Berg vs. Obama – The Video

We have been covering the case against Barack Obama in which he is fighting desperately to hide his birth certificate and records of Citizenship.  For those who only get their news through the Communist News Network (CNN) and are unaware of what this is all about; Obama was adopted by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and so Obama’s U.S. citizenship is in question.

You can read more about this by CLICKING HERE

This was posted today on The American Thinker:

You can read the article from The American Thinker by CLICKING HERE

Explore posts in the same categories: Justice System, politics, video

9 Comments on “Berg vs. Obama – The Video”

  1. Gramfan Says:

    A bit OT but I found this piece by someone who has actually been polled:

    NOTE: We received the below from a mother in Colorado who was recently polled. She describes how the poll was conducted, what questions were asked, and how her poll was differentiated (how the pollster recorded her vote). We’ve never heard from anyone who’s been polled directly before, but if this is how the polls are actually conducted and recorded, we now understand why SoetorObama did 15% worse in some states during the primaries than what he was polled as.

    Dear HillBuzz,

    OK, well I got polled and now I am pissed.

    We just moved back to CO and I registered as an Independent. I think that is the reason I got the call.

    Here is how it went – they called when my 10 month old was upset so I told them not right now. She said she just wanted a few questions and didn’t mind my son being upset. I said fine.

    She NEVER asked me WHO I supported. She asked this question first –

    1. Do you support lower taxes to help the economy recover. – of course, I said yes.

    2. Did I support our initial ‘invasion’ of Iraq. She emphasized that this wasn’t about the surge or supporting the troops now, just did I believe we should have been there in the first place. I said No, I didn’t really think now was the time to have gone in.

    At that point I asked her why she didn’t just ask me who I supported. She said that the polling company didn’t want partisanship they believed that a person’s opinion on the issues reveals who they will vote for.

    So I asked her who my answers revealed I would vote for.

    She said I was put in the supporting Obama category…………..

    What the hell. I told her NO, I am supporting McCain. She then said that because I wanted lower taxes I fit with Obama’s economic plan…LMAO and because I didn’t really thing we should have gone into Irag that I supported Obama’s foreign policy plan……..LMAO again (I am short on A$$ right now 🙂

    I told her the premise of the questions were false and misleading due to the fact that I did not believe Obama would lower taxes. She also didn’t ask my income bracket to verify where in his plan I fall to determine my answer. Even if you use Obama’s so called plan, if I was rich, then I would lean McCain by wanting lower taxes. I told her that Obama’s plan does not include taxes lower than McCain’s in any category.

    I literally laughed at the foreign policy question. I said, first your premise is based on hindsight which is 20/20. Two respectable democrats viewed the same flawed intelligence to make their decision. Hillary and others voted to support and start the Iraq War. I think the issue isn’t Bush, the Repubs or Democrats it is the faulty intelligence that came in and the climate of fear in America at the time. However, just because I believe that Iraq was not a good idea does not lend support to Obama because you can’t change history. He wasn’t given an opportunity to vote on Iraq because he was still in the state senate. He might have voted present or yes to the war we really don’t know. He was not privy to the intelligence. He stance and record since the war began and Obama’s view has appauling. I told her to mark me down for McCain and she said she would have to discuss it with her superviser due to my answers to the questions………..


    If this is how polling is going then of course Obama is ahead. I am still pissed. I have zero faith in polling or the MSM these days.

    Colorado Mom”

    If this is true goodness only knows what is going to happen with this election.

  2. notalldum Says:

    Now, just who the devil made up this type poll? I haven’t been polled either.
    Talk about “snaky”…er… “sneaky” ways to dupe the American people, this is one of the all-time greats. So, if we get called, hang up

    Thanks, Gramfan. You always come forth with the best of info.
    Thanks to your friend, too.

  3. Gramfan Says:


    I hope it’s true, but we have no real way of knowing that.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Here’s a good piece about ACORN.

  4. ciccio Says:

    I shall go down with my ship! I still think the Kenyan citizenship, remember, it was first brought up by Obama, is a massive red herring to detract for the actual Indonesian citizenship. he could not have entered Pakistan as a US citizen in those times. I suspect that eventually he will show his genuine Hawaiian birth certificate and condemn all other questions as racism, Republican hatred and spite.

  5. notalldum Says:

    Okay ciccio, I really believe you want us to be a socialist/communist United States of America.
    You’ve had more than ample evidence shown the past months. You make yourself sound suspiciously like one of his Islam /socialist/communist friends.

    Wake up and smell the manure!

  6. ciccio Says:

    Notalldum, I have seen the evidence, there is none. There is innuendo, suspicions and rumours. There is no evidence as yet. I lost a factory to communism, I lost my livelihood to socialism, believe you me, I know both systems better than you will ever know. I also happen to know not only British law, but how it was applied in the colonies. It so happens that I was living in Kenya at the time Obama was born, wherever that may have been, I too know that Obama would never have been granted Kenyan citizenship. At the time the absolute disgrace, the one and only no-no would have been for a white woman to give birth to a half-caste. This was during the Mau Mau rebellion, which was mainly a Kikuyu affair, but the Luos were viewed with almost equal suspicion
    I stand by what I have said in the past, had his mother given birth in Kenya, the authorities at the time would would have viewed it as a trollop American tourist giving birth to a half-cast bastard. She would have been shipped out of the country pretty quickly. I suggest you delete the not from your nom de plume..

  7. notalldum & ciccio,


    You two play nice, now. Okay?

    Don’t make me get “the Belt!”


  8. Thanks for posting this video. I posted it at my blog yesterday at 4:29 PM and also linked it at Real Clear Politics. Some time between 10:30 and 11:00 PM it was SCRUBBED from the RCP website. Concerned citizens MUST keep this video in the public eye.

    It is troubling that Obama’s campaign doesn’t care if we find out about his association with ACORN, his support of infanticide or his deep connections with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers but they go to great lengths to quash any reference to his birth certificate.

    Why won’t Obama provide a “vault” copy of this birth certificate? What is being hidden from the American public? Let’s stand guard over liberty together.

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