Russia May Have Secured IDF’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Passed the Technology on to Iran During Invasion of Georgia

This is VERY alarming news and has major military and political implications.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  Putin is pure EVIL!!!

Russian units raid Georgian airfields for use in Israeli strike against Iran – report
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 5, 2008

The raids were disclosed by UPI chief editor Arnaud de Borchgrave, who is also on the Washington Times staff, and picked up by the Iranian Fars news agency. The Russian raids of two Georgian airfields, which Tbilisi had allowed Israel to use for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, followed the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia on Aug. 7.

Under the secret agreement with Georgia, the airfields had been earmarked for use by Israeli fighter-bombers taking off to strike Iran in return for training and arms supplies.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that flying from S. Georgia over the Caspian Sea to Iran would sharply trim the distance to be spanned by Israeli fighter-bombers, reducing flying time to 3.5 hours.

Northern Iran and the Tehran region, where most of the nuclear facilities are concentrated, would be within range, with no need to request US permission to pass through Iraq air space.

Russian Special Forces also raided other Israeli facilities in southern Georgia and captured Israeli spy drones, says the report.

Israel was said to have used the two airfields to “conduct recon flights over southern Russia as well as into nearby Iran.” The US intelligence sources quoted by UPI reported that the Russian force also carried home other Israeli military equipment captured at the air bases.

Our sources say that if the Russians got hold of an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle complete with sophisticated electronic reconnaissance equipment, they will have secured some of the IDF’s most secret devices for spying on Iran and Syria.

When this happened before, Russian military engineers quickly dismantled the equipment, studied it and passed the technology on to Tehran and Damascus.

Explore posts in the same categories: Cold War II, Iran, Israel, politics, Russian Connection, Technology

8 Comments on “Russia May Have Secured IDF’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Passed the Technology on to Iran During Invasion of Georgia”

  1. yonason Says:


    DAMNED TRAITOR! Now we know.

  2. yonason Says:

    In german “Krankheit” means “sickness” and oh how profoundly true that is in this case.

  3. yonason Says:


    In cahoots with their Arab surrogates in the M.E. and the Walter Sicknesses here at home, they pretend they are for peace but goose step to war.

    America isn’t the same now as it was before the last two world wars. True, we are mightier than ever, but the Leftists dry rot has eaten away much of what was there. If McCain/Palin aren’t successful, then America is in serious jeopardy.

  4. "islamophobia"=BS Says:

    The Russians have been a big disappointment. Their love of Iran (who most likely loves them as much as they do the US) is insanely shortsided.

  5. yonason Says:

    “…insanely shortsided…”

    All really bad people are.

  6. "islamophobia"=BS Says:

    I hope when Iran is finally dealt with the US remembers the fallen regime’s buddies and treats them with the contempt they deserve.

  7. Russian Bull Says:

    Cool. Putin is a genius. Sheer genius. Makes old GW look like a retarded farm kid who got kicked in the head by a horse.

  8. Ronin Says:

    Any captured technology will be rendered useless along with the entire infrastructure of iran. Russia did not help iran they just made the targeting grid wider. None of the high-tech weapons systems already owned by iran would even work without Russian workers maintaining them. Soon those workers will earn a new title “collateral damage”.

    NATO needs to prepare themselves for additional land grabs. The Russians will use the elimination of the iranian state as an excuse to attack Europe.

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