Muslims demand better Mohammed Cartoons

The minions were at it again, I guess the quality of the cartoons are not up to their high standards.

8 March 2008, Daily Times
ISLAMABAD: Demonstrations were held in all the country’s main cities on Friday to protest against the republication in Danish newspapers of a cartoon caricaturing the Pedophile Muhammad (Piss Be Upon Him), which caused outrage across the Islamic world two years ago.
-Ok, I admit it, I changed a few words for clarity.

Angry protesters torched effigies of the Danish premier and his country’s flag. They marched through streets across the country after Friday prayers, demanding the government snap diplomatic relations with Denmark, AFP adds.

The cartoon, one of 12 that prompted riots in many Muslim countries in 2006, was republished by a number of Danish papers — at least 17, according to AFP — last month to show solidarity with the cartoonist after three men were arrested on suspicion of plotting to kill him, said Reuters.

Rallies were held in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan and Quetta, where speakers demanded that the “blasphemers” be punished and Danish products be boycotted.

-I just don’t understand why they hate cartoons. I always liked Popeye especially the older ones where he fought in WW II. Muslims really should conduct some research, cartoons have always been used to ridicule evil. Mohammed worshipers should learn some tolerance.

In Islamabad, Jamaat-e-Islami chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed criticised the government for not taking the matter, AFP reported.

In Lahore, at five different points, hundreds of university and college students, joined by political leaders and workers of religious parties, held demonstrations, witnesses said.

The protesters sprinkled petrol on an effigy of the Danish prime minister wrapped in his country’s flag and set it alight amid chants of “Hang the cartoonist” and “Expel the Danish ambassador”.

“We condemn the reprinting of the blasphemous cartoons which hurt Muslim sentiments across the world. The Danish government has not taken this issue seriously,” cleric Mukhtar Ashraf told the rally.
-I have a hard time taking it seriously.

In Karachi, a strike call was issued by various religious and political groups, and endorsed by the business community in Karachi. Shops closed and public transport was sparse, but banks and most offices remained open.

“By observing this strike, the trader community has expressed its deep anger and dislike of those who committed blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him],” said Atiq Mir, chairman of the Alliance of Market Associations Karachi.

In Multan, angry protesters also chanted slogans against Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders for producing an anti-Islam film, Reuters said.
-The film has yet to be aired how do they know it is anti islam?

“We demand the Danish authorities punish the blasphemers, or we will take revenge ourselves,” an Islamist leader, Mufti Hidayatullah, told some 400 students in Multan, according to AFP.

In Quetta, around 1,000 people, including religious school students, took to the streets. Addressing a demonstration, former provincial health minister Hafiz Hamidullah said the cartoon was an attempt to incite Muslims to violence.
–Ok, cartoons piss muslims off, I got it. Now explain the other 1300 years of muslim violence.

“If the West is not involved, it should ban such publications and the Muslim world should take a joint stand to foil such acts in future,” he added.

Last month, the Danish envoy in Islamabad was asked to the Foreign Office, where Pakistani officials lodged a “strong protest” over the republication of the cartoon in Denmark. At least 50 people were killed, including five in Pakistan, in the violence that rocked Muslim countries in 2006, as protests over the cartoons, first published in late 2005, turned violent, Reuters adds. agencies

Explore posts in the same categories: Denmark, Islamo-Nazis, protest, Radical Islam

9 Comments on “Muslims demand better Mohammed Cartoons”

  1. Ronin,

    That title just had me cracking up!


  2. Ronin Says:

    I do what I can to find muslims funny. It keeps me from throwing up in discust.

  3. nanayiraq Says:

    this is not nice alaslam who love is my heart and you in hill

  4. nanayiraq Says:

    down down danmerk in hill

  5. Ronin Says:

    I hope you get to meet your pedophile king in hill, minion

  6. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Muslims go on a rampage over cartoons of the lecherous old rockspider Mo, yet think nothing of parading with blasphemous banners proclaiming that “Jesus is the slave of Allah”. Hill is hell, nanayiraq – don’t go!

  7. Ezra Says:

    Ronin you are brilliant I too have been highly amused by your banter. How can anyone take these clowns seriously. 50 people killed the last time this happened and our friend from Iraq saying that Moe’s love is his heart. Isn’t it the Mo lovers who are blowing his people and country to pieces, these people are demented.

  8. Ronin Says:


    Thanks for the kind words. I used to argue with muslim visitors using logic and patience. I’d occasionally use koranic verses to prove a point but all the muslims did was claim advanced knowledge (which they could not produce) and that I didn’t understand the koran.

    Now I am aware of da’wa and the other islamic tricks but defending against them gets old and I have found muslims only capable of using the drivel that has been brainwashed into their memory. There are none that seem capable of independent open mined thought.

    So now I use what muslims understand and deserve, laughter, scorn and ridicule.

    I find it works better that logic and the readership seems to agree. Showing how ridiculous the apologists excuses of islam really are doesn’t require anything more than common sense and an in their face type of attitude. I have been blessed with both.


  9. Blackdog Says:

    I heard that the reason that the islamnazi’s don’t want Jews in the temple mount is because 1300 years ago, some jews drew funny cartoons of mohammed on the walls.

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