Whining muslims demand economic boycott of European states

Once again, muslim crybabies make threats because their feeling were hurt. It seems recognizing the pedophile mohammed as a murderous scumbag pisses them off. Now I think an economic boycott should be called what it is BLACKMAIL. I also think muslims are weak. You want to really hurt the EU? Go home, that’s right all of you leave.

Don’t sell this idea short. Europeans have taxed themselves poor with liberal policies and the result was families were forced to have even smaller families to make ends meet. Smaller families meant lower tax base, forcing policies that are even more liberal. Immigration was touted as the answer. Let more people in and they will be taxed and take care of the elderly population. Now we know the result, muslims came and chaos resulted. Now muslims stupidly think they can live in Europe and not spend money. The answer is easier, leave, go home. Let the elderly Europeans die off and return in twenty years.

When you return you can hang onto your seventh century pedophile king and no one will care.

May 04, 2008, The International News
Leaders of various religious organisations have demanded complete economic boycott of those European countries whose governments had been patronising their people and media organisations involved in the brazen and recurring acts of blasphemy.

They were speaking at a rally held on Saturday to uphold the sanctity and honour of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The rally was organised by the Tahafuz-e-Namoos Risalat (PBUH) Committee and the participants marched from Numaish roundabout to Tibet Centre.

It was largely attended by the leaders and followers of Ahl-e-Sunnat organizations.

The rally demanded of the newly formed government to immediately implement the recently tabled resolution in National Assembly against the insulting caricatures and other blasphemous activities of various European countries.

The leaders also lamented the indifference of United Nations, Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and Arab League towards the issue of re-printing of blasphemous caricatures by a section of European press.

Speaking to the rally participants, central Amir of Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat Prof Syed Mazhar Saeed Kazmi congratulated the people of Karachi for their overwhelming participation in the rally to uphold the sanctity of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and announced that the party would observe 2008 as the year of Tahafuz-e-Namoos Risalat (PBUH).

He said that the Ahl-e-Sunnat organisations would soon launch a campaign by holding rallies, demonstrations and seminars across the country to denounce anti-Islam and anti-Qura’an activities of certain European countries.

Central Nazim-e-Aala of Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat Syed Riaz Hussain Shah said that the countries and governments, which had been patronising and protecting the people and organisations committing blasphemous acts, were in fact the brazen terrorists of the present day world.

Syed Mazhar said that the OIC should streamline the Ummah to combat anti-Islam activities and policies brazenly adopted by the western world as well as challenging the economic supremacy and might of European nations having serious grudge against the Muslims.

He said that the followers of Islam and last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) around the world would continue protesting unabated till the states, peoples and organisations committing blasphemous acts were taken to task.

Leader of Markazi Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan Sahibzada Fazl Karim MNA urged the leadership of OIC and Arab League to use their oil reserves as a weapon against the so-called civilized countries whose media and legislators had no regard for the sentiments of millions of Muslims around the world.

He demanded of the newly formed government to immediately act upon the National Assembly’s resolution against blasphemous acts by European nations or else be ready to face the protest of the people to this effect.

Haji Muhammad Hanif Tayyab said that the rulers of Muslim countries should gain courage and strength to give a befitting and stern diplomatic response against the recurring acts of blasphemy by the European media.

Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain, a renowned television personality associated with the Geo Television, condemned the posting of an American army official as the military attachÈ to the US Embassy in Islamabad who had been accused of ordering the desecration of Holy Qur’an at the Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) and Abu Ghuraib (Iraq) prisons.

Explore posts in the same categories: dhimmitude, politics, Radical Islam

4 Comments on “Whining muslims demand economic boycott of European states”

  1. ישוע Says:

    Wow!!! you’re so obsessed with Islam!
    Why don’t you just convert? :))

  2. islams not for me Says:

    Of course the moslems are going to protest non muslims ‘blaspheming’ thier god muhammad. After all he is the REAL creator of islam not God himself….

    And as for you ‘isa’ no one is fooled by your ‘dahwah’ here. The islamic system is rotten to its core.

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