Future Vice President Paul Ryan on Islamic Fascism

There certainly has been a plethora of articles coming out about Mittler R’omni’s VP pick, Paul Ryan.  However, I have yet to find one which addresses Congressman Ryan’s views on Islam.

Since I am very much interested in how he views Islam, I spent some time digging around and have settled upon an item he wrote back in 2006 concerning the phrase “Islamic Fascism.”  

The article gives one of the most comprehensive overviews of his mindset concerning Islam.

Although he, like Bush, Jr., is fatuously under the mistaken assumption that Islam has been hijacked by Islamic radicals, he certainly won’t be supporting the current regime’s politically correct blackout concerning the use of any terms which might describe the enemy as being Islamic:

Defining the Threat We Face
by Congressman Paul Ryan – via RyanForCongress

A debate has been raging about what to call our enemy – the terrorists and radical Muslim leaders who have committed themselves to bringing death and destruction to America, Israel, and allied democracies. President Bush has used the term “Islamic fascists” to describe the threat we face, while Senator Feingold argues that phrase is offensive and misleading. While I respect Russ and consider him a friend, I strongly disagree with his premise.

Words matter, especially when defining the multifaceted enemy that extends beyond national boundaries and operates as a network of jihadists waging war on the West. If we can’t even define what we are fighting against, how are we ever going to win? For this reason, we must strive to use the most accurate term – not necessarily the most politically correct one.

“Islamic fascism” expresses the essence of the violent, extremist, religion-driven movement that confronts us. Both words apply, but they must be used together in order to convey the proper meaning and make the crucial distinction between peaceful Muslims and the murderous extremists of al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and similar groups that distort Islam and seek to dominate or destroy those who disagree with them.

Although the term “fascist” has often been misused, carelessly or consciously, the traditional understanding of fascism as exemplified by Mussolini’s Italy, Nazi Germany, and Franco’s Spain is a governing philosophy that is totalitarian, imperialistic, and militaristic. Fascism rejects the governing system and modern society, is hierarchical, and pursues the subordination of the individual. It’s also fueled by racism, anti-Semitism, and resentment kindled by defeats or perceived loss of power.

Stephen Morris, a fellow at JohnsHopkinsUniversity’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, has written that fascism “refers to a revolutionary political mass movement or regime that aims to achieve national greatness by radically transforming political and social life with totalitarian rule and by a policy of imperial expansion. Fascist ideology is reactionary in that it aspires to re-create a mythical past.”

Those who lived in Afghanistan under the Taliban and those who experienced pre- and post-revolutionary Iran can testify to the radical transformation that occurs under such regimes, as well as the loss of personal freedom.

Although it is admittedly not a perfect comparison with past fascist regimes, today we can see in al Qaeda’s brutal actions and revealing statements the militancy; disregard for individual life, liberty, and established law; and appeal for the restoration of lost greatness that are characteristic of fascism. A statement by al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri on the war in Lebanon, posted this summer on a jihadist website, notes that: “The war with Israel is not about a treaty, a cease-fire agreement, Sykes-Picot borders, national zeal, or disputed borders. It is rather a jihad for the sake of God until the religion of God is established. It is a jihad for the liberation of Palestine, all Palestine, as well as every land that was a home for Islam, from Andalusia to Iraq. The whole world is an open field for us.”

In this declaration and others by radical Muslim groups we can see that we are dealing with a strain of fascism based on an explicitly religious ideology. This sets it apart from what we have observed in the past, where fascist regimes were rooted in nationalism rather than religion.

Whereas the old fascism glorified the state above all and directed its imperial drive toward increasing the state’s domain, the new variation seeks to confront and dominate those who don’t believe in its warped interpretation of Islam. In contrast to what we perceive as traditional fascist movements, its adherents work to establish an Islamic caliphate, rather than a primarily secular empire. This is why the modifier “Islamic” is necessary if we wish to be accurate.

“Islamic fascism” underscores that the militants’ ideology is explicitly religious, but it does not encompass most Muslims and should not be viewed as an indictment of their religion. Just as the term “Christian socialist” does not suggest that a majority of Christians embrace left-wing economic positions, the expression “Islamic fascist” doesn’t imply that most Muslims condone the extremist agenda of al Qaeda, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, or other reactionaries. In fact, the twisted portrayal of Islam that these radicals communicate to the world constitutes the true insult to faithful Muslims who respect life and cherish peace.

Despite this, a legitimate debate may occur over whether this particular nomenclature is good strategy. Some argue that the label could intensify misunderstanding of our goals in the Islamic world or estrange moderates. Some prefer Islamofascism or jihadist fascism. Nevertheless, this is a point of disagreement over the tactical value of the term, not a question of its accuracy or aptness.

I believe that failure to properly identify the enemy and grasp the magnitude of the threat posed by Islamic fascists will hinder our ability to defend ourselves. It will also hurt the cause of moderate Islamic nations striving for greater openness and democratization, including the emerging representative government in Iraq. These are militant Islam’s other targets, and we must make clear that we stand together with their peaceful citizens in defense of freedom – including the freedom to worship as a Sunni, Shi’a, Jew or Christian.

Explore posts in the same categories: politics, Radical Islam, Religion

16 Comments on “Future Vice President Paul Ryan on Islamic Fascism”

  1. The question I would have for the ‘vp’ is this…

    Is islam a theocratic system or religion?

    If he answers with ‘religion’ than it is obvious he knows nothing about islam as a religion because it is not a typical Western religion. It is a theocratic system that has already destroyed the Mid-east and now threatens the many Western nations where religions are many and yet no one religious system has a theocratic guv in any of them.

    • Sandra Says:

      He wrote this 6 years ago. We all thought this way then! Of course, those of us with even half a brain now know the danger is much more intense and problem rearing up right here in America with help from Obama and his minions. So, I’m sure his view has changed quite a bit since then the same as our have. This is a smart man!

  2. tgusa Says:

    We need to make the world safe for guys and girls to take a moonlight walk while holding hands!

    Is there really any question regarding the get along stuff?
    Good gosh.

  3. Big Frank Says:

    The the masses brainwashed by the liberal apologists in the MSM and the political class, and never questioning anything(heaven forbid that they should hurt someones feelings) always present this cutesy dignified image of Islam. We the enlightened know much better, all one has to do is observe the daily carnage perpetrated by the practitioners of ‘The Religion Of Peace’. They kill each other, they kill the’ unclean’ and ‘unholy’ Infidels for imagined insults or infractions of ‘their’ rules, in orgies of senseless violence. The diatribe and hatred of the Infidel is endless.

    • tgusa Says:

      Islam, its like having a maniac following you, for the rest of your life.
      The reddish-green menace, so many stalkers, so little time.

  4. tgusa Says:

    “Far from saving the works of the ancients, Islam all but annihilated them, even as it destroyed the advanced civilizations that created them.”
    Gates of Vienna;

    Alien apocalypse.


    Obviously, I’m no fan of the >1,000,000,000 Muzzies who inhabit the Earth. But unlike the current Administration Ryan, at least, recognizes the dangerous elements that they harbor.

  6. Paul collins Says:

    The war against Islam is on going until everyone admits that it is a war we will get no where

  7. Mike Says:

    The islamic jihad that seems to be the most threatening is the legal and stealth jihads; using our own liberal laws against us. How did groups like CAIR become so influential? They lie and intimidate like thugs.

  8. You might like my Paul ‘Bulldog’ Ryan campaign items here: http://www.cafepress.com/phillipscafe

  9. Samuel Says:

    To come to this post and read this article and the barrage of comments validating it, and all of them concentrating on “I Hate Islam do you hate it too!!” that just made my day..

    I’m a Muslim myself and I’m for instance don’t take any offence by all this hatred and bigoted rhetoric in this article because I think it doesn’t have any weight whatsoever rational-wise, logical-wise or even historical-wise.

    but I well say one thing, before ranting about a religion – and yes it’s a religion for all of you out there who think otherwise – before hating or attacking it, try to study it from its sources, not by the practice of some of its followers, because God knows if we link all the crimes and monstrous actions committed by followers of all faiths and even the ones without faiths we’ll end up hating all faiths and philosophies on earth.

    Therefore go home, try to look up some authentic sources about Islam and read them without any prejudges, then you can make up your mind whatever your opinion will be and only then you can comment on the religion of God.

  10. Well sammy

    It seems to me what moslems write and do are the biggest example of how islam is fatally flawed and that its religion AND Theocratic system isnt for everyone.

    And yes I’ve read the quran, and hadiths, read what you mosalems write online. It has nothing for me.

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