Egyptian Muzzies Blame Israel for Shark Attacks

More signs of sheer insanity and hatred from an already insane cult of murderous pedophiles:

Egypt: Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot

Egyptian officials say they have not ruled out the possibility that a fatal shark attack in Sinai on Sunday could have been a plot by the Mossad.

“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark [in the sea] to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,” South Sinai Gov.

Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha was quoted as saying by the Egyptian state news site

Israeli officials said the claims were too ludicrous to comment on. Israel has issued an advisory warning against travel to Sinai due to plots against Israelis by terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida.

The fatal shark attack in the Red Sea off the coast of the resort town of Sharm e-Sheikh killed a German tourist, just days after four Russians were mauled by sharks and Egypt declared that the waters were safe.

Experts said that despite announcements that Egypt had caught the shark, the one actually responsible for the maulings was still on the loose.

Sunday’s attack happened at Nama Bay when a shark bit off the arm of a snorkling German tourist. The woman reportedly died immediately, reports said.

The general manager of the Sharm e-Sheikh Marriott Hotel in Nama Bay, Nagy Arafat, told The Media Line that they closed the beaches until further notice.

“This is something I’ve never seen before. I have never had any sightings of sharks in the area and if we ever did, it was in the deep waters and not up on the beach,” Arafat said.

He stressed that the mood was “calm and cool.”

“We don’t see it affecting the tourism industry in any big way,” Arafat said.

But Aviv Levy, a shark expert and the curator of the Underwater Observatory Marine Park in Eilat, said the Egyptians usually engaged in “smoke screening” when it came to shark attacks.

“Something is very strange here. The Egyptians are trying to hide it,” Levy told The Media Line. “This is very bad news for the sharks. It was strange after the first attacks last week and now even more so.”

Egyptian authorities launched a hunt for sharks after four Russian swimmers were mauled at the Red Sea resort last week. Over the weekend, government conservation officials released photos of two captured sharks: an oceanic whitetip and a mako.

The mayor of Sharm e-Sheikh had announced that the beaches were reopened after authorities deemed that the sharks no longer posed a threat and that it was safe to go back into the waters. The sandy resort at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula is popular with European tourists and attracts over 3 million visitors a year.

Shousha speculated that the sharks in the deep sea could have become frenzied after a ship transporting livestock dumped dead sheep into the waters.

But Levy said they were more likely becoming bolder after overfishing forced them closer to shores.

“They are taking away their fishing places and there are less fish so they are spreading their range of searching for food.

This is when the sharks and humans meet,” Levy said. “But sharks usually recognize a person and turn around.”

According to Levy, attacks in the Gulf of Aqaba happen only once every couple of years and are very rarely fatal.

“When I heard they were going out to catch the sharks, I thought to myself that it’ll now be open season on sharks. It’s going to be difficult for them now. As it is, the shark population has been dwindling and we don’t see the big ones we used to anymore,” he said.

Michael Grubb and Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.

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13 Comments on “Egyptian Muzzies Blame Israel for Shark Attacks”

  1. Appalled By The World Says:

    It’s always the Jews’ fault. If they had all of the powers attributed to them we would be living in a Koran free world for the last 14 centuries.

  2. islams not for me Says:

    Exactly how is a shark attack Israels / the Jews fault? Somehow I doubt Israel has a bio-lab creating shark monsters (See: Deep blue sea) after all sharks are the least of the moslems problems.

  3. Leatherneck Says:

    A supernatural hate of the Arab peoples for the Jews is written about in the book of Ezekiel.

  4. tgusa Says:

    Ha, the shark attacks are only a diversion the Dolphins are gearing up to do the real damage. And I hear they have made a pact with the Killer Whales as well.

  5. PB-in-AL Says:

    Dr. B, that’s a great pic. LOL!

    TGUSA, apparently there are rumblings that even the giant squid will be coming up from the depths to make their “speech to power”.

    Maybe we just missed the fatwa that says that sharks are the pigs of the sea. So this is an excuse to wipe them out like they did the Copt’s pigs after the swine flu threat. That was blamed on the Jews too, wasn’t it?

    • PB-in-AL Says:

      You know, after typing out that silly little comment above, it just occurred to me why the left and the muzzies get on so well-ish:

      Neither of them can take any responsibility for their own failings or shortcomings, so blame someone else (the evil jooos, in the case of islam). Nor can they deal with the “sh*t happens” type of events. Those have to be blamed on someone as well, or at least used as an excuse to enact some ridiculous response. Whether that response is, in the case of the left, big-brother legislation and bureaucracy, or in the case of islam, an insane bloodlust to kill someone for “honor” or whatever approximates honor for them.

      What it amounts to, is that neither the left nor islam, taken as a whole ideology, are able to act as adults. They haven’t ideologically matured past about the age of 12.

    • tgusa Says:

      The giant squid? This is getting interesting I guess its time to wax up my acme fold out terroristic shark fin.

  6. islams not for me Says:

    The unfortunate pic reminds me of the following…

    “dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb,” (Jaws theme)

    Too bad you guys couldnt have made the ‘swimmer’ look like muhammad…

  7. Says:

    when you mention the pedophiles do you mean the Talmud that says sex with a girl before 6 years of age is ok?

    Or is it only Muslims that get your ire?

    Come on now — tell the truth [for once].

    • Ronin Says:

      Do you have any proof that the Jews like the muslims, have used their doctrine to push pedophilia into the modern world or is your question rhetorical?

      I could not tell if you are anti Jew or pro pedophilia, maybe you should elaborate.

  8. islams not for me Says:

    You mean like this political soldier…

    “The Talmud Does Not Permit Sex With A Three Year Old”
    “Written by Gil Student ”

    In other words I have yet to hear news stories about Othrodox Jews being allowed by thier texts for pedophilia and child abuse.

    But meanwhile is islam…

    Read thier hadiths and you find all sorts of interesting tidbits that are still practiced thanks to muhammad.

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