“Liberal” Talk Show Host Says the National Anthem is an Abomination and an Embarrassment

I put “Liberal” in quotes because most Libtards have at least a modicum of respect the National Anthem.  No, this guy isn’t a Libtard; he’s a straight-up Lefturd:

Mytheos Holt – The Blaze

Liberal talk show host Bill Press, perhaps best known for comparing Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally to “allowing Al Qaeda to hold a rally on September 11 at Ground Zero” while simultaneously bemoaning the “toxic” nature of talk radio and its destructive effects on civility, has let loose another doozy.

This time Press’s target is nothing less than the United States national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” which Press dislikes for several reasons, according to this clip from his show:

Press begins with a few semi-reasonable criticisms of the anthem for being musically difficult (or as he puts it, “un-singable”) because it employs a wider range of notes than most people can sing. However, as the transcript provided by the Radio Equalizer shows, he quickly descends from strictly musical complaints into a nasty dig at the lyrical content of the song, and especially its positive attitude towards Americans:

PRESS (11:31:( …But it’s an abomination. First it ranges two octaves most people can only do kind of one octave. I mean when you think about it, it’s bombs bursting in air rocket’s red glare it all kinds of, you know a lot of national anthems are that way, all kinds of military jargon and the land there’s only one phrase ‘the land of the free’ which is kind of nice and ‘the home of the brave?’ I don’t know.

OGBURN: I mean I get that part.

PRESS: Are we [Americans] the only ones who are brave on the planet? I mean all the brave people live here. I mean it’s just stupid I think. I’m embarrassed, I’m embarrassed every time I hear it.

Perhaps Press would prefer it if this were substituted:

Explore posts in the same categories: Leftists, Media Bias, patriotism

6 Comments on ““Liberal” Talk Show Host Says the National Anthem is an Abomination and an Embarrassment”

  1. Big Frank Says:

    Send this disgusting dirtbag to the ‘workers paradise’ of his choice.

  2. tgusa Says:

    Go home and have a good cry bill, whoever you are.

  3. Gonzo Says:

    Ahhh, yet another failure of the American education system.
    I guess he has forgotten the history of America and how life was back 250 years ago. I guess he is unaware of that cross Atlantic shipping was a very long and dangerous adventure. I guess he is unaware of the dangers presented to those who were getting ready to pack up and leave their home countries to come here. I guess he is unaware of the dangers that loomed once these brave trailblazers did arrive and shed the yoke of oppression from England. I guess he morbidly ignorant of the hardships that our Constitutional founding fathers endured at the hands of the Brits as America became the free nation that it is – the torture, murder, and beatings. I sincerely doubt that he would be brave enough to shoulder the burdens that our forefathers did.

    I believe that if he should feel ashamed about anything, it should be the ridiculous level of his own ignorance.

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  5. Big Frank Says:

    I watch this ‘Dear Leader’ worshiping bozo on Al Gores’ former anti American channel. I like to keep up with what the enemies of freedom and liberty are thinking.

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