arrest and deport any moslems who does the same to effigies of the ‘Crown’, The Holy Bible, Torah etc?

  3. Big Frank Says:

    This is an absolute disgrace considering that in 1215 it all started with the Magna Carta when political and civil liberties were granted by King John. This was the beginning of Western freedom and liberty. Now only to see rights denied by the Leftist/Socialist deviants in the UK government.

  4. tgusa Says:

    Everywhere muslims go the inquisition follows. The real nasty stuff has not started yet but give them time. UK leftists have turned into Father Fascist. What would Winston say? Never have so few destroyed the work of so many with such little effort in so little time.
    These UK leftists have managed to crap on hundreds of years of proud UK history and culture. They should be sentenced to transportation and given the boot for crimes against the people.

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