Russia takes control of South Ossetian capital and continues its genocide.

Once again Russia is the aggressor and attempting to force their will on free peoples. They are as always prepared to murder anyone who gets in the way. The Soviet Union may be gone but the mentality remains.

The Useless Nations should prepare a war crimes tribunal; they are going to need it.

James Kilner , 10 August, 2008, Reuters
ERGNETI, Georgia — Russian troops took most of the capital of the separatist Georgian region of South Ossetia on Sunday after a three-day battle but the United States condemned Moscow’s “dangerous and disproportionate” action.

Russia poured troops and tanks across its southern border into tiny Georgia and bombed Georgian targets after Tbilisi attempted on Thursday evening to retake South Ossetia, a small pro-Russian province which broke away from Georgia in the 1990s.

The rapidly escalating crisis has alarmed the United States, Georgia’s main ally, and unnerved investors in Russia, who sold stocks and the rouble heavily on Friday on concerns that the conflict could spiral.
-One break away province will not settle Russian blood lust. This will continue and grow.

Russian officials said they had taken control on Sunday of most of Tskhinvali, the South Ossetian capital, which has been devastated by intense fighting.

“As of today most of the city (Tskhinvali) is controlled by Russian peacekeeping forces,”Colonel-General Anatoly Nagovitsyn of the Russian General Staff, told an official briefing in Moscow.
-Peacekeepers are invited in by both sides and are comparatively lightly armed so as not to threaten the opposing sides. They also remain neutral. What the Russian military is doing is called “peace enforcement” which is where a superior force settles a region by force of arms. One side see the troops as heroes and one as invaders.

Georgia confirmed it was pulling back its forces from the town. The secretary of Georgia’s National Security Council, Kakha Lomaia, told reporters “military commanders have made their decision to pull back from Tskhinvali this morning.”

Viewed from the town of Gori inside Georgian-controlled territory, Tskhinvali appeared to be quiet. A Reuters correspondent reported hearing only one burst of what sounded like artillery fire from near Tskhinvali.

A Georgian convoy of troops and artillery left South Ossetia through Ergneti, a village just inside Georgian-held territory south of Tskhinvali, but Lomaia said Georgian forces were still fighting inside South Ossetia and had not been defeated.


The White House deplored Russia’s military action, which included bombing raids on at least three Georgian targets outside South Ossetia.
-A polite way to say they are murdering civilians and committing genocide.

President George W. Bush’s deputy national security adviser James Jeffrey told reporters in Beijing where the president was attending the Olympics that Moscow’s actions could have a “significant long-term impact” on relations.
-I wish that were true, Russia should be punished for this.

“We deplore the dangerous and disproportionate actions by Russian forces and we would be particularly troubled if these attacks are continuing now as the Georgians are pulling back,” he said.

Pope Benedict called for an immediate halt to the fighting, expressing “profound anguish” that the violence had caused many innocent victims and forced many civilians to leave their homes.

Russian officials said the death toll in fighting that began on Thursday stood at 2,000. Georgia said on Friday that it had lost up to 300 people killed, mainly civilians.

“It is my dearest hope that military action will stop immediately and that they will abstain, in the name of their common Christian inheritance, from further clashes and violence,” the pontiff said in his Sunday Angelus address.

Georgia and Russia are both Orthodox Christian nations, although they have separate national churches.
-A blatant lie. Russia has orthodox Christians but they are not governed by them and Russia is not a Christian nation.

Russian television showed what it said were pictures from Tskhinvali of burnt-out buildings, wounded civilians receiving medical treatment in dingy basements and crying mothers complaining of a lack of food and water.
-Liveleak has a few videos showing the real targets are people not infrastructure. If the Russian military is really that bad of shots this would be over already.

“The Georgian tanks fired at everything they saw, including women and children,” one male witness said after his evacuation over the border to the Russian region of North Ossetia.
-Which normally happens when poorly trained and led troops are placed in harms way. They are forced to fight for a cause they know is wrong, lose a few friends and panic sets in. Genocide is the result.

A female evacuee clutching her two children said she feared the worst for her husband. “It’s so difficult to be here and know my husband is still in South Ossetia, every moment I fear the worst will happen, she said.


In Geneva, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres expressed grave concern over the plight of thousands of civilians caught up in fighting in and around South Ossetia, a region of 70,000 people.

Underlining his paramount role in the Russian leadership, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin cut short his visit to the Beijing Olympics and flew on Saturday to a field hospital in North Ossetia, visiting wounded troops and evacuees, and denouncing what he termed Georgia’s “crimes against its own people.”
-While ignoring the crimes his own troops committed. Putin is almost low enough to make a mullah happy.

Russian television later showed Putin briefing President Dmitry Medvedev at the Kremlin on the trip.

Medvedev, who has taken a back seat in the handling of the crisis, said little and looked uncomfortable as Putin expounded at length on the situation, detailing what needed to be done.
-Putin probably mentioned the phrase “scorched earth”

Potentially widening the conflict, the leader of Abkhazia, a second pro-Russian breakaway Georgian region, said on Sunday he had ordered 1,000 troops to push Georgian forces out of part of his territory and called up reservists.

Georgia quickly denounced what it termed “new aggression” prepared by Moscow in Abkhazia, a strip of land along the Black Sea coast which broke away from Georgian control at about the same time as South Ossetia.

In a statement, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was profoundly concerned over mounting tensions in Abkhazia.
-Like I said this will continue to grow.

Russia’s navy also entered the conflict, deploying a small group of ships off Georgia’s Black Sea coast. There was no official comment on their mission but the Interfax news agency said they would prevent weapons and military equipment reaching Georgia by sea.
-May the water turn red with the blood of dead Russians. (I already picked my side in this)

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38 Comments on “Russia takes control of South Ossetian capital and continues its genocide.”

  1. Che Says:

    Thanks for sharing your opinion on the issue.
    That’s certainly up to you to decide what is paranoid or not, but we’ve been listening to Saak. for the last several years. This man is crazy and mentally unbalanced. If we start analyzing his quote, it will take weeks.

    “But, putting all that aside, I found it very interesting that Russia already had her military forces ready to roll when Georgian forces went into Ossetia… VERY telling…”

    – it was 58-th army, based in that region., which has bad, but still usable road infrastructure. So, deploying a couple of tank columns and mobile artillery is not a big deal.

    And about Pravda….
    “…after the savage, brutal, criminal attack by Georgia on South Ossetia…”

    – is that untrue? Killing 1500 (or even) people overnight and destroying a civilian city should be characterized somehow else?

    “…the back stabbing Georgians…”
    – No, they are real gentlemen – Saak. declares readiness for peace and negotiations and three hours after does the stated above. You know what Grad is.

    “Georgia’s desperate gamble has exploded in their faces.”
    – Actually, yes. They did gamble, showed how violent and treacherous they are and lost.

    “In a display of cowboy bravado, Georgia also announced that their contingent in Iraq would be withdrawn, ostensibly to be available for such as the one of Friday morning.”
    – what they did REALLY was incursions and murderous rampages. You didn’t like cowboy bravado phrase?

    And, oh yeah, the Anti-West angle – this time taking a stab at Israel,
    “Also noteworthy is the fact that Georgian tanks and infantry were being aided by Israeli advisors, a true indicator that this conflict was instigated by outside forces.”
    – yeah, that’s not completely true. I would correct it to US advisors. Israelis admitted our cooperation , when we halted arms deals with Lebanon, and finally backed out from Georgia. Though recently.

    And my personal favorite,
    “So at long last, the soldiers of civilization and peace, the Russian Army, has moved in to push back the invaders.”
    – What’s so untrue about that?. Russian soldriers did bring peace and civilization to Tshinvaly.

    Is the United States to blame? Sure. We are to blame for not warning Georgia of the massive military build up along her borders! –
    There was no massive military build up. Read the above. And it’s United States to blame. Your country armed and instructed a crazy regime.

    I’ll rephrase you.
    More credible is that the Georgians asked the White House for help a couple months ago, and the White House began planning this out long in advance. When everything was in place, Georgia began goading the Osetian troops…
    and from me – by constantly shooting and provoking them. You guys just didn’t keep track of the events fro the last couple years.

    “Was Georgia committing Genocide in Ossetia? I don’t know for sure”
    – I don’t know either, for I’am not sure what a genocide is. But bombing a sleeping city and killing so many people is very-very bad, and requires a hard line reaction.

    “I do know that it takes more than 12 hours before news of a supposed genocide makes it to the Kremlin, then approval is given for a military solution, plans are drawn up, troops and equipment are made ready and moved into position (two divisions moved over the mountains overnight? No frackin’ way! ), targets are carefully chosen for the aerial bombers and fighters, organizing and positioning a naval blockade etc. etc. “
    – If things go under direct control of the President, believe me, things go much faster.

    “South Ossetia is considered by many to be part of Georgia. Just because they want to secede from Georgia and align with Russia does not mean that Georgia didn’t have any authority here.” –
    – I agree on that, but all these could be solved peacefully.

    “The United States had its own Civil War in which the South wanted to secede from the union, and we were within our rights to fight the secessionists.
    So, Georgia was within her rights.”
    – Now it’s within it’s wrongs.

    And, believe it or not, I think that Russia is within her rights to come to the aid of Ossetia in helping her to secede from Georgia, just as when France came to our aid when we were fighting against England during the American Revolution.
    “But, these allegations of genocide as a pretense for Russia to enter the conflict between Georgia and the Ossetians is just a bunch of bullshit.”
    -defending people, among whom many were Russian citizens is not a bullshit for a selfrespecting country. US would do the same in a similar situation, but it wouldn’t blamed as agressor.

    “Russia should just grow a set of balls and quit trying to play the blame game – blaming the U.S. for helping Georgia commit acts of genocide, blaming the West for not reporting the truth, etc. etc.”
    – cant agree on that, sorry. The US did help, maybe not directly.

    “Sheesh! Get over it! The Kremlin uses just about any excuse it can to foment hatred of the West. I find that to be sad, really, as the U.S. really did want to become friends with Russia, but Putin and his KGB/FSB cronies played our good natured gestures for foolishness and have indoctrinated a whole new generation of Russians (via the Nashi) to hate America.”

    – Sheesh! Get over it! The White House uses just about any excuse it can to foment hatred of Russia. I find that to be sad, really, as Russia really did want to become friends with the US, but ….. your cronies structure is more complicated…… played our good natured gestures for foolishness and have indoctrinated a whole new generation of Americans to hate Russia.
    Unfortunately that’s’ the reality I see.

    “Now, I do think that Russia overstepped her bounds in moving its military out of Ossetia and into the heart of Georgia. That was just a bunch of one-upmanship to show off Russia’s power. We all know that Russia is a great military complex and can more than easily create a lunar landscape out of Georgia with just a flick of its wrist.”
    – we almost withdrew our troops.

    “According to Saakashvili, “More than 1,200 tanks, more than 300 planes, and more than 100 helicopters have entered our small territory.”
    – I wouldn’t give credit to his words. It’s all BS. He is a paranoic and a lyer. I can do nothing about it. Can you really imagine that quantity, 1200 tanks? It would be a tank traffic jam! 120 – maybe.

    “Okay, so Russia has made her point. If she is wise, she’ll back out of Georgia – continued occupation will only lead to an attack from the West”
    – that’s what we are doing.

    “And, we did note that the bombs dropped on Georgia had inscription on them: “This is for America. This is for NATO. This is for Bush.”
    – I can understand what was on the heart or those who wrote it. Your government did the best to make people right it.

    Anyway, I hope all is well with you, your wife, and the little Russkies. Tell them I said, “Hi.”
    – Thanks. I hope you baby daughter and wife are OK too.

    Sorry for a bit messy answer. My wife urges me to go to have breakfast.

  2. Akira Says:

    Re: “I found it very interesting that Russia already had her military forces ready to roll”

    Yeah, imagine that, a Russian division based near Beslan, and on the borders of Ingushetia, Chechnya and Crazy Georgia, all ready to roll.

    Why that’s the most bizarre thing i ever heard of!

  3. Akira Says:

    Re: ““The United States had its own Civil War in which the South wanted to secede from the union, and we were within our rights to fight the secessionists. So, Georgia was within her rights.””

    Did South Ossetians choose to form a union with Georgia, as the Southern States form a union with the Northern States?


    They were a “gift” from Stalin, a Georgian.

  4. Akira Says:

    Re: ““South Ossetia is considered by many to be part of Georgia. Just because they want to secede from Georgia and align with Russia does not mean that Georgia didn’t have any authority here.”

    Do you get it that after Bosnia, and especially after Kosovo, especially after violating UN SC res. 1244 (which was passed by the US itself!) the US has ZERO credibility talking about respecting “the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation and a UN member state.”

    Credibility: ZERO!


  5. Here’s a security cam video of some of those, “soldiers of civilization and peace,” looting a bank in Georgia:


  6. Che Says:

    No, this is an example of a fact manipulation. It says “Russian soldiers” and “Russian troops” in the title. From their appearance I have serious doubts that those men are russians and that they are soldriers of any army. They have no insignia, only white bands on the left arms, unshaved, grown hair and pants over boots. And nothing about their identity says in the text. But yes, gerogians and their western puppet masters want them to Russians. Georgians say, that those men are russians and the flock beleives it.

  7. Che,

    Yeah, I knew you would say that. But, I figured I’d mess with you anyway. You can thank me later.


  8. Che Says:

    And watch that. As soon as the woman tells the unpleasant truth about Saak., the host goes to a commercial. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe…

    And here

    the shooting was actually done by georgians over Tshinvaly.

    It is is easy to create opinions using truth wisely by parts with a little teaspoon of lye…

  9. Che,

    Yeah, that first video was VERY interesting… She was from San Francisco, eh? That figures…


  10. Che Says:

    What is about S.F. here? As I understood she visted relatives in Tsh.

  11. Che,

    San Francisco is about as far Left and Liberal a city as there ever was…

    But, I don’t discount her perception of events. She just came across as overly bellicose.


  12. Che Says:

    I don’t think perception of things has anything to do with Leftism and Liberality. You see what you see and you fear what you fear.

    Будь здоров

  13. Che Says:

    Doc, this two ares funny – Saak. eating his own tye and being chased by his bodyguards. It’s either they are too slow or shit was scared out of him.

    You guys know whom to make friends with!

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